Id add after listening to the FMCSA Administrator on Road dog today that each Motor Carrier should Stand Up to some of the senseless and baseless claims being made against us, the truckers, drivers and our Professions. They hire me to do professional work,
I have to pass tests, Physicals, Pass driving exams, and then keep my record clean by driving professionally, so stand up and say these laws, mandates and ridiculous ideas that these Non Drivers come up with, should be discussed with a Panel of REAL drivers...
Today several drivers called in and asked WHAT IS YOUR REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE.....Lady Administrator, NONE, Gentleman with Enforcement, he had driven a straight truck.....but are they really experienced in whats going on in truck stops, Shippers lots, and recievers....Thanks to Evan Lockridge for the chance to question these 2 cents.
Im lucky Ive had good companys Ive worked for, JD and other companies Ive been with never treated me wrong, and I made a decent living, But Carriers need to say OUR DRIVERS are Safe, and Educated, as well as Professional REAL DRIVERS not Academic Administrators with no road dog behind them !!!