In my travels back in the day, and I came across a fellow expediter most were very friendly and we had pleasant conversations. I guess when you're out there you kind of have to gage the individual to see if they the friendly type or unfriendly and gunshy.
Although today while running an errand from Joliet, IL to Western Springs, IL I saw a FedEX CC D-unit, green looking class 8 unit with a white sleeper unit running southbound on I-355 towards I thought I'd say hello to them here and drive safe out there!
*Curious to know how many expedite vehicles I see on the expressways around the Chicago area when I'm out and about or even when I'm traveling are on here on the forums?
I'd love to know what some of you guys drive and who with...If you don't feel comfortable sharing publicly here, then pm me and if I ever see you the the road I can offer lunch, dinner, or a quick cup of coffee, or a wave if you can't stop. and we can chat on here later!