What it costs vs what you make


Expert Expediter
Previous business experience tells me if I divide the gross by 3 I have a descent income projection.
So, say 1/3 net income to truck, 1/3 to the damn revenuers, and 1/3 to me as the O O.

Does this agree generally with y'all experienced owners cost experiences. Is this how Raceman survived the great winter mechanical calamity?


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
A basic vehicle with only the required bells and whistles ought to take 30%-40% of your gross for overhead. You'll likely have enough deductions to keep the revenuer's portion well below the 1/3 you mention.


Veteran Expediter
Well let the Raceman sayeth I don't ever want another winter like this past winter. Man o Man did that flat out hurt.

If you take my bad luck out of the the situation and you get rid of all the what ifs, I would of had what I consider a good solid year. You are close enough for horseshoes with your 331/3 thought process.

I had one heck of a good running driver and that really helped it made up for the other driver who was very clean and trust worthy but did not run all that well. When I moved on from her to another there went the profit.

Trucks broke down, new driver screwed me and then recently my hard driving driver turned out to have caused me more problems than I ever knew. So I am still spending money.

Good equipment, good trustworhty drivers and some luck and you can do pretty well. I have just given up on drivers. One out of seven that does the job and does not destroy your equipment is just not good numbers for me. That is why I have a truck sitting and doing nothing. It is cheaper.

I still say do this right and it is a great place to swim. Do it wrong and it can be cold, dark place to drown
