When Strangers ask!


Veteran Expediter
What I hope to get out of this post is some insight as to why this is so commonplace amoungst expediters.

We're checking in at the guardshack of a "high security" customer when another driver (wearing the same company logo) ask, "where is your load going?" Just because your shirt matches mine, but we've never met before,you are a stranger to me. When I politely tell the other driver that we dont discuss our load information for security reasons, it become obvious he/she is ticked. Although we end up loading side by side, we aren't spoken to again! Later the guard tells me I handled that situation the proper way at their facility.

What about all the times we get asked how much our load is paying. We dont even know the person asking,and they expect us to tell. Are they afraid we're getting paid more than them? I dont care what you're getting paid for your load. Obviously its enough to get you to take it.Shouldn't others look at our load in the same manner?

Another time, as I sat in the drivers seat, my wife was checking us in at our pickup, a truck with the same logo pulls along side. Down goes the passenger window and I get "what time is your appointment?" Obviously I dont share that information with the stranger. I'm sure they will figure it out when they see us loading. Anyway, what happened to saying hello first, maybe followed by my name is?

We get backed up to the dock and the other driver of the same truck is immediately standing at the rear of our box. He ask "Did you have a good year?" My wife answers "yes". He ask "Did you make $200,000?" My wife and I look at each other in disbelief as she answers "around that." He pushes for an exact amount from us, but soon learns thats not going to happen. Then he proceeds to "boast" about how they made $209,000. I could go on but I think you get the picture.

My point here is this:
In previous circles that I've worked, fellow employees respected each others privacy.First, you got to know each other and developed a friendship before personal things such as money matters were shared.We are not comfortable sharing this information with strangers and DONT like being asked. Whats upseting, is when they get miffed with us for not sharing. Also, what happened to being security minded about your load. Do we really need to be discussing this in public?

Don't get me wrong, we like meeting other expediters, we're just not used to such a forward crowd.


Veteran Expediter
I aways use the don't ask don't tell Method when it comes to loads and money!

Owner/Operator since 1979
Expediter since 1997
B Unit Semi Retired
Somedays are Diamonds and Somedays are Stones

outwardbound 2

Expert Expediter
It is my understanding that there is some unspoken edicate in buisness relations first never speak of money with fellow co-workers second never discuss the job that you are doing unless you need thier help
When put in such a situation i find that i'll change the conversation to things like weather, religion, politics, or sex. Every one seems to have an oppion on one of these and more then happy to talk about them.
i would of sujested sports but i personally don't follow them. Also what seems to work nicely is "That's a nice truck you have what type of milage you get?"


Veteran Expediter
Beware of strangers offering candy. And if a stranger offers to show you his browser, run! Run to the nearest drug free, tobacco free safe place. Or call that goofy dog that takes a bite out of crime.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Your response is professional and appropriate. If you are uncomfortable sharing personal info, it is entirely right and proper to answer as you do. You are right about people in this industry talking about earnings and such much more openly than in most others. Some of those folks are just trying to be friendly. But if they are put off by your wanting to keep your info to yourself, that's their problem, not yours.

Regarding discussion about loads, I'll sometimes tell people I know the state or large city we are heading toward. Even then I'm careful about who I'm telling. Our friends are familiar with the issues and fully respect it when we keep info to ourselves.

Revealing you are going to be westbound on I-10 for the next 12 hours may be just the info someone needs to set up a truck jacking. Even if you are carrying something mundane like paint or a load of dash board knobs for new tractors, it's best to keep your route info to yourself. It may not be the freight they are interested in, but the truck.

If people want specifics, "I'm sorry, we do not discuss our freight." is the standard reply. If they persist, I say again, "I'm sorry, we do not discuss our freight." I've never had to repeat myself a third time. If someone did ask a third time, I'd consider it a threat and take action as appropriate.


Veteran Expediter
Here is my response m0st of the time.

Man I go everywhere, if freight is heading that way, I'm going. Oh I am all over. Doing all this while constantly moving around and just being pumped up.

I am making more money than I ever made in my life. Unreal money money oh I love the money. and so on................

I just rattle crap off in a real upbeat positive way.



Veteran Expediter
The first thing that came to mind was a snobbish attitude. However, being at a high security facility, I could see you saying that. On a regular load, I always ask company, and non-company drivers alike (if they are friendly enough) where they're headed. I'm curious that way, and I don't mind giving the info when asked myself.

As far as money over the past year, that's a toss up. I won't volunteer the info, but I'll share it if asked. More than likely, I'll ask how the past week has gone. Comparing info like that can tell you if things are as good/bad for others.

