Who Locked The Panther Thread?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I sincerely hope the 'Panther 500 truck sitting' thread was locked because it reached it's limit! Can someone explain why this thread was locked?

While I'm on the subject of this thread, and the reason I am posting this. It is obvious and it shows big time that Davekc takes many things someone says negative about panther very personal. You show it in every thread, Dave!

My concern is to what length will he go to protect them. In all my years of knowing Dave, has he gone beyond or broken our unwritten rules, like he did in that thread.

In all the years of this forum, has anyone blasted a member for his or her spelling and or grammar and gotten away with it. Yet Davekc, a mod know less slams this new member for his spelling and grammar, and nothing or no one said a word.

Am I being hard, YES I am! Maybe I don’t pat the mods on the back enough, or give kudos when due, but that is no reason to over look this negative action either.

My motto is don't throw stones if you live in a glass house! I’ll leave it at that.

I think Davekc and all the EO team owe this member an apology. I will be the first one to do so. Creekindian33, I speak for myself. Sorry you were slammed because of your spelling and or grammar. I hope you or no other member of EO will go through this type of embarrassment ever again. I will do my best to see it doesn't happen again. As most of you know Dave has been with Panther for a long time and does take things others say very personal. I can’t speak for him, but I would bet, his buttons were pushed. For any other member reading this, please don’t let this stop you from posting. This is an isolated incident, and I am willing to again bet Dreamer or LM will not stand for this to continue.

Know matter how negative a member is, we don’t condone them because of the spelling. You may get the double barrel because of the negative attitude but not because you don’t know how to spell. Many, many people have a spelling and grammar problem, and a spelling or grammar hang-up; they surely don’t have to be slammed because of it. I know, because I used to be one of them.

For years we’ve preached and made it known on this forum, no one would ever get slammed because he or she didn't know how to spell, or write to please not let that stop them from posting.

Creekindian33 you posted about 3 or 4 replies, and so far they seem to be all-negative. Although EO condones members slamming others for their spelling, on the other hand EO also condones new members coming out the door, displaying negativity. I suggest you reread the rules you have agreed to when you joined this forum. EO reserves the write to terminate any member displaying negativity on consistent bases. If it were humor you were trying to display in the other thread, no one knows you well enough to know your behavior yet.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
The reason the thread was locked is because it had reached its limit.
The original request was not from me, but I was in agreement with that decision.

With regards to the Indiancreek posts;
It was my opinion that these posts were formatted intentionally with confusing grammer.
It was not an intent to review a members intellect or grammer skills.
And of course, I could be totally wrong. But that was and still is my impression. The spelling issue came up with two other members earlier in one of the Panther threads.
Negativity towards Panther wasn't an issue. Do I defend them? In many instances.
Why? Since I am involved with them, I obviously have more knowledge about them than some of the other carriers. If someone posted negatively about PittExpress, you in turn would likely respond.
Even more so if the source new little of your operation. But, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
No posts were removed regardless of their opinions.

Right or wrong, we try to make the calls as we see them.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I hope you will take a minute and re-read what I wrote. No! or at least I am not ragging you for defending Panther. Yes! I too would and do defend Pitt Express whole-heartedly. You have every right to defend P-2.

I posted the thread in regards to you slamming the member because of his inability to spell. No matter how you spin my post, I feel you had no right to mention anything about spelling or grammar. Why would anyone purposely misspell, that is a lame excuse. If it was mentioned in 2 previous posts, does that give you the right to do it as well. I didn't see the 2 other posts, or I would have addressed those also.

I devoted 5 years to help bring this forum to where it is today, and struggled very hard to get non-spellers to feel comfortable posting to let you or anyone rag others about their spelling. I mentioned people shouldn't throw stones that live in glass houses, but I guess that went over your head. How would you feel if I raged you because of your errors?

I sent you a PM, asking you to support me and apologize to the members on this forum, in regards to the spelling comment you made, but I see now you are above that!


Expert Expediter
I found and use a program that is very helpful with spelling, especially on a forum. It's called ieSpell. It's free for personal use. It can be found at www.iespell.com

I hope this can be of some help and hope I don't get into trouble posting that link. I'm still green here.

