When I was a Newbie.

Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
>I don't post here very much, since I left expediting some
>time ago.. but it seems I'm missing a few things here.

Dave... you said it... you are missing a few things here!

perhaps you missed this thread...

"** Expediter definitions... Forum responsibilities"
you will find it in the loading dock

and maybe this one...

"good ole days"
with a quote from me stating...
... there are a lot of knowledgeable experienced individuals on this site, and please do not misunderstand our intentions. No one here is discounting the value of the newbie to this forum. Check out the postings of "LarryBadger". This guy has never driven commercially but has already made several very informative and helpful posts.

here's another quote...

I think the suggestion of sig file is a good one. I suugest also adding what state the member is based out of.

Expediters Online.com

then finish your reading with this thread...
"Real life reasons to be careful"
read it all the way through... especially the last post...

It seems to me, and I could be wrong, this credentials thing is simply giving predjudicial people another excuse to say "MY WAY IS THE ONLY WAY BECAUSE I'M THE OLDEST, BEST, ETC"...

This is my last attempt to explain why I and so many others urge caution in entering this industry as an owner/operator...

many who play Russian Roulette live to tell about it...your odds of succeding as a Newbie O/O are a greater risk than 1 in 6...take your choice.

You are a Charter member and have made a total of 13 posts...

I'll let your involvement speak for itself.

Maybe I should just sit back and let those who wish to question my
intentions tell the Newbies what kind of new truck to buy. It may
a much more reasonable way to increase the number of trucks I can put on the road.
(p.s. Please buy Silver cabs)


Veteran Expediter
I am one of the first to say experience comes from many places. Tom and I have had our bouts of disagreement and he does not always like what I say and I do not always like what he says. I was dead set against this sig line but never said a word and just fell in line. Why did I do that? In the last few months I have taken a blow financialy due to truck mecahnical issues. In the last year I have spent over $16,000.00 on truck repairs. I added my sig line because I opted to help others by showing them what happened to me. I am one of the most positive and upbeat people you will ever meet. I am a follower of the LORD and I have affirmations I do each day, I have requests of my God and I read the Bible. No matter this almost crumbled me. I have dropped back to one truck on the road right at the moment and am not sure how I want to proceed as an owner. I want to keep running because I love this business. But I do not know which direction I will go. In my sig line I do not include all my experience just that which applies to this forum. I have a daughter and a son in law in deleivery with Fed Ex. They have discussed getting into this expediting. I tried and tried to say do not just look at the settlements. This business is much more than that. They never got my point. They have yet to jump in but this past month I showed the them the money going out in real time. If just half of my problems hit them, they would most likely loose their house. I talk to people everyday that want to buy trucks and they have no money. If they have a flat tire it will ruin them. They have no money. I was not at all in agreement with a lot of what the veterens were asking for in terms of sig lines. When my problems set in I looked at those sig lines so I knew who I could ask questions of during my bad times and these are times my attitude and outlook never planned for. I expected oil changes, tires, hoses, cracked windshield etc. I never expected two trucks to have the amount of major problems at the same exact time and if anyone says they would think of that, I will call them a liar. I have had to eat a great big bowl of crow because I never planned on this little problem. Why is all this important? People who are looking at trucks and going in with the bare minimum or putting their house up to get a truck because it will not happen to them, Ha! They need to have every bit of info they can get and know who is giving it. I will get through this but if this were my daughter or some other unsuspecting person who jumped in with no money, welfare line here they would come and the house would be the second thing gone. The truck being the first. I know this bothers people but I signed my posts and I dont think it is to bad an idea. I think this covered my daily posting requirement, maybe two. :)

Owner Two Straight Truck.
Part time driver of one of my trucks and local TT.
15mon.OTR Expediting
1 yr local Expediting
Line Haul TT 2mon.
OTR Straight Truck Plt to Plt off and on 5 years.
Based in Cincy Ohio
Currently run Express-1


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Now, I was here a long time ago, and I understand Ateam is very upbeat in his views. But where is the crime in that? As I read the post, I see him simply saying that driving for an owner is not the ONLY way to go, that some have 'jumped in' and made it. What's wrong with that? Did EVERY poster on here drive for an owner first, or 'jump in'? Rich, Dave, Dreamer, ??? Did you all drive for an owner first

