Where is Al?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Obama spewed the same kind of hate and lies as Sharpton and Jackson? When and where did this take place? Be specific.

Everything he preaches is class warfare. Make the rich pay their fair share swill

I LOVED his "clinging to guns and religion" stuff. His sticking his nose in LOCAL affairs, ALWAYS in ways to undercut the Constitution.Like the Martin case. "Oh, it could have been me". It was only because Martin was black. BLAH BLAH BLAH While the Justice department is FUNDING those "Martin protests" with TAX DOLLARS! Last time I checked the justice department was run by Obama.

He just sends his shills out to say the nasty stuff while he says the same things in a more subtle way.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Oh, ok, so you're just calling a spade a spade right?



Veteran Expediter
Everything he preaches is class warfare. Make the rich pay their fair share swill

Yeah, well, that's what all of the modern democrats do. Not just the black ones.

I LOVED his "clinging to guns and religion" stuff.

He only said it because it's true. Besides, is there really anything wrong with clinging to your guns and God?

His sticking his nose in LOCAL affairs, ALWAYS in ways to undercut the Constitution.Like the Martin case. "Oh, it could have been me". It was only because Martin was black. BLAH BLAH BLAH While the Justice department is FUNDING those "Martin protests" with TAX DOLLARS! Last time I checked the justice department was run by Obama.

You don't know if any of that is true. You're starting to sound like someone else here. By the way, I asked for specificity.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"He only said it because it's true. Besides, is there really anything wrong with clinging to your guns and God?"

He said it to ridicule.

I KNOW Obama said the "It could have been me" crap. Here is the link:

President Obama Says, 'Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me' - ABC News

I guess it COULD have been him. ANYONE involved in ANY way with illegal drugs runs the risk of getting wacked. After all, there is NO WAY to LEGALLY buy, sell or use ILLEGAL drugs. Since criminal activity is inherently DANGEROUS I guess "Young Barry" could have ended up like Martin. It would have NOTHING to do with being black of course, just being a stupid person involved in illegal activities.

Justice Department funding of "Martin Protests"

Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests | Judicial Watch

I was not speaking of parties, I bet there is at least ONE Democrat who still believes in personal responsibility. They would, of course, have to keep those beliefs silent.


Veteran Expediter
"He only said it because it's true. Besides, is there really anything wrong with clinging to your guns and God?"

He said it to ridicule.

So? It's still true.

KNOW Obama said the "It could have been me" crap. Here is the link:

[/COLOR]President Obama Says, 'Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me' - ABC News

I guess it COULD have been him. ANYONE involved in ANY way with illegal drugs runs the risk of getting wacked. After all, there is NO WAY to LEGALLY buy, sell or use ILLEGAL drugs. Since criminal activity is inherently DANGEROUS I guess "Young Barry" could have ended up like Martin. It would have NOTHING to do with being black of course, just being a stupid person involved in illegal activities.

You said he used it to get elected and I am asking how did he do that?

Justice Department funding of "Martin Protests"

Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests | Judicial Watch

I was not speaking of parties, I bet there is at least ONE Democrat who still believes in personal responsibility. They would, of course, have to keep those beliefs silent.

Ok, that is stupid. I'll give you that. Exascerbating the race divide is nothing new.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"Ok, that is stupid. I'll give you that. Exascerbating the race divide is nothing new."

The fact that it is nothing new does not make it right. It does not excuse it either.

That was the entire point of the thread. The exploitation of the "race divide" and how detremental it is to the Nation.

In the story referenced three THUG, drug dealer types, assaulted a younger boy who had the audacity to report the activity. It was INTIMIDATION, or worse. It was an attack intended to do bodily harm, and it did.

CNN TRIED to wrongly push SOME of the blame on a 64 year old bus driver who did EXACTLY what he should have done, called for help.

IF Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, Pelosi etc etc etc where TRULY interested in stopping violent crime, they would have been out in force on this. So would have been the press. It is because the three THUGS were black and the victim was white that there was little coverag. It would not be reported IF all 4 involved would have been black. IF it had been 3 WHITE THUGS and a black kid, the feds would be looking to file hate crime charges.

