White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Nice P


Expert Expediter
Why is it ya only meet a few nice people from the white glove side of FEDEX and the rest are jerks??? Why is it that when in a group of them, the one's with the biggest truck seems to make the rule's and think they are GOD'S???? Why is it that white glovers snitch on surface fleet for things they do themselves, and lie to make a surface fleet owner/op look bad??? Why is it that FEDEX allows it to keep happening??? Do these people realize that one day they may do these things to the wrong person and wind up being hurt or killed??? Look at that JB hunt driver who over time got sick of the jokes and shot that driver in Amarillo, TX a few years back, do white glovers think they are bullet proof?? I'm not one to go against GOD and the Ten Commandments, nor am i nuts enough to shoot'em, but with enough crap from them, I could open a can of "WHOOP *****" on 'em. It was nice to see that they changed some of the dispatchers and hired some nicer ones, but there is still favoritism in the office over snitches who snitch about nothing to get a surface truck off a load. Like accusing them of throwing trash out of their windows and/or cluttering up a customers parking lot, when the surface truck took pictures of the white glove trucks doing it all along and still has them. Like a truck with a supersleeper with no blackwater tank with water from it's sink and showers pouring out into the parking lot at a medical wharehouse and trying to tell dispatch that the surface truck was pooring urine out of his windows when in fact it was comming from their truck!!! All I know is the next time i see a white glover's super truck leaking crap out of their truck, i'm not going to call FEDEX, I'm going to call the EPA!!!! Do you think that would be the way to go???


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

I would (and will) reply to all the questions you ask, but I think you are venting out and like the JB driver, getting tired of the actions of others.

I'd like to see you answer the same questions you ask the rest of us to answer, then maybe myself and the others who have a few years under our belts can give our input as to how we see the magority of the WG drivers .


Expert Expediter
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

I'm not venting, we went thru 2 days of that. I just want them pukes at white glove to read it and realize what they do to people, espeacially nice people. In any event, we will have our day come judgement day, and that "casting into the fire episode"........lol,


Expert Expediter
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

WOW!!!! This all the makings of a very sleazy soap opera!
I'd like to know "the rest of the story"!!



Staff member
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

Sorry DanMelissa_FDCC that you are having so much trouble.
We just had to share an experience we just had on a White Glove load. We are surface expediters but where asked to take a White Glove load to Florida. We got to the shipper and two White Glove trucks pulled in after us. It wasn't to long and a White Glove dispatcher called us and only one load was going out that night instead of three.Since we where the first truck there they asked us if we still wanted the load? We of course said yes and the other White Glove drivers handled it like adults and went back to the truck stop. We have several friends that are White Glove drivers and they are always very helpful to us. Just remember no matter what company you work for there will be fungus amungus!! :)

Bob & Linda
FedEx CC
10 Month still having fun


Staff member
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

It seems to me that someone got caught chucking pee bottles out of their truck. Tsk, tsk.

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RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

when i was at fedexcc never whiteglove but did many a white glove load and sometimes help out on white glove loads as need to help out
as one dispatch said where's george he know how to get it on the truck and off

had a couple of those calls and off to help offload the truck etc

but once in a while would find that one truck are you white glove, said no , that they were and they were one of top guns in white glove,
said that was nice , i said i was in a more slect group than they were
and they ask what was that white glove back up if white glove couldn't handle it they call me in to supervise the loading and unloading and send them on there way , also said was a/c (air charter) and what they as ask what was that, said call and ask

couple hours later get a phone call asking george why did you do that
they want to know why they weren't ac

just love to spin up some of people in white glove truck

again alot of people heard about what i did they said see you met george


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

I don't think a large company exists that doesn't have a few bad apples within its organization.

I'm not sure that word "ALL" white glove drivers applies here.

Just my penny in the pond



Veteran Expediter
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RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

Nah Dave, just add a letter and call it "most" from my observations. It probably is just plain old infatuation with what they learned or were told in their two or three eight hour classes.


Veteran Expediter
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

>I'm not venting, we went thru 2 days of that. I just want
>them pukes at white glove to read it and realize what they
>do to people, espeacially nice people. In any event, we will
>have our day come judgement day, and that "casting into the
>fire episode"........lol,
"Jesus is Lord " and Jesus would never call anyone pukes.Have to wonder who has to worry about what on judgement day .Not a very good witness here .


Expert Expediter
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

I agree with what you have to say. We've been on WG for almost 12 years. What you might find interesting is some of those poeple with the super sleepers that act like Gods don't even own them...they drive for someone. Another popular thing they like to do is turn you in for a dirty truck. Give me a break. I could write a book on our experiences and could give you names of people to stay away from. Some people that have nothing better to do than snitch on everyone else because they have nothing invested in the equipment although they act like they own them. All I can say is we would be glad to sit and have a coffee with you ANYTIME. Best of luck to you and try not to get discouraged. cm


Expert Expediter
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

I think you would have that situation with any company, When we were leased on with North American there were rats everywhere. Once we were sitting out at some Dairy queen in N.M and another truck went past the exit, turned around and wound up flying through the gravel lot getting dust in our ice cream.

After we got in our truck my qualcomm beeped with a message to call in and sure enough it was a complaint I had an illegal rider...too bad we ran team together. we really never met any other drivers there that weren't out to rat on us or call in for some minor thing.

its everywhere


RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

I'm sorry you Feel that way about FedEx Custom Critical White Glove Trucks. There are some really nice people in White Glove for the most part. My thing to you is, if they try to act better than you, then your better off not even talking to them. I only know one perfect person in this world and he died on the cross. I look at this way I'm no better than anyone else and there no better than me. We all put our pants on the same way, ONE LEG At A TIME. We all are out here to make money and help each other out if we can.

