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Expert Expediter
I am Newbie o/o 14ft st8 truck 1 yr. I work for a friend of mine using his authority. I was curious whats the best company to work for? I just want some feedback as to what everyones opinion is. I am expediting using a 14 foot old penske rental truck or van as it is sometimes called. I am currently getting a 60/40 cut.I wonder how would i be able to prove he was cutting more of his share and that makes me uneasy. I bought this truck from him and a year has passed since then i have put about 2500 dollars in repairs and paid for all my expenses such as insurance and fuel , any motels food that sort of thing he doesnt pay for any of it. Is this the standard practice.

For example i went from dearborn michigan to youngstown oh dead head back and got 180 dollars for it i am sure that after expenses I clearded about 80 dolalrs. Doe this seem like the standard rate? Just curious?


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
.I wonder how would i be able to prove he was cutting more of his share and that makes me uneasy.

You should be requesting a settlement statement. If this is not provided, I would seek another company.
With regards to specific amounts for certain runs;
It would depend on what your contract says or whatever agreement you entered into.
Hope that helps
20 years


Expert Expediter
Yah, I entered a 60/40 cut with him and i keep track of all mu runs on a manifest. At the end of the pay period i get a copy of that manifest i created and he just fills in the amonut he is paying me for the run , I never know how much he collected on the run, therfore it leaves me to question wether or not he is giving me the 60 % we agreed on. Whats a settlement statement is that like a manifest?If you were to suggest another company who would ou suggest, thank you for your reply I really enjoy reading peoples responses it gives me a different perspective.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
You need a copy of what he is billing the customer. If you are hauling it, he should provide it. Only exception would be if you are driving for a flat rate, or an exact per mile charge. In the latter, it makes little difference what he charges as long as he is paying you as agreed by your contract.
20 years


Veteran Expediter
Good advice Dave, if you agree on a flat rate than what the co. charges is none of anyones business. I had this problem in my cleaning business when my contractors or employees would see my monthly billings while cleaning. I was honest in our agreemt you agreed to $10 an hour thats all. What I charged the customer $25 was between me and the customer only.

Now if a contractor was to paid oh lets say 60% and all I was paying him was $12.50 than that would be dishonest. I always treated and treat people fair did above and beyond what was expected. This is probably why I always had more business than we could actually handle. But I still had people complaining that I was making to much. Too Bad I am not greedy only fair.