What was dispatch thinking?


Veteran Expediter
This happened more than a year ago but I assure you it's a true story.
So ... I'm sitting in Fort Wayne In about 10am and I get a load offer for a load to Laredo. It picks up in south central IN it pays well with lots of miles so I take it.:) I'm getting close to the pickup on my 150 mile deadhead and I get a call. The load won't be ready until tomorrow morning because there was a glitch in production. Oh, by the way, it will be a tight fit but there should be no problem. I'm a little concerned and I say so but I park and rest. :confused:

Next morning early, I get there and there is a delay. Finally it's ready and it won't fit through my doors. I get out the tape and it measures 5" taller than they said it would be. The shipping guy says "I didn't think I had to measure the horns on the top of the racks because they were'nt part of the load". Smoke begins to seep from my ears and my color ratchets up several shades into the red. Somehow I find a few diplomatic words for the guy who can't use a tape measure and I do a slow rolling boil back to my Sprinter and out the gate.:mad:

I let dispatch know and I tell EM .... Look, I'm a grumpy old man and I know it's not your fault but I'm really steamed and the voices in my head are telling me to do something rash. I have the better part of two days and 150 miles invested in this load and at most I'll get a dry run compensation. Let me cool off a little bit and I'll go to Whiteland and go take a nice cool shower and calm down.

I'm almost to Whiteland and I get a load offer. They're gonna make it all right for me .... Fort Wayne IN to sub Detroit area MI ... 150 miles deadhead and 93 paid miles. AAAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHH Vesuvius Erupts!!!! Cmon, this is a really small company. There is no way they didn't know the delicate nature of my state of mind. My diplomacy skills completely failed me.:D Yaaa, I know they were trying to help but no load offer at all would have been better at the time. It's funny now but it wasn't then.

I know it's happened to you too so how did you handle it. ..... TJ


Retired Expediter
I've had similar happen over the years...handled it 2 different ways....I blew my cork one time and the other was a simple "click" They got the message...
Now i am say more "seasoned" it becomes more laughable situation...

The term "load planning" or "load planners" is also laughable...you know we get loads that makes you wonder...has any thought been put into them at all??..Did anyone think this out? even look at a map? :rolleyes:

"Load Distribution Specialist" would be more suited...


Veteran Expediter
This happened more than a year ago but I assure you it's a true story.
So ... I'm sitting in Fort Wayne In about 10am and I get a load offer for a load to Laredo. It picks up in south central IN it pays well with lots of miles so I take it.:) I'm getting close to the pickup on my 150 mile deadhead and I get a call. The load won't be ready until tomorrow morning because there was a glitch in production. Oh, by the way, it will be a tight fit but there should be no problem. I'm a little concerned and I say so but I park and rest. :confused:

Next morning early, I get there and there is a delay. Finally it's ready and it won't fit through my doors. I get out the tape and it measures 5" taller than they said it would be. The shipping guy says "I didn't think I had to measure the horns on the top of the racks because they were'nt part of the load". Smoke begins to seep from my ears and my color ratchets up several shades into the red. Somehow I find a few diplomatic words for the guy who can't use a tape measure and I do a slow rolling boil back to my Sprinter and out the gate.:mad:

I let dispatch know and I tell EM .... Look, I'm a grumpy old man and I know it's not your fault but I'm really steamed and the voices in my head are telling me to do something rash. I have the better part of two days and 150 miles invested in this load and at most I'll get a dry run compensation. Let me cool off a little bit and I'll go to Whiteland and go take a nice cool shower and calm down.

I'm almost to Whiteland and I get a load offer. They're gonna make it all right for me .... Fort Wayne IN to sub Detroit area MI ... 150 miles deadhead and 93 paid miles. AAAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHH Vesuvius Erupts!!!! Cmon, this is a really small company. There is no way they didn't know the delicate nature of my state of mind. My diplomacy skills completely failed me.:D Yaaa, I know they were trying to help but no load offer at all would have been better at the time. It's funny now but it wasn't then.

I know it's happened to you too so how did you handle it. ..... TJ

Similar in a straight truck....shipper didn't consider the height of the pallets in a double stack empty paint cans load....simple solution...removed pallets from half the load shrink wrapped and success! what was 20 pallets became 10 tall ones in a 22' straight truck.

On your shipper I might suggest to the guy that he can 'beat down or cut off' those meaningless little horns!


Veteran Expediter
I've had similar happen over the years...handled it 2 different ways....I blew my cork one time and the other was a simple "click" They got the message...
Now i am say more "seasoned" it becomes more laughable situation...


The "click" of a phone hanging up or the "click" of the "safety" being disengaged? Are you referring to expedite or earlier times with the beloved 1911?


Veteran Expediter
I had about 6.5 years of seasoning at the time this happened. 6 months for an owner in an fl70, 3years in my own fl70, and 3 years in my Sprinter. I should have mentioned this happened on a wednesday and thursday after a very trying monday and tuesday following a very mediocre week. I was in a negative income situation and a negative mood too. Normally I'm fairly jovial but I did say some things that convinced my carrier that I could be a jerk.

Looking back at it, it should have been funny.


Veteran Expediter
I know it would've been hard for me not to flip out on someone...I would've turned down the next load and waited for another day...lol Patience is everything in this job...An things happen for a reason...God Knows Best...:D


Veteran Expediter
I flipped out and then went out of service and went home. I ground my teeth down to stubs while the smoke leaked out of my ears all the way home. Then I shared my jovial mood with my wife who did begin to speak to me again after a day or so. When she did speak to me, some of her first words were, "why don't you get a real job"? . Ahhh, the joys and diverse experiences we all can enjoy while getting wealthy and seeing this great nation for free as we earn our living.

Actually I do miss it. ... TJ AKA The Old Chubby Guy.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
I wont go into Dispatch\load planners because I plan on being back in September. When I first bought my truck it was pre owned (used) it had alarms and only the driver & passenger door could be opened from the outside. I picked up two Automotive skids in Washington MO. Slammed the doors shut and realised I cant open them again. Left the shipper, pulled into a shopping complex under construction. Was thin enough to slide between the body and pallet reached over with a pair of Vise grips and pulled up the door lock. After delivery took off the rear panel and hooked the spring again so I could unlock the door from the out side. My side door has a Babco lock in it & can only be opened from the inside.