OOIDA #752164
"B" Unit


Expert Expediter
i talked with a guy at the detroiter who got threw off here for talking bad about panther, he said he was only telling the truth. as far as the spelling thing goes maybe if i would have won the spelling bee in school i wouldn'nt bee here!!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I was the moderator who was responsible for locking the thread. Why? I felt 59 replies to the original poster was enough. The replies were becoming redundant and the topic was old. BTW I do not run for Panther but for their main competitor so I had no biasis to lock this thread.
As far as grammar and spelling goes,no one has any problem with that, however, sometimes the negativity of the comments gets real old fast.

If you are unhappy with your setup,why not leave instead of complaining,nothing is gained by complaining.


Expert Expediter
If EO is speaking through thier MODS why dont they offer a spell check on the forum ,lots of other forums have them. Maybe panther can sponsor one. And of all the forums i have been on i have never seen a thread closed because of too many posts?? Give us a break, we know that this board is here to make money just be honest about it..GEEZZ

RichM with all due respect....its obvious your not driving for Panther or anyone else for that fact, as you have a lot of spare time involved in 1800+ posts.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I run for FEDEXCC and previously for Roberts and have been with them since Oct 1987,Have about 2 million miles otr. Burned out 3 D trucks. Lots of posts because I have been with EO since the start up days.


Expert Expediter
>The reason the thread was locked is because it had reached
>its limit.
>The original request was not from me, but I was in agreement
>with that decision.
>With regards to the Indiancreek posts;
>It was my opinion that these posts were formatted
>intentionally with confusing grammer.
>It was not an intent to review a members intellect or
>grammer skills.
>And of course, I could be totally wrong. But that was and
>still is my impression. The spelling issue came up with two
>other members earlier in one of the Panther threads.
>Negativity towards Panther wasn't an issue. Do I defend
>them? In many instances.
>Why? Since I am involved with them, I obviously have more
>knowledge about them than some of the other carriers. If
>someone posted negatively about PittExpress, you in turn
>would likely respond.
>Even more so if the source new little of your operation.
>But, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
>No posts were removed regardless of their opinions.
>Right or wrong, we try to make the calls as we see them.

Dave why dont you try defending them with factual info about what is stated instead of trying to make the person posting look like a jerk to take the focus off the original topic? IMO


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
If EO is speaking through thier MODS why dont they offer a spell check on the forum ,lots of other forums have them. Maybe panther can sponsor one. And of all the forums i have been on i have never seen a thread closed because of too many posts?? Give us a break, we know that this board is here to make money just be honest about it..GEEZZ

I am not aware of any claims from EO that they don't produce revenue from this site.

As mentioned in the beginning post, a research of spell check programs were not compatible with the current system.
I wasn't a Mod at that time so I can't elaborate much on it.

Another option to the spell check is to write your post or statement on Microsoft Word. It has a spell check, and you can cut and paste your writings within your post. This would be a useful tool to those who may be challenged with grammer skills, or the inability to put together their thoughts or opinions in a manner that members understand.
I don't think anyone is looking for absolute perfection, but if you fail to get you thoughts conveyed, what would be the point in writing anything?
It is an option that is available to most if they have access to a computer. Operating systems since Windows 95 have a Word program.
As mentioned, this is a available option that could be beneficial to some. Numerous members had difficulty reading some current posts and this could provide a viable solution.


highway star

Veteran Expediter
At the very least people should use minimal punctuation. Just a period at the end of a sentence makes a huge difference. A long post that is one huge run-on sentence is VERY difficult to read. When over use of abbreviations and errors is added to that, forget about it.

Is it just laziness? Maybe it's part of the "computer culture" I'm not in touch with. These are basic skills a person should have even if they did'nt finish high school.


Veteran Expediter
You all know, I think I offended some on EO by my post; well sorry about that.

I was offended by a few things that I will not repeat with his post in this and another thread.

