Hi to all, Ive been lurking here for a couple of years and would like your opinion on something. first ill tell you a little about myself. I live in Cedar Mountain NC and have Driven Van, straight and TT. for fleet owners with CTX, Tri- State and Nations express. I took off a couple of years to catch up my bills (LOL) and now Im looking for a solo driving position again. It just keeps pulling me back in, some day I will figure out the right formula. I have one person that wants me to drive Class 8 for 65% me paying the fuel,with nations express. another with Fe-Ex class D 40% with the owner paying for fuel and I have always heard these rumors: Teams do better with big companys and solos do better with smaller companies, teams do better with fedex and tri state and solos do better with nations. Is this true? My real question is this, would I be better off driving my own van for a company like Nations or driving for a fleet owner in a straight truck. My wife has a Class C CDL and we could drive team in a van and yes we know how cramped living is in a van as we have done this before. Is there team runs for a husband wife team in a van with the big co's like Tri state Panther lea and Fedex. Please let me know what you think as I need your opinion soon as I have been unemployed for about 3 months and need to do something soon, thanks in advance for all of your replys. MikeG