what if Hillary were to decide to run?


Seasoned Expediter
Very good read those older women in it sure are testy and full of :censoredsign:.It has been tried befor and every time the other party took the white house.However with the people wanting heads to roll.She could say look this is what I said was gonna happen and it HAS!Also what could Obama really say?If he speaks out aganst her,he makes himself look bad.After all he picked her to be a important part of his administration.So if he were to criticize her he would take a real chance at showing his poor leadership or his lack of real leadership at all.Also if the battle cry from the left were to become RUN HILLARY RUN IMHO she would jump at the chance to make history.:confused:

Hillary Told You So - Yahoo! News


Veteran Expediter
If she were jumping at the chance you would hear more about her possibly running. I will say if she did I think she would be harder for the republican to win against her than Obama. It would bring some of those who will sit out the vote on the liberal side back to the voting booth.


Not a Member
Hillary's 15 minutes of fame have long since passed. Plus, I can't see the Liberal Establishment allowing(much less supporting) any intra-party challenge to their current standard bearer.


Veteran Expediter
Not to mention she's not as purdy anymore.



Veteran Expediter
She should run as an Independent, her political policies are all over the place as were Bill's.

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Veteran Expediter
Yep hillary's platform ... shoes.

She can get the sympathy vote - 'I put up with bill and had to deal with Joe so I deserve your vote'


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No way she runs. She wouldn't get any of the black vote if she were to primary Obama.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Are you saying blacks will vote for blacks before anyone else? Say it ain't so! :eek:

Yes if the black candidate is a democrat since they are overwhelming democrat. If the candidate is republican not anywhere near as much. My point was if Hillary were to primary the first black president Obama they would be so mad at her they would sit out the president election.