But with that said, a number of people I met while I was on the road, I can’t believe how negative they are about the company they work for or other companies that they either worked for or just know a little about. I listened to a few that feel every company rips everyone off and it makes me wonder why they are even driving if it is so bad. It really gets to me after the second or third person telling me how bad it is to work for X company or Y company.

I had to make a comment defending all companies that actually provide a lot of people an income. I understand that many people don’t understand how in general neither business works nor have the opportunity to learn any business skills and this is where I try to lessen their ignorance and post something useful. I know I didn’t really do that in my post, but what can I say?

I feel lucky working at a company (my last employer) where I took advantage of education programs through channels others would never get and validate my years of experience in the business world. These channels included a major business school in the east and one near my home.

As for the site software and spell checkers, I don’t know what EO is using but a few of forum software actually has decent spell checkers and migration to them would be a pain. I write almost all my posts using MS Word 2003 and rewrite them several times before I post it (this one is no exception). I have a personal reason for all that work. You could use word, word perfect or open office (which is free) to do your spell checking. I beg to differ with DaveKC, windows 95 does have a word processor, wordpad, but it does not have a spell checker. You have to use one of the three I mentioned. But anyway as one who sets up forums and ecommerce sites, sometimes it is not worth adding a feature because it may change the entire site and lose that special feeling. I know I would love to see a change, adding a reply feature or putting the members name and/or email within the message for PM and emails so the recipient would know who is sending it. I have received a few emails from people I have no clue who they are or how to reach them, just see my signature.

Oh well back to my fundraising planning for the holidays … cookies anyone?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I will make an attempt to address each reply from Bill to Greg. Hope I can keep it simple.


Thanks for your help! I looked into that IESPELL, and it seems to be a great little tool most members using IE can download to their PC and check spelling before sending the message written on a forum. Maybe you can add or elaborate on how it works.

First I want to say to you, don’t believe everything everyone tells you. Infact! Only believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear, and you will over come 90% of your problems.

A while back I posted a reply and in it was a quote from a friend. You should read it and really understand its meaning. Here is the link: http://www.expeditersonline.com/dcforum/DCForumID1/3313.html#22
You came to this forum asking the members for help and advice, but by acting so negative and always slamming the very companies and people who help you, its like you spit in their faces.

No one has ever been thrown off this forum for bad mouthing any company, but many have been 'ban' for showing a constant display of negative behavior. 99% of the members of this forum are here to teach and learn. We are a family of many walks of life helping each other. If a person can’t get a grip, we ask that person leave the rest of us alone.

You remind me of a member who is no longer with us. He never had a nice thing to say about anything. For the life of me, I can not figure out what relevance your reply has to do with this thread. Most members reply to a thread to add to or question. You are totally off the beaten path. Seems like you are looking to fuel a fire or get one started. Sorry PAL, not on my thread!

Thanks for a reply to my question. Although I disagree with your logic, you have the right to think as you do. No pun intended (about locking the thread, that is) I really don’t care why you did it.

Your quote! “As far as grammar and spelling goes, no one has any problem with that,”
My point exactly, so why slam a member because he has a problem spelling?

About the negativity, I agree it gets old real fast and needs to be dealt with, but no one should slam anyone because they have a problem spelling. It should have never been mentioned in Dave’s reply. That is all I’m saying.


Here is another quote from you: If you are unhappy with your setup, why not leave instead of complaining, nothing is gained by complaining. Are you directing this comment to me?

As for the spell check, when I was a controlling member (a moderator) I looked into many spell check programs, but none of the free programs, or paid programs for that matter are compatible with this forum format. The author of this forum decided when he wrote the program it would have its own spell check, but the author retired before he wrote the spell check portion of the program. I believe EO is looking for a new forum format, but does not want a PHP program. I think Lawrence is on a mission to find a unique forum, not one that looks like all the rest. We have been on this spell check issue many times. Thanks for your input, and suggestion.

As for you disagreeing with Rich on other matters, I’ll leave that one alone.

Hopefully you and I can work this out behind the scenes; I’ll send you a reply to your PM, later.

