What's up, Knight?

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Coach Bob Knight. Now, there's a guy that should provoke some conversation. Once again, he's in the news for a violent outburst. Imagine that! His fans say that his gonzo style of tough coaching is what gets the job done. C'mon. There are lots of successful coaches that do well without chokeing players. There are lots of coaches that can resist the urge to throw a chair across the court in a child-like tantrum. Jon Saraceno, in his USA Today column, says that Knight "is a serial abuser of athletes" and "a lousy role model for young coaches." I couldn't agree more. I have a friend who's a Knight fan and says his good side is ignored. It's commendable that his players have a high rate of graduation, but way overshadowed by his immature behavior.


Expert Expediter
Bob Knight does push his athletes to do well in school. He does need some anger management classes. He had a lot of people in Indiana especially those close to IU upset at times. However, he still has a strong following here in Indiana though. Your right though. It is too bad his occassional poor behavior over shadows his awesome coaching skills...


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
That incident was blown up way out of porportion by ESPN,all he did was tell the player to hold his head up.

This Coach takes guys from the ghetto and turns them into decent young men.His players somehow always GRADUATE. Thats more then a lot of these basketball factories disguised as Universities do.


Veteran Expediter
I will hold back on my opinion of him. If any of us acted like that in a public place, well handcuffs would be in order.

Great guy who has a diminished reputation by his childish behavor.

Thats as nice of a way as I can put it.