Lawrence and Kim made some very good points, and reading between the lines, I think Mike did too.
Nothing is removed because we disagree with what the poster wrote.
We may indeed agree with some things or find them funny on a personal level, but on a professional level, we can't allow them. Are we perfect? No way. Do we slip up and stick our own personal opinions in? Of course. That's why we have more than one mod, so we can 'police' our selves, and someone can say "Hey Dreamer, did you mean that the way it sounded? etc"
Things are removed if they are against EO posting rules, or are advocating something illegal. Others are removed if it is 'reasonably obvious' they are a personal insult directed at another member, and will probably result in a thread composed of nothing but flaming back and forth. And of course, some things are removed if they are flat out bashing a company and making marks that could potentially be considered lible.
This does not mean, as so many have said, we don't allow bad comments about comanies. Look back thru our 75,000 plus posts, and you will see plenty of complaints! The problem comes when someone says 'X company IS this... they DID this, they ARE breaking the law, Etc" Then it goes beyond opinion, to 'statement of fact'.
Then, said company X looks at our forums (and beleive me, they do) and they see these statements of 'fact'. They can't get to you, you're just a screen name. But they sure know who Expediters Online and Lawrence McCord are! So guess who gets the heat for allowing the potentially libelous statements to stand as public record?
You got it.. the phones start ringing.
We do our best to allow our members to express their opinions, but there must always be limits, dictated by good taste, and what is legal.
We've built, in my opinion, one of the most civil, professional, and long lasting forums you can find. People don't come here for flame fests. They come here to get good information and to interact with the best in the industry, our members.
Thanks to all our members for their participation, and to our moderators who VOLUNTEER their time to keep these forums flowing.
Forums Administrator
"You cannot tailor make the situations in life, but you can tailor make the attitudes to fit those situations before they arise"
Zig Ziglar