I want to jump to the last part of your reply.
Your quote: I know I would love to see a change, adding a reply feature or putting the members name and/or email within the message for PM and emails so the recipient would know who is sending it. I have received a few emails from people I have no clue who they are or how to reach them, just see my signature.
As for the email: in your email program, if you use outlook or outlook express, highlight the message and right click on it, go to options, open it, go to the (reply to), and it will have the members email address of who sent the email.
In PMs There should be a user’s name of who sent the PM in your inbox. If you don’t know their names go to their profile and look it up. To open a message click on the subject and it will open. There is a reply in the message when you open it. It is formatted like the forum messages. Hope this helps.
This post was to address the issue of members criticizing others for their inability to spell, only because I don’t want to see anyone ever get criticized for not being able to spell.
When I was a Moderator, I used to get lots of emails from members who had a fear of posting because they couldn’t spell very well. I don’t think its right for someone to criticize another because they can or can’t spell a word of words.

Ya! I ask who locked the thread, only because, within the forum program there is a minimum and maximum option on the number of replies to a thread. My focus isn’t on who or why the thread got locked, but it is rather silly to lock a thread because of the number of posts. All in all I have to give the mods a great big ‘AT A BOY’ cause they do an over all good job.


Veteran Expediter
I agree... 59 posts means it's time to move on. Especially when the original meaning of the thread was lost after 5 posts.

Dynamite 1

Staff member
Fleet Owner
spell check this spell check that use punctuation i thuoght we were all able to do as we see fit. we are all adults and yes i am sure that most everyone can form a sentance and at least use a period if they choose to , but if they choose not , keep your fingers off the keyboard and just let it go , if you cant make out the post due to a run on sentance then skip over it. spell check, who cares we are not being graded on this or are we. let it go people life is to short to dwell on worthless, meaningless little things like spelling and grammar and punctuation , if you choose to take the time to figure out that they missed a period or mispelled a word or left out a comma then you do know where the sentance ended or the punctuation should have been or what the proper spelling should have been so why make a big deal out of it . whether rite or wrong in a gramatical sense you still get the same message or amount of usefullness out of the post now dont you . so to all those who are gramatically challenged its ok . i am sure that we are all intelligent enough to read posts with mispelled words and no punctuation or at least i am i really should not speak for everyone but if all the rest can not or the ones who are complaining can not then maybe they are not as smart as they think they are just remember that they may be gramatically sharper , but i am sure there are things you or we [i dont always use punct. myself, be happy i did here] are alot sharper about than they are that is usually the way it works.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
English class, at least back when I attended, spent all that time on paragraphing, punctuation, grammar, spelling etc. because it's what makes one's message readable, intelligent and understandable. Many posts on the forum that may contain intelligent and useful information are skipped over because of a lack of those fundamentals.

For those who don't care if their posts are read, the giant paragraph of a run on sentence is fine. For those who are taking the time to write because they want to share their thoughts and information with others, the attempt at primarily proper writing style will assure more reads of your posts.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Gregg wrote
I beg to differ with DaveKC, windows 95 does have a word processor, wordpad, but it does not have a spell checker

You are correct for pointing that out. I forgot that a word processor wasn't included in the original bundle of software.
If I recall, we added it with Exel ect as a total office package.
Hard to remember with so many different systems.


highway star

Veteran Expediter
Well said LDB. I joined this Forum because because I enjoy seeing what people have to say about the business I'm in and I like to be helpful when I can.

Dynamite, I'm no rocket scientist, but I would like to think I'm somewhere in the range of average. I truly enjoy reading what EVERYONE has to say here. I just don't want it to be a chore. If you're argument is that you could, but you just don't want to, that is certainly your perogative. But what could possibly be wrong with taking an extra moment to make it look just a bit better?


As I recall, all Dave wrote was that he didn't understand anything that the poorly written post said. I didn't understand it either. I didn't think he was making fun of anybody. If I read something and I honestly can't decipher what it means because of the way it is written, I'm not being unkind by just saying "hey, this is indecipherable."

I think Dave was also called a scumbag owner in that thread and he didn't respond to that barb in any way. I thought that was pretty civilized of him.