Wolverine. Although Fedex is not right for everyone I figure it can't be too bad when you look at how many people leave, only to return.
Others leave, don't find nirvana, and exit the business.
I'm sure many people have left and found happiness. I don't personally know anybody that has switched carriers, from Fedex, and found happiness in the same size vehicle.
I'm sure not smart enough to know why other people move from one carrier to another, zorry.
From time to time I did it, but it certainly wasn't because a recruiter promised me I'd be part of a big happy family and I'd get to sit around with management and sing folk songs late into the night!
I DO insist, however, that my dispatchers call me by my nickname (Wolverine), instead of what shows up on their screen. Otherwise I refuse the load, because being called that makes me feel warm and fuzzy; just as if I were part of a large extended family!