I started out staying in the right lane, but found maintaining a steady speed often impossible, too many drivers entering/exiting forcing me to speed up or slow down to accommodate them. I try to keep speed and lane changes to a minimum, so the middle lane works for me.
Forcing you to speed up or slow down? It is incumbent on the driver of the merging vehicle to match speed with the flow of traffic. This isn't always possible; clover leaf interchanges with short acceleration lanes, entering and exiting traffic, trucks etc. If you want to be nice, move over a lane. Don't do the speed up, slow down thing.
How and when did the concept of merging disappear? I see vehicles drive down the ramp, come to the merge point and stop. I see 4,5 or 6 cars, nose to tail attempt to merge as a single vehicle. I have witnessed trucks merge into 70 mph traffic doing 40 mph when there is still a ¼ mile of acceleration lane. Next time you pass through Walcott, Iowa or better yet, stop and watch. Both east and west entrance ramps are 1 mile long! Yet many trucks merge at 40 mph as soon as they are parallel to the big road.
In my opinion too many drivers don't look much beyond the end of their hood. They don't AIM HIGH IN STEERING or GET THE BIG PICTURE.