What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not that it matters but I've called McCarthy's capital office and said three strikes and you're out, repeated for a second time, is enough and it's time to step out and let someone selectable become speaker. I might have also suggested a larger and larger group of Texans are fed up and if it goes to a seventh ballot including McCarthy there will be major Texas money going to whoever opposes McCarthy in the next election.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
10 More Questionable Claims by George Santos:

1. His wife, Emily Ratajkowski... makes the best Chicken Paprikash.

2. His unassisted triple-play ended the 2007 World Series!

3. Inherited his father's urinal cake manufacturing empire and sold it to Mr. Wonderful on an episode of "Shark Tank" that has yet to air.

4. Has built igloos for the indigenous people of Arctic Alaska through his charitable program "Icehouses for Humanity".

5. Has been writing material for his pal Jerry Seinfeld for years.

6. His painting, "Cat"... set a record for the highest price ever paid for a paint-by-number work of art.

7. Although an only-child... he claims to have been his Mother's favorite.

8. After a heart-to-heart discussion with his Rabbi, George no longer puts mayo on his pastrami sandwich. He still hasn't given up the white bread, however.

9. Four Taylor Swift songs are about him.

10. Gets WORDLE on the first guess 8-out-of 10 times.
  • Haha
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
10 More Questionable Claims by George Santos:

1. His wife, Emily Ratajkowski... makes the best Chicken Paprikash.

2. His unassisted triple-play ended the 2007 World Series!

3. Inherited his father's urinal cake manufacturing empire and sold it to Mr. Wonderful on an episode of "Shark Tank" that has yet to air.

4. Has built igloos for the indigenous people of Arctic Alaska through his charitable program "Icehouses for Humanity".

5. Has been writing material for his pal Jerry Seinfeld for years.

6. His painting, "Cat"... set a record for the highest price ever paid for a paint-by-number work of art.

7. Although an only-child... he claims to have been his Mother's favorite.

8. After a heart-to-heart discussion with his Rabbi, George no longer puts mayo on his pastrami sandwich. He still hasn't given up the white bread, however.

9. Four Taylor Swift songs are about him.

10. Gets WORDLE on the first guess 8-out-of 10 times.
Now do Biden.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If the Dems win the House majority in two years look who is likely 2nd in line for the presidency. The Dems just voted unanimously for like the 10th time for an election denier, Hakeem Jeffries, as their minority leader.
Just a reminder of some of his election denying comments from the past:
View attachment 22180IMG_20230105_170246.jpgView attachment 22182IMG_20230105_170107.jpg


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

Way to go Dems. You just voted for the divisive election denier for the tenth time.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
10 Votes, Still No House Speaker

Same s**t, different day. How long will this continue?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
First, there was no insurrection. No number of incessantly repeating that there was, in fact, an insurrection, will make it true. The only person shot at the Capitol Riot was a protester. An "unarmed insurrection" is an oxymoron. Not a single defendant was charged with insurrection under 18 U.S.C. 2383 because it’s a legal term with specific elements.

Second,, this piece lays out most of the objections to Mccarthy.

Lastly, going through 10 votes for Speaker, while it's rare and hasn't happened in 100 years, is hardly unprecedented. They've got a long way to go to get the the 1859 extravaganza of 40 votes. This isn't Worse than Watergate, everybody isn't worse than Hitlerr, and black Republicans aren't White Supremacists. Calm down.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Matt gaetz put forth trump as house speaker!
Gaetz did not "put forth Trump as house speaker. He simply cast his lone vote for Trump. That was a vote or two ago. In the 10th vote just completed Trump got zero votes. Through the whole 10-round process (and counting), Trump received one vote one time. That should surprise no one as Trump himself has ruled Trump out of serving in this capacity. If Trump seriously ran for the job, he would lose big because all Democrats and whole bunch of Republicans would vote against such a stunt.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
If Trump seriously ran for the job, he would lose big because all Democrats and whole bunch of Republicans would vote against such a stunt.
History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme. - Mark Twain
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I've been glimpsing the news through the day as the House speaker situation continues to play out. Various thoughts:

1. It's getting boring and tiresome. Same votes repeated again and again. Same results.

2. One comment that stuck out above many others was "The Republican Party has been captured and is being held hostage by the extremists."

3. One commentator mentioned there are 18 Republican congressmen/women-elect that got elected in blue districts. McCarthy has sealed their reelection death warrants by failing to yield as he has. That will change the math a bit in the next Congress.

4. Since I'm not a Republican, I have no dog in this fight. It matters little to me who the Republicans elect to be their speaker, but it does matter that they elect someone. They've not done that. Instead, they are running a "McCarthy v. The 21" spectacle in which the contestants are in a stalemate. Worse, all other Republicans are tolerating or contributing to the stalemate instead of taking quick action to resolve it. The larger group is not without options but they choose not to exercise them. They seem just fine letting the fire burn.

5. As this drags on without a resolution in sight, I'm growing increasingly irritated by the utter selfishness these Republicans manifest. NOTHING matters more to them than winning this fight; and they're willing to shut down the House of Representatives to do it, no matter how many fellow Republicans and how many others get harmed by the delays they cause.

6. Now that The 21 have discovered their power, a Republican-led House governing well seems increasingly less likely.

7. I don't claim to understand how the MAGA extremists who helped elect these clowns think. But I'm thinking even they are disappointed. They're eager to see the House begin their oversight, issuing subpoenas and humiliating all Trump enemies as they haul them in to testify before their committees. Instead, the MAGA rank and file are watching their elected heroes form a circular firing squad and take shots at each other.

8. In the meantime, the Democrats are basking on easy street as this Republican goat rodeo proceeds. They are clearly enjoying themselves as local and national media put them on TV to share their reactions to these developments. I believe they are inwardly saying, "Thank you so very much Kevin McCarthy et el. Keep up the good work! This is great for us! Thank you for the free boost! Yes, it would be better for the country if you got your act together, but we're having a great time at the moment and it's fine with us if you keep the show going just a little longer. This is just too much fun to let it go."

9. I don't know how realistic it is to even think this, but a way out I see is 20 or so moderate Republicans band together to work with Democrats to elect a moderate Republican Speaker, a Speaker with whom most Democrats and Republicans would be willing to work. Rules can then be adopted that disempower the extremists and allow all other representatives to actually do something good for the country.
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