My situation was different than most. I was in charge of the transportation division within a vending company when I started. Because of that, I had some experience with many carriers as well as an additional career and income. Most today don't fall into that catagory. Driving for an owner is not the only way to go. It is the best way to go taking into account the risks. Some fail to see those risk factors. I think it is important that new folks understand that many more fail than succeed. There are some that find it difficult to address that issue. An industry with 100 percent turnover rate doesn't happen by accident.
It clearly doesn't mean one can't do well, but as with any business, you have to understand both sides. One is severely limited when just "jumping in" because they don't know the other side.
20 years


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi Gang!!!

Couldn't resist posting to this thread!!!

Since I last talked to any of you-all I added a “C unit” 14ft box van with lift gate that I own and a “D unit” owned by a contract driver signed on with us, to our fleet. I have been driving the “C unit”, (get bored sitting at the office all the time) in fact I was in Vernon NY Thursday night (in the cargo van) up your way Mark. I left Mansfield OH Thursday afternoon and blew the doors off of Davekc on sr-30 easterly bound. I think it was you Dave? I shouted for ya on the radio but you didn’t reply. One can’t really mistake that big red house (panthers on the sides) on wheels rolling down the road as non-other than you!!! Nough chitchat and back to the topic RIGHT!

Everyone entering into this business has his/her own way of thinking and doing things. No matter what is said or suggested to some will it change their mind once that person is dead-set on following threw with that plan. Most newbies or want-a-bees coming to this site to gather info has already heard about expediting. Some even buy a van or truck long before doing any research (see topic #2554). To cut to the chase! There is no wrong way or right way about entering into expediting. A newbie doesn’t have to work for an owner before investing ones life worth on a new unit (although for some it would be a very wise thing to do) Then on the other foot, for someone to go out and buy a new or even used unit may be the motivation one needs to get them over the hump. I think it is up to the individual to decide and for us to only (as professionals wanting to help others) TO ONLY SUGGEST.

When I started in this business I was dead set on becoming a Carrier/Freight Forwarder - Courier/Expediter that no matter what anyone told me would have changed my mind. I was going to buy a vehicle come hell or high water. I just wasn’t sure if I needed a truck or a van. I knew I could not or did not want to work as a driver contracting to another carrier, but I did long enough to learn what was needed to move on. As it turned out I bought a van and went to work as a local courier/expediter. Once I learned what was needed to be a good driver (there is a learning process involved in being a successful driver) I hired on as a part time dispatcher, then onto a salesman while taking a small business course at the community collage, I then started obtaining my own PLAN, credentials and customers and never looked back.

Why do I say all this? Because I see when some member’s post they come on like they are the last Trucker and no one can do it any better or they are always challenging someone’s post. You all know who you are!!! To also remind those of you on this site that you all are only here voluntarily to share your experiences and to offer suggestions and information to the ones seeking it. I see a few members taking the opinions and/or postings of others very personal. So personal some are becoming obsessed, and on a mission. I say to he-ll with those posting the BS!!! Even though I’m no longer a devoted poster or moderator I have been receiving emails daily with-in the last couple of weeks from some long time members laughing at some, but also expressing some concern about all the BS going on and hoping it will not hurt the boards. Just a little reminder to those of you that do care, each and every member posting on this site has his or her own intent may it be seeking or giving, right or wrong, and it is up to those seeking to weigh all the information and come to his/her own conclusions. If I want to post and act as if I am a truck owner and been driving for 20 years, but don’t even own a bike, and can’t even drive one, why should you let that pull you off your square? If some members want to pose as owners and are not, they are only lying to themselves. Most of the members on this board know what's up and who is full of S-it and who is here to truly help. I wouldn't let someone posting BS pull me off my little spot. Hell 85% of the drivers on the CB radio are talking sh-it, so what makes you think a public forum is any different? I think I read in a post something about including the number of yrs, and if you own a truck or are a driver in each members signature. Isn’t that what your profile is for, to put all that in there? If I want to know who a member is and/or what he/she is about I go to their profile. If a member doesn’t have what I call credible info my warning lights then start flashing each and every time that member posts until I learn more about that member. If I seek info I go right to the mods and ask them to recommend cretin individuals that may be able to help be obtain what I’m looking for. The mods of the board know which members are truly helpful and/or which ones are just there fronting.

