I`ve been asking that question for years. In the early days the corporate thinking was that new trucks break down less, and most carriers will pay your towing bill if you break down under load. So that makes it a dollars and sense issue, right? Wrong! All carriers that I know of want to inspect your vehicle when you sign on, to be sure it`s roadworthy according to their standards. I don`t care if you bring in an out of the showroom all the bells and whistles wagon, or a good, solid, well maintained older truck. Any mechanic worth his salt can do an inspection, and pretty much tell the truck owner and the company what kind of shape the vehicle is in, highlighting the parts that break down the most. We as drivers, should know something about trucks, and we should know that good maintenance is the bottom line for our equipment. We also know about the parts that will break the most frequently, like clutches, and clutch cables, brakes, and hoses, airbags etc. The engine and drive train break down rarely in comparison, but it happens, and it happens on all trucks. It`s usually some peripheral, or obscure part that causes the breakdown, and it can happen on ANY age truck. In general service, a well maintained vehicle has probably an equal chance of staying in service in comparison with a new vehicle, although, a new vehicle would probably get the nod over the older vehicle, just because it is NEW.
Nobody wants to breakdown, but the owner/op that is maintenance careless will breakdown much more than the owner/op who does his maintenance. Stands to reason. The driver who takes care of business and has a good record and is on time, should be the preference of a company over he who owns the newest equipment. Look at the aviation industry. Planes stay in service for YEARS. They don`t fly without maintenance, but they are serviceable for years, and if they pass the company inspection it`s up, up and away, no matter how old they are. I for one, think that today`s trucks are built to last, but without maintenance they won`t last, and if they are taken care of, they will give the same longevity service as airplanes. So, hire the driver, don`t worry about his truck, because he`ll bring that with him. If he is a productive driver, his truck will be productive also, no matter how old it is.