I understand that some people in White Glove may think that there better. But there not, there suppose to be Good to all people when wearing that uniform. Some need to learn that they can be taken out of White Glove just as fast as they got into it. I want Tell you I'm sorry for the actions of a fellow FedEx Custom Critical Driver. When I hear this, it upset's me and I'm not even in White Glove, I do loads for them and there great people and always nice to me when they call me. FedEx Custom Critical Is a great Company and they Do Care About there Driver's take it from Me I know.

I would like to share a ture story with you.

This has been the worst year of my life. It all started Jan 5 when I got really sick and Couldn't work until the 3rd week of Jan and I was gone from home like 3 days when I got a call that I needed to come home that my 15 year Handicap son was really sick and could Die. I got Home and My C.C. Called me and asked how my son was doing and said that he was in her prayers. So I had to be off work because I didn't know if my son was going make it. He was really sick and knocking on death's door. My C.C. Called me all the time to see how things was going. Yes all of the C.C.'s knew what was going on in our life's. They was there for me and my girl friend.

So after Going to the hospital for over 2 weeks and not driving. My other half stopped by my truck to get my log book and found that my truck was ran over by bigger truck and dragged it 2 feet to the right when he pulled out with his trailer. It did over $14,000.00 in damage to my truck plus I was out of work for 2 months. Then my girl friends mother was told she had cancer and only had 6 months to live. So now we are going to 2 diferent hospitals and dealing with my truck. There was my C.C. calling and asking us if we was okay and that we was in her prayer's.

So we are driving over 150 miles total each day togo to two different hospitals and it was hell for us. My son Was getting better and was moved to a rehab Hospital 45 miles away from home in May, but her mom was getting worse. In the mean Time we are trying to buy a new home so my son can be on one floor without any stairs because he is in a wheelchair and her mom and dad could be with us too. Then on June 25 her mom passed away leaving her 78 yr old father by himself. I was like when is all this going to End. There once again was our C.C's asking if we needed anything and was we okay. So now my son has been in the hosp for 7 months now and we still haven't signed the paper on our new house because the broker was messing up.

So my son got to come home because we couldn't wait any longer on Wells Fargo to get our house a done deal. so we got a call from the bank 2 days after my son gets home and they tell us it a done deal we are signing the papers on Friday. So the very next day my girl friends 78 yr old dad fell and broke his hip and had to have it replaced. So we signed the paper's on our new home on friday and was moving all weekend long. On Sunday morning I had to Take my girl friend to the hospital and they told us that she needed to have her Gal bladder removed right away. She was there for 9 days. Once again the staff at FedEx Custom Critical was there for us and our Driver's.

I don't mean to make this so long. I just wanted to shared this with you about FedEx Custom Critical. There a great place to have a truck lease on with and I have been there since 1995.

Don't be bitter Be Better.


Staff member
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni


That was a great post of a carrier trying to work with a o/o. We hope your situation gets better.

Expediters Online.com

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RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

saw a typo!

My hats off to you bruchar

I admire you for speaking up, and clarifying all WG drivers aren’t like the ones DANMELISSA_FDCC has run into.

I agree there are some who act like they’re above the rest of us, but on the other hand, I've met many who would give me the shirt off their back.


Expert Expediter
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

Just had to respond to this. John and I have been with FDCC for almost 4 years we started in a White Glove truck, we were not "White Glove" qualified. We noticed that there are a few WG operators who think they are God's gift to expediting. But we have found that many more are just good old boys and girls and are more than willing to strike a conversation up with you. It all has to do with your attitude. If you feel your going to be snubbed by someone chances are you are. If they don't want to be friendly so be it. The road can be lonely with out your friends.
As to the garbage aspect. The problem is widespead and carrier varied.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

I have been with W/G for over 12 years and anyone who knows me knows that I don't have a "holier then God attitude". I also drive a plain Jane FL70 with a small but adequate sleeper. Over the years I could count on one hand the W/G snobs that you refer too. Most of them as someone else pointed out do not own trucks but drive for a fleet owner.
I have never turned anyone in but one time in KoKomo myself and another driver insisted that a B Van driver give up his keys to us for the night and sleep off his intoxication. He was relucant to do so so we said we would turn him in so he did give us the keys and we put him out of service using his Q/com. One time in San Antonio someone called in and said I was sitting in the cab drinking beer at 0830,unfortunately for that lying person we were in a motel sleeping.
They never told me who it was but I suspected a C truck that was in the area.
I guess something happened to you and you needed to vent. Remember we are all here for a short time so make the best of it and don't sweat the small stuff.


Expert Expediter
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

money , makes their heads swell, they put their pants on one leg at a time like us


Expert Expediter
RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

I only been in this business for less than a year. I was very close to signing with FED EX, but the recruiter just didn't have the answers I needed and did not return calls. So, I went to another company and I know I made the right decision. I don't know a white glove from a brown glove, but it seems to me FECC O/O express a lot of complaints over this forum. Now to read about fighting and backstabbing between expediters from the same company is a low. I hope your leadership at FECC reads all this because they need to get the TEAM working as a team.

Be safe


RE: White Glove, Backstabbers, GOD's, Snitches, Ni

>I only been in this business for less than a year. I was
>very close to signing with FED EX.

Don't always listen to what your hear. I have had Trucks on with Roberts Express which is now FedEx Custom Critical, Tri-State and TST. there all Good Compaines.