In other words, and as they say on the radio If you don’t like what I have to say or am writing - go to another board. This is my thread!
These are my thoughts and the way I see it. God Bless you all!!!

AKA Tony C, still a newbie!!!


Veteran Expediter
Hee-haw, if I could type and spell, that is what I would have said, If I could string more than five words together, and have it make any sense.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
"It's not about being right or wrong, it's about being profitable or not."

EXACTLY. My story regarding the stockbroker was showing a popular style expediters sometimes use to start out that is quite often non-profitable.

Okay, the stockbroker probably wrote off the loss, and it wasn't a big deal to him. I salute the stockbroker. Fools and their money who haplessly part ways like him help used truck buyers like myself. They put a good number of newer, low mileage used and reposessed trucks on the market, which helps to keep my business very profitable!



Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
I think it is good that everyone wants to warn the newbies of the best way to enter the business. I think there comes a point tho, that if someone is determined to enter as an owner, we need to stop naysaying, support them in their decision, and try to help them.

As history shows, many of them quite possibly will fail, however, many will make it. We should congratulate those who do, and acknowledge their accomplishments.

To assume that those who go straight to ownership will fail, and tell them so, is not only arrogent, it is contrary to the purpose we are here. We are here to help ALL.

I think we all agree that it is BEST to drive for an owner first to make sure driving is for you, however, as others have said, it is very possible , for someone to succeed going straight in. If they can overcome the 'shock' of the lifestyle, while ALSO overcoming the 'shock' of dealing with the reality of truck payments, maintenance etc.. then they will make it.

While preaching caution.. let's make sure we still support both!


[font color="red"]Disclaimer! The preceding is simply the opinion of me as a person, and may in no way reflect the opinions of anyone else![/font}


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I am in support of all involved in expediting once they enter the business, regardless of how they do it. Many times though, those ones who jump right in make the task a very tough one. Especially when they contact me personally for help, and iron clad advice to bail them out of a bind cannot be offered. The way I see it, many times these binds could have been avoided by not jumping in. But nonetheless, I still support those expediters.

There was talk in another post on this thread about the stories of those who jumped in as owner operators and succeded. I have been involved with EO for about 5 years now, and possibly need my memory refreshed, because I just don't recall too many of these stories.

The stories of these jump-in success owners are more than welcome along with stories of people such as the stockbroker, or any other success/failure stories for that matter. I just don't have any of the instant success ones to share myself. I would also welcome these jump-in owners to share their how-to pointers on starting out to newcomers, and show me that going their route will be less risky than working with a fleet owner in the beginning. Then I'll be convinced and promote entering the business either way. But until that time, in my tradition of not being wishy-washy here, I am going to keep my stand on driving for the fleet owner, because I feel it keeps those "Help bail me out of my bind" letters to a minimal.



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Hey Tony
Thanks for the drivers report on the truck.
That is another team in my truck.
Good Post!

Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
I agree with Dreamers point that there is no right or wrong way to enter the industry.

There are actually two choices; one is very risky the other is not.
Like Weave, I will continue to support the concept of drivers entering the market through the "try before you buy method" until it is proven to me that the number of those entering as owner operators have a higher success ratio than those entering as drivers for owners.

The real issue here is that one member in particular, is highly supportive and in many ways instrumental in encouraging others to enter as owner operators when he, himself has take the safer of the two choices. Furthermore he writes to me personally to say that if someone he influenced into entering as an owner op loses his truck and fails, that he has no regrets concerning his advice. This has been the catalyst of my postings, as well as my drive for everyone’s credentials to be posted.

I have been told by two individuals that they entered the industry greatly influenced by this individual. Both wanted me to buy their trucks.