I've read many posts from long time expediters wondering where the comradarie has gone between expediters. I give this very thread as an answer. Ppl are more prone to treat other expediters as strangers, thus losing the "family" atmosphere. We're all in the same boat together, so what's so hard about giving up a little info to someone comparing notes? Unless I have a really uneasy feeling about someone, I like to brag and get some bragging in return. It's healthy for the industry. Too many ppl shutting themselves off to the world around.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
One thing to consider is your previous circles were probably jobs where you spent a lot of time with the same people. You have the time to develop the friendships and get to the point of sharing more 'sensitive' information. In this business 'relationships' are often less than a half hour at the same dock and a long relationship is sitting for the weekend at the same truckstop. By nature people want reassurance and positive reinforcement of their choices. Expediters will ask and volunteer more personal information specifically to get that. I don't think they are trying to be rude or nosy, for the most part, but just hoping to get a boost and feel better about their decision whether it's company, truck or whatever.

If I had a load that was high value or high security or knew the shipper was very particular about things I handle it like this. "Say, are you one of those guys they told us would be spot checking to see if we're following security procedures? I can't tell you where I'm going because you may be with safety and testing me." That should put them off without ticking them off. If they get mad anyway, oh well.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
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Not a Member
My feeling is this, I dont Discuss money with anyone, As far as where I'm going Its fine with me, When I talk to people its for conversation sake to pass the time. Bottom line is this some one tries to jack me they are either gonna eat my bumper, or I'm gonna put two in there head. I dont play around.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
When someone says with a smug smile ' Did you make $209,000 last year",just reply, "is that all you did,you guys must have been out of service for quite a while".


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
There's a couple different ways to go, depending on each situation. Generally, I think you can tell whether someone is being friendly, and just trying to start a conversation with another driver... simply for the conversation.

In those cases, it's usually more of a casual "hey, where ya goin?"... " ya makin any money?" etc. To me it sounds like the person you referenced was trying to convince himself he was doing well. As for the appointment time question, they were probably thinking if their time was first, they could shoot by you and get unloaded first.

Over the years, I've heard everything from the standard "Hey, y'all make any money with that lil truck?" to , as you said, specifics that were really no one's business.

If someone just sounded friendly, I might make some general comments, and chit chat without specifics. If they were out of line, well.. I turned into one of those rude drivers everyone talks about :) .. and gave them the 'go away lil man' look.. LOL...

After thinkin about it, I like Rich's idea :+ :+ :+

Forums Administrator


The Strength of The Great, is found in their Restraint.




Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
When we first got started in the trucking industry,we drove for Caliber out of NC.

Most of our loads were from GlaxoWelcome and we were told to never give any details about our loads.

So I guess that has carried over into the expediting life,if asked I simply reply...after we drop this load,we're heading home for a few days.Then I follow up with a quick question about anything other than loads,so far seems to work pretty well.

I'm not being rude and I enjoy meeting people but in this line of work,I am just careful about what I say and to whom I say it to.

I have no desire to discuss our earnings,we aren't headed to the poor house yet nor are we shopping for a estate on a private island.

Each person knows what they are comfortable with in discussing their loads and earnings.Most drivers handle it very well and I respect their limits as I expect them to respect mine.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
>There's a couple different ways to go, depending on each
>situation. Generally, I think you can tell whether someone
>is being friendly, and just trying to start a conversation
>with another driver... simply for the conversation.
>In those cases, it's usually more of a casual "hey, where ya
>goin?"... " ya makin any money?" etc.

That's a good point. Such general questions are often nothing more than conversation starters. A general answer like, "Yes, we're doing OK, have you been running?" can be a friendly reply that also signals the other person that details will not be forthcomming, but you're happy to chat about other things too.


Veteran Expediter
Thus far, there have been some really good post regarding this subject. Many comments made help in understanding the thinking within the expediter community. The one post is correct in the time spent socializing is usaully short,therefore explaining fast-forwarding into certain topics between two or more expediters. It sounds like I'm on the right track in my thinking and my answers. I need not worry how one takes my responses, as they are not given in a hateful manner. If unfortunately they take it that way, their problem, not mine.;)

PS: loved the post about you only made $209,000 for the year. I find it interesting that driver went on to boast how they had only taken one month off for the whole year. We were off for three, so according to my calculations, we did far better than them! :) :7 :p


Veteran Expediter
One of the nice things about being older than dirt and having a dead memory, is that I can say something like, "I'm not sure where I'm heading, I'll have to look at my pro bill in the truck". It's not a lie either.
:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Do strangers ever ask you if your wife has a sister? Remember the old Shakespear proverb" Me thinks thou protest too much". Prof going to be hard to live that one down.


Veteran Expediter
Tennessee Hawk is right on. Your own company truck, come on now that is snobbish period. And no its not unprofessional when I see one of my company trucks to ask some questions.

Just last Friday I sat in MN,MN had a great time with a Fed Ex team and another one of our company drivers we all had a blast. Shared stories and made some new friends.

High Security yeah I can agree with that but a load of nuts and bolts or a machine, lighten up.

If I accidently say hello to youall in a truck stop please don't give me or each other a dirty look just I try to be friendly out here to true professionals.