One, there's a difference between noticing something, in making a simple observation, and in taking the time to detail and catalog a comparison amongst all the forums. The latter I have not done. The former is a no-brainer, easily observable condition for anyone who routinely clicks on "New Posts" to view all new postings regardless of the forum the postings reside within, rather than going through each forum on an individual basis.
Without even looking, with human nature being what it is, and thus the nature of carrier-specific forums being what they are as an extension of human nature within, one can confidently state that it happens sometimes in all carrier-specific forums where a general question is asked. And in casual observance of how many times I and others who have commented on it have tried, but was prevented, from replying to a general question because it was in a carrier-specific forum, I can confidently make the subjective and relative statement that it happens a lot in one particular carrier-specific forum. There's certainly nothing morbid about such a casually observable conclusion.
It may very well be a wholly inaccurate conclusion, purely an illusory corollary, but I don't think so. Only a detailed examination of the various forms will answer the question, something I have no desire or inclination to do. I would much rather jerk the chains and push the buttons of the snooty and the snotty, to see who responds in snooty and snotty fashion.
Two, I won the bet. Thanks. The bet was that the first person to respond in challenge my statement would be someone who is not merely leased on to a specific particular carrier, no, no, no, that wasn't enough, they would
also have the very same carrier
in their sig that you just happen to have in yours. I cannot tell you how funny that is.
Poke, poke, poke, prod, prod, prod... like
any of this matters....