So to all who feel I have been posting on this issue because of some benefit I may receive or that I am some how threatened by or jealous of another individual, I'll gladly send those phone calls to you.

If you heard the stress and panic in the voices of those who are about to lose their dreams you may feel a little differently. It would take an individual without any knowledge of the meaning of the word "empathy", to say that these calls have no effect on them.
To those who have been exposed to the warnings and still decide to enter as an owner operator, I and many others on this forum will do anything to help them in anyway.

I personally wish all in our industry success and hope that they make their personal dreams a reality.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Tom and Weave,

Well put. I would not ask you to advocate anything you did not beleive in, I just felt we were starting to get off into a state of mind that "No way can a newbie make it as an owner"..

I really believe each person who advises either way, advises from their heart, and their own experience. I don't believe they do so to stroke their own egos, or make themselves look good, I think we just have some passionate people! If we're not careful tho, we end up so severely divided, no one gets help from us.

Thanks for your understanding!


ps: Teacel! Nice to hear from you!

Tennesee Trash

Expert Expediter
I will start with my "credentials" for all to see, I have owned 0 trucks, I have not driven for any carrier EVER, only driven on expediting runs as a "ride along" about ten trips. I have never been to an orientation,and I know very little compared to all the drivers on this site ,especially the "experienced driver". I have only had my CDL's for a very short period of time. I figure I will have to learn a heck of a lot to ever make expediting a profitable business of expediting. I am neither a braggert nor fool, just a "newbie". I have researched, asked stupid "newbie" questions and been ignored by some, as it should be, but 99% were helpful. Heck I have even been told I ask too many questions and others say keep asking until you get the answer!!
Then again, I have also been encouraged, guided ,and helped in ways I will probably never be able to repay those drivers for. I have had people call and offer help, like telling me where to go for my license, truck or van , O/O , drive for others. I have called other drivers at home and discussed all the pros and cons. I have went to truck stops, dealer lots, called recruiters all for the simple reason of getting more knowledge. You (collective)"experience, O/O's , fleet drivers, van drivers, recruiters have what I need "past history" so hopefully I don't make the big, "oh Lord I lost my house", kind of mistakes.
I am one who will continue to use this site as "I" see it, research and comunication between those more aware of the every day ups and downs than me and those who can guide me along till I get going.
I personally don't care how you got your experience. It is all valuable knowledge you can share with us newbie's .I need it,I use it, and I go by it to a certain degree. If I choose to follow someone's advice so be it, be it good or bad in someone else's eyes. I am an individual who has made his decisions to get into expediting by weighing the pros and cons and what is best for me and my family.
I will end this by saying I am going to orientation Monday (02-07-2005), I am going to drive for some else "first" ,co-driver. I chose to go with co-driving to gain as much knowledge as possible from an experienced driver before I did go out on my own. BUT this was my decision after listening and then coming to my own conclusions.
So I think all newbies have something to learn from you and we do read what you say. GOOD or BAD !!!

Thanks Larry , Tn/ Trash

Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
TN Trash....

Let me be one of the first to welcome you into the industry. I think you are making a very good decision. Most people have had to work very hard to get where they are today, and to take unnecessary risk without first hand knowledge can have devastating costs.

We all hope you enjoy the business and with this decision you alone will be able to determine whether the next step of O/O is right for you. If you have any questions about your arrangements, or what is considered fair and equal treatment, please consider me as a sounding board.

Drive safely and profitably!

Tennesee Trash

Expert Expediter
Thank you Tom and I appreciate the response. I am in no way sure whether I will make it or not, but with all the help I have received I will come a lot closer to making it.I am not dead set on being an O/O but I am determined to succeed if at all possible.
Thanks Larry ,Tn/Trash


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
TT: You'll make it. Good luck at orientation nd give us the scoop when you get back


Tennesee Trash

Expert Expediter
Thanks Terry , I guess I should've mentioned those who REALLY helped the most but I respect their privacy. You know Terry I even found room in my suitcase for some old VCR's of "Nascar" races and my "spit cup". God Bless, I will let you know the outcome whenever I can.

Larry, Tn/Trash