Who are you?


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
We EO members have gotten to know each other thru the forum and recognize each other by our respective screen names. Many of us have had chance meetings at the usual hangouts and not known of our affiliation with EO. T'hawk, for one, often posts his layover location in this forum, but who is he and where is he parked. I'm sure we've each been parked in proximity to other EO members and would have enjoyed a cup of coffee with them but had no clue they were in our area.

We can each alleviate this recognition situation by doing one of two things. Get a bumper sticker from EO, simply by asking them to send you one, or pick one up at the Mid-America Truck Show in Louisville at the end of March. Or, stop in at a vinyl lettering shop and have a couple of mini-signs made for your door in the manner of the following example: (...added just to center)



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
lately with what's been going on it might be better for some of us to remain anonyomous....LOL:p :p


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I plan to put the bumper sticker on as soon as I get one and have a clean bumper. I often walk around the truckstop looking for other trucks and vans to see if anyone I've already met is there or if someone I haven't met is sitting up front. I almost always ask if they go on the forum and usually wind up telling them about it because they aren't into computers that much. I've met one or two that are infrequent visitors but none of the regulars yet. I keep looking though and eventually you guys time will run out and you'll be stuck visiting with me. :p

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
EO Forum Moderator 1+ Years of Service
Expediters Online.com - The Best is Getting Better!
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Would I have to take the bag off my head?

Trust me you would probably prefer I leave it on!

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I've had the CB handle Highway Star since the late '70s. I had it painted on the back door of my van before I even heard of EO. So far, the only one I've met from being recognized is TJ959.

Right now I'm at the Austinburg, Oh. Flying Hook. I'm the fat guy with reading glasses typing on his computer and watching some old western on TV.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
> I'm the
>fat guy with reading glasses typing on his computer and
>watching some old western on TV.

Could you be a little more specific? That profile fits most of us out here>

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Good topic Terry,

I drive for Panther II. Typical white van nbr 1851. Look for my partner a white Jack Russel terrier. His name is Hooligan. I am sure he will introduce us.

I always enjoy meeting others who are active on this site.

Hope to see you soon

Dr. Bob


Expert Expediter
Some time ago I did a post and got only 1 response. I suggested that everyone try CB Channell 23 at the top of every hour and on the half hour and simply ask"Any of the EO gang on this channell"? I believe that sooner or later if enough people try it, someone will surely run accross someone else that participates on this forum.
As for me, my cb handle is "Country". I drive a white 2006 freightliner condo with DLI Transportation on the door. Also got a 53' trailer nwith no markings on it. Anyone can see what I look like by visiting my website www.donniecoxcountry.com
So, if ya see me and do'nt yell-- It's not my fault. A short term itinerary: Monday 1-16-06. Load Simpsonville,S.C. down I85 to Atlanta,GA around I285 to I20 into LA enroute to Camden,AR

A friend is just a stranger I have'nt met yet!
35 years OTR and still goin' strong :) :9 :9


Veteran Expediter
I like that idea, the bumper sticker - I'll get one, if I find a place. Like Leo, I ask every driver I meet if they know about EO, & have only once heard "yes", so there's a lot of drivers missing out.
Pappy's idea is good too; if you use the CB. I'm not a CB person, just like I'm not a phone person, but I enjoy talking to people in person.
PS I'm in San Antonio, enjoying the sun, & haven't a clue where I'll be tomorrow! But mine is the cargo van with the tasteful flames (LOL) on both sides, if you see me out there, say hello, ok? :)


Veteran Expediter
Well, I've not been on much here lately... but when I do come onto EO I always enjoy reading and surfing thru the site and checkin' out all the latest info in the expediting biz.

I'm driving for Swift Transportation now.
I run solo in all 48 states. I love it too. I miss the bus biz, but enjoy the idea of having my own small mobile apartment again.

I can tell you that if I ever get a layover in the Florence, SC area I will be goin' by the EO HQ. I hear they have covered parking spaces with heaters and ceiling fans. They offer IdleAire for free, and have free phones too... well, a driver can dream can't he?

Well, anyways... on a lighter note, a g/f of mine knows a guy that got on with CR England (18 wheeler operation) and didn't like it, and so he went back to expediting for a co. who has a cat in it's logo.

Me? I'm lovin' bein' able to have alot more freedom, I'm not under so much pressure. I've still got very strong contacts in the bus biz and can go back into it anytime, however I think the freight industry is runnin' much stronger now than the bus biz is. Esp. after Katrina and Rita. I've been runnin' I-81 alot and across the bottom lately, however I'm also all over much of the US. No 2 weeks are the same, and I'm not stayin' in any one part of the country too long.

I go to T/A's & Pilot's alot, and Swift terminals alot as well.
I'm seriously considering on becoming an O/O within Swift towards next year and/or by this time next year.

I think the Bumper Sticker idea is a good thing...

perhaps there could be a portion of the site where visiters and regulars alike could design a bumper sticker? maybe something like for a month or 2 let people design bumper stickers and/or vote on designs/models of bumper stickers, and get 2 or 3 as final stickers... play with that idea. maybe a promotion of some kind could be tied into it for a truck show - hint hint. Ya know, somebody with the most votes on their sticker design gets a close reserved good parking spot for their rig at the KY Truck Show? a nice hotel for 2 nites with secured parking for their rig? free truck washes at the beacon for a month? one month of free showers at the J bird or ?
How about a satalite radio of some kind as a prize, with the 1st 6 months of service paid for? or ? Just brainstorming.
Great way to advertise for everybody involved.

