All electronic devices have the ability to give the government your exact where abouts at any location on this planet with pin point accuracy and they cannot find a jumbo jet?
How about this angle...................
Its called a false flag event. just like Bay of pigs, the J.F.K. assassination, the 1993 world trade center, and Oklahoma city bombings, 911 Bin Laden's assassination, and Bengasi this too is yet another government driven drama.
Here is why I say this.
1) Considering all the political BS going down with Oboma, and his ratings being in the toilet.
2) Russia and the corporate masters beating the war drums.
Our government needs a distraction while they generate the perfect trigger and support with to move forward with a war with Russia.
Mystery solved.
And they would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for us meddling expediters.
Bob Wolf.