who was a good , great or terrible president


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I read that someone asked who was our last great president or leader.

While we all have opinions on this and certainly favorites, the real determination
is time.
So many of the policies enacted often dont really bear fruit until years after a
Presidents term is over.
Here is an interesting site to get an idea of how our Presidents rank against one
another in the arena of time.

Historical rankings of United States Presidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
That kind of ranking is like trying to say who was the greatest athlete of all time. Everybody has an opinion. In our current situation, I think George W will be judged kindly as time goes on. As far as our last election, if the Republicans, were ever going to lose an election, this one is probably the best to lose, because I think the next president is going to have his hands full to the max, trying to unravel it all, and then put it back together and make it work. Time will tell. I for one, think we need a better system that requires accountability, and punishment for politicians who fail to perform or violate the public trust. And getting lawyers out of the Congress, and deny them public office would be a good start.


Seasoned Expediter
I will have to agree with you about Carter. His administration cut the GI bill when I was taking some college courses, He put a 10 year time limit in place. This kept me from finishing my degree, just too difficult to go to school and support my family w/o my GI bill that I deserved for serving my country in the early 70's.