Why do I mostly see FECC trucks in Layover.


Expert Expediter
I am a contractor with FECC, it occurred to me that when I pull into a truck stop and it doesn't seem to matter where it is, I almost always will find another FECC truck. I almost never see a panther II straight truck, I occasionally see Landstar, but most of the time there is an FECC truck.

This makes me a little nervous especially since things have slowed down so much. Has panther II snatched all the business or what.

I drive a 'D' unit by the way.

By the way I do see alot of P-2 vans sitting.


Expert Expediter
Easytrader I would get scared to if it was everytime you pull into a T/S and find 10 to 20 or more FECC trucks,But 1 or 2 no problem.When I was driving I'd see Panther ll and landstar along with tri state and others its just these trucks have to go somewhere for a layover or shower or to eat...P.S. its slow all over I think.Keep safe...


Not a Member
Don't get the ole underwear up in knots - I drive for Panther and can pull into any truck stop and see some of Panther's trucks there, Tri-State, FedEx, etc.
Like the other post said - we all have to go somewhere to shower, eat and relax and with all the BS we get for stopping and parking at malls or WalMarts we mostly all head to the truck stops.
Now, if you pull in there and see two or three of your trucks sitting and you are all there the next day - maybe you should worry. I have been driving for Panther for about three months now and can honestly say - our trucks really don't sit very long at all.
I sit as long as I want but the company has kept me running everyday I am willing to take a load - and they have all been decent loads to boot!

Fort Wayne
Stop The Mexican Truckers!


Veteran Expediter
It does not matter if you see them when you get there, it matters if they stay there when you get up in the morning.

I watch a lot when I park and it is funny that 4 FedEx trucks (beside mine) are parked when I go to bed but I am the only one or one of two that are left in the morning.

The same goes for Panther and TS.


Veteran Expediter
Easyrider,it all depends where you are,if your in a really good area, you will see more trucks, as more are needed.Its funny i hardly ever see any fecc trucks layed over,but lots of the other companies,especially landstar,but thats cause they have so many trucks


Veteran Expediter
Nope you are right PII has taken almost all of your freight customers. You might as well switch over to PII now before the rush.


Expert Expediter
I have the same "wonderings" as I look at the classifieds here and see so many fe x trucks for sale. I'll just assume you are all making so much money that you are upgrading. As for parked Landstars, nobody told me I was allowed to stop;) ;)


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
In addition to the truck sales adds, one can look at the team/driver ads in the EO classifieds. If things are slow at a given company, you tend to see owner ads show up in order to replace drivers that have left. If they are new trucks, it might be someone expanding, but a quick look isn't showing too many new rides.

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