Who said it, when and why is this very important?


Veteran Expediter
"...our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset...."


Retired Expediter
RE: Who said it, when and why is this very importa

I don't know who said it but....

in respect to the second line.."ethnic mix"?? Just how beyond "quotas" does one control "The Mix"

They've pretty much plugged the overseas hole ...now to turn off the tap of the southern hole.

I thinks they'll have to close off the southern border and start deportations say 20-30,000 at a time and have special processors at border points to speed up the process...It took years to get to this point and it'll take years to start cleaning it up.

Here in Canada..they issue temperary work visa's when the growing seasons over border services checks them off as they leave..within 60 days of expiration an agent will do field search of anyone not gone starting with place of employment and if not found within another 30 days a deportation order is issued. Thing is most don't want to endure Canada's winter and do leave..they make good money while here they go home and live well. Most are from Carribean and Mexico


Veteran Expediter
Who said it, when and why is this very important

I can find only a few reasons to use imported labor for agriculture, much of agriculture can be mechanized without too much difficulty – seeing that we are the country that put a few people on the moon.

But as you said; “I thinks they'll have to close off the southern border and start deportations say 20-30,000 at a time and have special processors at border points to speed up the process...It took years to get to this point and it'll take years to start cleaning it up.â€

Your comment illustrates one assumed problem that a lot of people have, that the clean up will take years – nope, it won’t.

Here is how it can be solved;

The first thing is to close the border (as I posted here and other places). What I mean is to take one half mile along the entire Mexican border to make a no man’s land. Strip everything along that border of every building, farm and what ever, our country is more important than anything else. Use the newly unlimited court decision to seize property for development to make this happen.

Then build a real wall, not a wimpy wall, but a real wall 10 to 15 feet high two to three feet thick - solid no breaks. If we can build the interstates, leveling the small amount of land to build a real wall should not be difficult.

Behind the wall about 150 to 200 feet put barriers down 20 or 30 feet below the surface with seismic sensors. If they discover someone tunneling, drill holes near the where the sensor picked up the activity and drop one stick of dynamite down the hole and set it off.

Then arm that barrier. Shoot to kill policy. If someone shoots at the border on the Mexican side – shoot back.

The second thing is to solve this problem is to enforce the laws. In addition, take a position that companies like Tyson and Dole who openly hire invaders, the corporate officers need to be prosecuted under the RICO act, mainly under the provision of fraud (identity theft), money laundering, tax evasion and racketeering (indirectly supporting and working with organized crime to commit a crime by hiring the people who have invaded), oh and slavery.

But as draconian this may sound, it is a mild start. Do this a couple times, get some convictions and Dole and Tyson and other major corporations will do due diligence within their hire practices.

I think that if you as an owner of a business does not check the status of any employee and you hire an invader, you lose your business – no exceptions. The government takes it and liquidates the assets while you are still liable for the debt. If this sounds unnfair, where does it say life is fair? And beside the government does this a lot, the IRS and EPA both take and close businesses. The EPA also has really horrible laws that killed off a lot of businesses, but supporting an invasion of aa country is different and worst than tax crimes.

All of this puts the responsibility back on the very people who directly and indirectly benefit trafficking in this form of slavery, which it truly is when you come down to it. This will dry up the jobs that these people come here for and force them and the companies to go through the legal system for the benefit of the country as a whole.

We spend a lot more money on the prosecution of former NAZIs than we do going after companies who hire people who have invaded our country. Our justice department made NAZI hunting a priority, disgusting isn’t it?

Right now I am listening to the president and got to say he needs to quite with the pandering of the Hispanic voter and start doing his constitutional responsibility by enforcing the laws we have. He claims that it needed to have immigration reform, so I feel we really need to repeal the Immigration Act of 1965 and all others that followed and start look at immigrants as a benefit to the country not a benefit to the immigrant. We need to eliminate this idea that we need cheap and uneducated labor for the country to function while at the same time becoming a third world country due to the lack of real educated populous. That is the right immigration reform we need.


Retired Expediter
RE: Who said it, when and why is this very importa

You cannot mechanize tender fruits for human sale, only for commercial use...Tabbaco is another labour intensive (back breaking actually)
They have tree shakers for commercial fruit...I used to pick back in the early 80's recession! I was pretty well the only white guy out there!!!
Most others were satisfied with collecting thier welfare checks! Welfare lets you make about 25% of your eligbility before they deduct dollar for dollar... picking pays cash at the end of the day!


Veteran Expediter
RE: Who said it, when and why is this very importa

which tender fruits?

They said that cotton will always need people to pick it.

The same with Blue Berries


and so on.

Tabacco is one of the exceptions that is not a crop that is needed to feed others.

The point is this, we have made a lot of inovations in every industry but agriculture. What was considered impossible has been made possible so why the defeatist attitude with this subject? It fails all of us not to force the inovations that is the result from closing the border and defending our country.


Retired Expediter
RE: Who said it, when and why is this very importa

not defeatist gregg...you can't shake a tender fruit group without bruising...apples must be picked with stems on same for Bing cherries! They want the "look" plus they can't be dropped into the basket thats why they pay per hour verses piece work. After the consumer market is picked then your automation comes in with the "shakers" for the commercial market.
I completely understand what your saying about technologal change the ag division hasn't kept up. Its almost the same as 30 years ago!


Veteran Expediter
RE: Who said it, when and why is this very importa

Sorry OVM,
I have to clarify something.

I am not talking about legal immigration or trying to bash the people who actually work hard in the ag sector or immigrants who worked hard getting here. What I am trying to say is a lot of the jobs done can be mechanized instead of using a near slave type of labor pool that is being done right now.

Legal immigration is the key, but as McCain and Kennedy are doing, justifying the need for one sector of or another to use labor that is allowed to come and goes as they please without a clear benefit to the country other than profitting the company is wrong.


Retired Expediter
RE: Who said it, when and why is this very importa

I see...you mean these farmers aren't investing big bucks into known automation? Instead use near slave labour to maximize thier profits.
Kinda like using sheath and sickle instead of a combiner.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
RE: Who said it, when and why is this very importa

>"...our cities will not be flooded with a million
>immigrants annually.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this
>country will not be upset...."

My guess is Ted Kennedy in 1986. It's hard to believe he's been in the Senate for 47 years.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Who said it, when and why is this very importa

right person - wrong time.

Hint - I feel we really need to repeal the Immigration Act of 1965


Veteran Expediter
RE: Who said it, when and why is this very importa

>"...our cities will not be flooded with a million
>immigrants annually but rather by the oceans due to the melting of the polar icecaps. Secondly, the ethnic mix of this
country will not be upset by the inbreeding that has taken place in the great state of Tennessee...."

Al Gore, May 24, 2007 on the Opium Winfreak Show.