where is everyone?


Seasoned Expediter
got a load sat going from muskegon MI to LongviewTX....got out of the snow and gave me somothinfg to do for the weekend..now will see if i will get out of here??????????


Veteran Expediter
phew, i found the right thread! Anyhow, unloaded in emporia KS gettin ready to DH up to the KC / independence MO area, oh and on my dime tooo....


Rookie Expediter
Not very many posts, and not many recent posts. Started Orientation the 14th, got cleared on Friday the 18th. Got a call at 12.15am Saturday for a hot run that was supposed to be picked up at 11:30 Friday, got a decent rate, ran the load, delivered at 5:00 am do to rest area to be in better spot, got a couple calls, but ended up doing a 34 reset. Now Monday 11:00 am still in sb. Had a good paying load offered and accepted, but it was already covered. Now waiting on all that good paying freight yo materialize. In Capa, mi rest area on I96

Sent from my SCH-I545


Veteran Expediter
Waiting, empty in Louisville
Hoping for a 3rd load this week.
The slowest July I've ever experienced.


Veteran Expediter
At home now, in NW Ohio - OOS. I'll wait till our Daily Load Count picks back up to more normal, steady numbers.
Should be about 200-225 loads daily. Had the best month in June here with Bolt in the 3 1/2 yrs. I've been driving for them! Just awesome! On the other hand, this is the slowest, oddest July I've ever experienced driving Big Truck or Sprinter. Fortunate to receive 2-3 loads per week! Can't wait for freight to pick back up.