Veteran Expediter
We post on here exposing ourselves to ridicule. Thats part of the game and fun. I will admitt that my decision (which really was not) to purchase a Pro-Heat was the wrong decision, but to buy a AP unit is a very smart, money saving tool. Its just that a tool.
That is just one point I wanted to make. I have made posts and been proved wrong, I find myself man enough to fess up to my mistakes. Something I learned long ago, its much easier to say I goofed rather than let tempers get out of hand defending yourself when you are wrong or more wrong than right.
If I post and you dissagree than fine, please prove me or the poster wrong but be professional about it. I questioned the guy who claims he can Survive on $110.00 in groceries. I doubt that but why would I sweep him under the rug, heck maybee he can but I would be curuious as to how it could be done.
We all live once, and I do enjoy eating well, I enjoy being comfortable even if costs a little $, and thats why I am out here to make $ to support my family, my business and to be happy and comfortable while performing my job to the best of my ability and that means being healthy not sick from being so cheap that one jeopordizes ones health and well being.
I know of two drivers last winter who did not idle there trucks in cold temps. One had a cold for over a month and than came down with Pnomonia, the other got Strep Throat and was so dehydrated that he had to check into a hospital for three days. So much for saving $ on fuel. Being cheap, can cost you much more than just your health.
That is just one point I wanted to make. I have made posts and been proved wrong, I find myself man enough to fess up to my mistakes. Something I learned long ago, its much easier to say I goofed rather than let tempers get out of hand defending yourself when you are wrong or more wrong than right.
If I post and you dissagree than fine, please prove me or the poster wrong but be professional about it. I questioned the guy who claims he can Survive on $110.00 in groceries. I doubt that but why would I sweep him under the rug, heck maybee he can but I would be curuious as to how it could be done.
We all live once, and I do enjoy eating well, I enjoy being comfortable even if costs a little $, and thats why I am out here to make $ to support my family, my business and to be happy and comfortable while performing my job to the best of my ability and that means being healthy not sick from being so cheap that one jeopordizes ones health and well being.
I know of two drivers last winter who did not idle there trucks in cold temps. One had a cold for over a month and than came down with Pnomonia, the other got Strep Throat and was so dehydrated that he had to check into a hospital for three days. So much for saving $ on fuel. Being cheap, can cost you much more than just your health.