What does your screen name mean?


Veteran Expediter
21cExp = Twenty First Century Express.

Express because: I had a van formerly owned by an Express company that still had the lettering, though faded, on it for a long time. I drove it all over America for years and it became sort of famous among my circle of friends. "I can't believe we flew and you drove and you're here in SJC already!" Everyone called it the Red Express, so that part feels like a natural continuation, especially as my new van is almost identical; just ten years newer.

21c is used for a couple reasons: A new start in a new century, and names and domains that start with numbers often show up first in alpha lists online. I may do something with 21cExpress online at some point, whether for expediting or something else. Another reason is that people often ask what 21c is for, 21 cents, or sumpin' else? So a conversation starts and often another friend is made that might not have been made otherwise. And, as y'all will be able to tell the more I post here, I tend to write long as some others in here, and always enjoy a good conversation and making new road friends. :cool:


Veteran Expediter
Are you related to JPExp? I noticed a familial resemblance in your avatars. To me, all you simians look alike.

Heh, yep. That's my other brother Darrel.

All 'splained in my Welcome Center intro post.

Actually, the avatar pic is one the the Black Macaque took of himself. Google "Black Macaque self portrait" . . .kind of funny.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
You know that look you get in your eyes that says you've been on the road too long?

Kinda like a cross between the "deer in the headlights" stare combined with that far away "I'm looking right through you" gaze.

Road Eyes!

"When your down on your luck and you can't harmonize, get a girl with far away eyes"
- Rolling Stones "far away eyes"


Seasoned Expediter
Dolphin. Love the Miami Dolphins since I was a child. Yes I know they have been in for a lot of bad years! Gotta stick with them though.:) lol


Veteran Expediter
US Army
Dolphin. Love the Miami Dolphins since I was a child. Yes I know they have been in for a lot of bad years! Gotta stick with them though.:) lol

At least there are two of us Dolphin fans here.

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Expert Expediter
I like the dolphins now since homeboy chad johnson is there..love that dude

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Expert Expediter
Mine is one of my jobs, I am a Bail Bondsman in MD and I hunt fugitives all over the country, hence MD Bounty Hunter=MDbtyhtr


Veteran Expediter
BigBusBob... coined onto me by James McBride years ago on a national tour. He was thanking the sponsors and people involved to bring the show to the people (as most performers do) and he ended with "And most of all, this show would not have been possible without our bus driver, BigBusBob".

I was shocked, I'd never had an applause from such a large crowd! :)
Well, the band started calling me Triple B, and BigBus and the when I went in and out of the charter bus biz I'd announce myself as "BigBusBob" on the PA system and the name caught on to the point of me writing "BigBusBob" on business cards so people could "remember" me. I have a self inking stamp with "Ask for BigBusBob" that I use on the back of business cards.

I had a 5 day trip a couple years ago to NYC and this middle school girl kept calling me BDB, but she was was saying it so fast I thought it was BittyBee. I asked her on the 3rd day why she kept called me "BittyBee", and she said "because you are B D B... Bus Driver Bob.

I like BigBusBob, because I've driven them for so long, so many places- it seems fitting.

On the CB though, it's MotorMouth. Many say that's fitting for me too. Imagine that? :)

Triple B


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

With all the new members since this thread was first started, I thought it would be interesting to hear from them.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
geo is my first name george
like how everybody came up with there name


Expert Expediter
This ones "original" TDave the T is Toledo (Home) and well my name is Dave......

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