Who going to win


Veteran Expediter
Yeah, people always tell the truth to pollsters.
Well, generally speaking ? ...... yeah, they probably do ......

Specifically ? .... probably most do, but some certainly don't ..... probably 'bout like anything I'd imagine .... :D


Staff member
Retired Expediter
There's a reason polls are reported with a margin of error. Often in the press. a final margin error of anywhere between 3-5% is reported on the big question, and the margin of error is just a guess based on the end results compared to the polling data that was taken.

In the most recent poll, the final NBC/WSJ poll before the election, Obama leads McCain by eight points nationally among likely voters, 51 to 43 percent, which is down three points from his 53-to-42 lead in the poll nearly two weeks ago. It's being reported as having a margin of error of 3.1%, which could mean the numbers are actually 48-46, a statistical dead heat due to the electoral college, or they could mean as much as 55-39, a landslide.

The final NBC/WSJ survey before the 2004 presidential election had President Bush with a slim one-point lead over John Kerry, 48 to 47 percent, and was reported as a 2.9% argin of error. Bush went on to win that election, 51 to 48 percent, a 3 point spread, but a statistical error of 5.88%.

The final Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll has things a little tighter, with McCain trailing by 6 points, 50 percent to 44 percent among likely voters in the three-day national tracking poll, up from a 5-point advantage on Saturday. That poll has a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

In both cases, if you examine the numbers carefully, you will end up with this, where it's McCain's turn to mark his next square today, Obama then marks his tomorrow:
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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
Once again while in san fran freakco obumer on tape talkin " I'm going to CARBON TAX COAL FIRED POWER PLants OUT OF SERVICE"!! The main stream media never put this country first!! PANDORA'S BOX of left wing loony tunes are a RISING!! This country's next MEDIA WAR will start at the left's MOUTH Piece-- main stream media targets need to be DRIVEN OUT OF SERVICE!!


Expert Expediter
Well, y'all better enjoy the open road while you can. How do you think making those evil corporations pay their fair share is going to affect the freight levels?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Marxism at it's finest!! The entire idea is to put as many out of work as possible, easier to control them. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
So Obama is going to bankrupt the coal industry? No coal means there will be no steel. No steel means goodbye automobile manufacturing. And of course, Obama said he realizes electricity costs will skyrocket under his policies. Has anybody on the left thought this through? I just can't see how any rational person can vote for this guy. The left is motivated by emotion. Primarily, hate. Yeah, we're screwed. Maybe someone will form a government in exile. The next four years are going to be unbearable.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The left in this country has been at this for years. Invent global warming, wipe out the auto industry, steel industry and coal. That takes care of most industry. No longer able to produce weapons etc, no longer a world power. Thier goal is almost acheived. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If Obama wins we can only hope he truly is the next Kennedy.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No way Leo, more like a combination of Carter and Stalin. The guys who own him would not let him do anything good even if he could, and I doubt if he could. Too goofy. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
JFK was a conservative Democrat by today's standards. He cut taxes and was strong on military matters. By no measure can Obama be considered conservative.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, he is a far left as you can get. A real '60's radical all the way down to the drug use. I still would LOVE to do a criminal backround check on that slug. Think he would submit to a complete counter-intelligence backround check, including polloygraph, like Intell agents have too? NAW!!! Too much of a coward. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Those weren't the points about Kennedy I was thinking of.


Veteran Expediter
Marxism at it's finest!!
Marxism ..... Fascism ...... makes little difference in the end ..... both eliminate freedom and deliver slavery ......

And both are utterly and totally capable of delivering bloodshed, butchery, and genocide.

The left is motivated by emotion.
Uhhhh ..... and you seriously think the Right isn't ? (.... motivated by emotion ..... ?)

Jeez, I mean ..... just look at some of the posts on here from those I assume would happily admit to being on the Right ... seem a little emotional to me .....

Primarily, hate.
In the case of the Right, it's not so much hate as it is fear ..... and those two emotions are so closely related to one another (on a scale of emotions ranging from apathy near the bottom to enthusiasm near the top) that they are nearly functionally the same, in terms of the human behavior and action that they deliver.

The guys who own him would not let him do anything good even if he could, and I doubt if he could.
The thing that is generally not known and/or not (or poorly) understood is that the guys that own him (Obama), also own the other so-called "viable" candidate from the "other" party.

There's an old saw: Follow the money.

If ya wanna understand the source of your distress, use the saw. The candidates aren't the source of it, they are merely the front men ...... the symptom of the problem ...... not the source.

Those weren't the points about Kennedy I was thinking of.
Yeah .... I'd be real careful about making those kinda comments or double entendres on an open internet forum - one that can certainly be (and probably is, given the nature of some of the political discussions on here) trolled by Carnivore or Echelon ......


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Me too! They both leave a bit to be desired. You bet I am motivated by fear. Fear of the loss of my freedom. Fear of the "purges" that will come with a marxist government. Fear of the loss of my entire way of life. Obama cannot stand my way of life and has been working to destroy it his entire life. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
After the course of a year...a guy like me picks up on the little things....The gist of it is....You guys have NEVER had a working system and since it's creation...it's never worked....You've posted nearly every major President and Congress that has chipped away at the original document....the question begs for asking...

Was there ever a period of time that your system worked???

I mean capitolist? to me it's a dog eat dog, the strong survive system...it's a ME system...It's not about peace, loving, sharing, helping your neighbour...it's about getting a piece of the action and stabbing your parntner in the back to get ahead and if that doesn't work, sue their butts off...

Layout..I am sorry, but it seems you are longing for something that appears on paper but will never come to be...
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I guess some look at it that way, I do not. To me it is being able to realize my full potential as a human being. To me it is being able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. It is having freedom to choose my way of life. Freedom to choose who or what gets my charity and how much they get. Freedom from government medling. Marxism dictates all, capitalism affords those freedoms. Many may abuse freedom. There is backstabing etc. In a way it is survival of the fittest, but is that not how nature works? Weak busineses, ideas etc, should fall by the wayside. For all our short comings we seem to have a few qualities. We are a very charitalbe country. We could do and would do more if government did not force charity, welfare, on us. It has not worked and never will. Mankind does best when challenged. We need goals, adversity and acheivment. Sucess only feels good if it comes from effort. People in general do no cherish what is given to them, they cherish what they earn. Some of the most succesful people I have met did not have a lot of Money and Stuff but they had pride. That pride came from doing it all themselfs. Thier houses were small and maybe threadbare but they were clean and freindly. Marxism destroys that. It assumes that man is NOT capable of fended for himself and therefore "They" should provide what he is incapable of. That saps dignity and destroys the will. You see it everywhere. It is far better to be poor but earning your way than "Kept". Man was not meant to be kept. Layoutshooter