I was just TRYING, and maybe did not do a good job of it, to point out that outrage over violent crime SHOULD be COLOR BLIND! Right now, it is not and far too many are being exploited for political gain, to further an agenda.

ALL, no matter what the race, engaged in this exploitation are guilty of doing MAJOR damage to those that they PRETEND to care about.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Oh, ok, so you're just calling a spade a spade right?

In the literal sense yes, in the racist sense no. I can't speak to any racist intent in your usage though, although you are the one who saw fit to inject it into the discussion.
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Veteran Expediter
Raised In the suburbs of Indianapolis... hardly thug U. We all know children would never lie to protect themselves.

I have no interest in buying ANYTHING sold by media or politicians. You wont find me around these parts of the forum again unless its a matter that concerns me. Sorry to intrude.

Geez... another one who can't take the debate, and thinks an ordinary comment is a personal insult.


Veteran Expediter
I went to an inner city school were fighting was fairly the norm and security was in the school...this is outside of normal fighting over whatever teenage angst most kids fight over!
Layout ignoring race and going light with punishment due a teenagers race is nothing new. When I was in 8th grade a black boy grabbed my boob, after the teacher refused to intervene and the kid did it again I smacked him...he then proceeded to choke me until I almost passed out and had fingerprint bruises on my neck. The only person who helped was the smallest boy in the class, he pulled the kid off of me. Teacher did call for security but it took them five minutes to get there. When I could breathe again I used a racial slur...long story somewhat short I got detention for foul language, the principal was afraid to "throw a young black man's life down the drain" and only gave him a three day suspension. Oh and when I refused to be in the same classes as the boy they tried to tell me I would have to drop my advanced classes because they wouldn't make him change classes!!!

Where were your parents?


Seasoned Expediter
Where were your parents?

My grandmother had temporary guardianship of me at the time (long story typically raised by my father)...my step-mom went to school with me for the meeting and they basically wouldn't deal with her though to this day she says it was worth keeping her mouth shut bc apparently I made the principal look like a fool during the meeting. My grandmother didn't want to go to the police or news with the story. So aside from getting his classes changed instead of mine nothing else happened...well except for the family friend that caught him on the street one day.
In a way it happening during that time might have been a blessing, my father would have probably went to jail...

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"In a way it happening during that time might have been a blessing, my father would have probably went to jail..."

Different times. Where and when I grew up it would have been expected that a girls father would have taken that "thing" to task. Out behind the shed, THEN the "thing's father", would have done the same. The lack of such action is one of the primary reasons that things are SO bad out there. No one is held responsible.


Staff member
Retired Expediter

The newly retired former bus driver, John Moody.

I'm just sayin'.

Al and Jesse aren't going to go after one of their own to stir up racial emotions, because if they did that, the only racial emotions that would get stirred would be negative emotions from whites towards blacks. That can't be good.

You can (Al and Jesse, anyway) stir up negative racial emotions when it's directed at whites, because that plays on white guilt and results in fewer white-on-black racial attacks (except, ironically, it results in even more racist attitudes from whites who are seeing a double standard and only results in more outward racism).


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
AL and Jessie SHOULD be going after the thugs. They SHOULD be TRYING to instill values, like personal responsibility in today's black youth so maybe, JUST maybe, the cycle can be broken. They SHOULD be DEMANDING that black fathers raise, teach and provide for their own children. That is the only way what we are seeing today is going to end. Government programs and the "blame game" will only continue it.

It was CNN who attempted to cast the driver in bad light. Why? I don't know, it made no sense. The poor man was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Policy required he call in and not step in. He age made it unsafe to step in. Had he used some sort of "equalizer" , say a night stick, to stop a deliberate attack, an attack that was meant too and did cause bodily harm, HE would have been charged and likely arrested. Even though the use of what ever force that was needed to stop that attack was the morally correct thing to do.