This is why Swift hired me, I not only am a good dumpster diver at their terminals and help them out by giving all those Coleman and Igloo electric coolers a 2nd lease on life by giving that $60+ cooler a simple $20 motor, but I am also full of good ideas.

Now, if we can just convince EO excutives that truckstops with covered parking spaces and free cable tv and phone service would increase business we'd be set.

I sure hope ya'll keep throwing those coolers away, I've almost got the whole top bunk converted to a huge fridge, I just gotta figure out the freezer thing now. ah ha! another idea for a prize!
a freezer! ahhhh, that would be soooo nice.

By the way, why is it people throw away a cooler and it just needs somethin' simple and a good cleaning, but the TV's are always in pieces. I mean I can handle cleaning a TV, but glueing all that glass back together is gettin' on my nerves! Smile!

And always wear gloves when you dive.

aka BigBusBob


Veteran Expediter
I really like the idea of a bumper sticker design contest! Bet there are quite a few artistic talents among the nearly 3000 members. Along with the wise guys - I am imagining some contributions: "Expediters - We're the drivers who shower EVERY week!" or "Don't let that plastic jug scare you - urine is sterile!" It could be as much fun as the recent contest to design a new logo for New Jersey was. Even though my personal favorite didn't win, ("Not ALL our politicians have been indicted") it was still cool. There doesn't even have to be a big prize, the joy of seeing your design on bumpers everywhere would be awesome! :7

highway star

Veteran Expediter
A few more:

Living in a van; it's not just for vagrants anymore.

So many truckstop buffets, so little time.

Auto plant tour '06.

Does'nt everyone spend 48 hours in Wal-Mart parking lots?


Veteran Expediter
Expediters wheely get it done

a wheely cool website!

a site that wheely helps!

The site Drivers roll to

When you restart, start here

Restart at ExpeditersOnline.com

Don't sleep 34 hours away,
Go to ExpeditersOnline.com

34 hours should start with

Stuck in the 9 to 5? Nowhere to go?
Steer towards ExpeditersOnline.com

Some of these would make great T-Shirts, jackets?, polo shirts?
Travel mugs? Binders for logbooks?

Sit in a truck stop eatery, watch the different ways and write them down how we could market for this site.

I drive for Swift now, but that doesn't mean my hearts not still here. I'll put a bumper sticker on my tractor
(all it takes is a straight blade razor to remove it, or hairdryer)
I'll wear a shirt too, but I'm not much for wearing hats.

I don't think advertising on socks would work well, but I wear socks. Smile!

Just think, logbook binders/holders that have a logo of some kind for EO, and/or a variety of T-shirts and T-shirt styles to choose from to wear to market. CD & Cassette cases?

What does every driver have that would work to advertise?
A pad of paper? how many times have you (as a driver) wrote somethin' down (directions, phone numbers, etc.) ona pad of paper and handed it to somebody? guard shacks, shipper/consignee's, other drivers, truck stop staff, service shop people... and other drivers... and more.

Maybe I should change my Screen name to "Brain Stormer"?

This whole thread should be in "General Expediting"

Lawrence, this might mean more than a cup of coffee for me! Smile!

Don't listen to Cheri, I want that hotel room in Louisville! Smile!

How about
Rushing to get you rolling!"

there's more where that came from.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Bob, If you deadhead to Florence SC to go to EO's HQ you might be disappointed.See if you can guess why?:p :p


Veteran Expediter
Good Lord, I hope Lawrence isn't listening to me - I've thrown a couple rants on here lately, & I don't think our politics are even close to agreement, lol. I think you're safe there, Bob, but if I were you, I wouldn't let Swift find out how much free time you apparently have - in my experience the dispatchers HATE it when you have free time! :+


Veteran Expediter
This entire time EO is in Kentucky???
and for some reason I thought EO was based in SC...

Florence, SC has a nice chrome shop

- you say Florence - I automatically think Chrome.
Just like Wildwood = Chrome.

Florence, KY... just south of Cincinnati on I-75, exit 181.
There's a J bird nearby, along with a T/A... and a few other T/S's.

I don't recall a chrome shop though.

Ok, here's bumper stickers - for MY truck...
Remember, Kentucky Shines too!

We're in the other Florence

Where you least expect it.

Thinking outside South Carolina

Available at any truckstop outside South Carolina...

reset Your 70 hours with us!

So, back to the grand prize being a hotel room close to the KY Truck Show in Louisville, KY in end of March... Smile!

Come here and get loaded

Get loaded at

Expediters rush to

Ok, I'm done now...
maybe it's time to open a Chrome Shop in Kentucky?


Veteran Expediter
Judging by the time you posted that, I'd say it's probably time you got some sleep, lol. :p Me too, though - my current favorite is "Discover how you, too, can get paid to get loaded! At Expediters Online" :7


Veteran Expediter
Heres the down side of meeting E/Os you generally get a call or find yourself calling them once a week just to chat. Hey just got a great run you at home maybee you can meet me for a Coffee Break. Than you find out they have a run four times longer than yours so there goes any chance to brag. Or there at home spending thousands on new Italian Marble for the floor, and wondering why can't I afford that?

Critter Truckin

Expert Expediter
Chances are, if you see me, I don't look like a trucker. If you hear me, I sound like a nimrod. And if you smell me, you're standing WAY too close!!!

But I think it would be alright to meet some of you folks... I used to only hear about most of you thru what T-Hawk has to say.


Veteran Expediter
I know I enjoy meeting folks from EO but I've met very few. I put TJ959 on my rear door but it's very small and probably no-one has seen it. maybe I'll try some larger letters when I get somewhere warm. The bumper sticker would be really great but I don't think I'll be able to make the show to get it.