What do you expect?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I think you will find the military vote go mainly along racial lines. Sad but true. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
well personally i dont no of any of my military buddies who are voting for obama, however i didnt no any, who voted for our governor with the huge rat mole on her face either...but she got it!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Everyone from MI complains about the gov. up there. If she is so bad and no one likes her how does she stay in office? Why don't you all recall her?


Veteran Expediter
The under 30 yr old crowd, even those in the military, will tilt toward Obama. Mostly from the enlisted ranks. I suspect the vast majority of the officer corps will strongly endorse McCain. It happens over and over. I think military veterans will go heavily for McCain as well. The youngsters are all giddy about voting for the Rock Star. Grownups know better.


Veteran Expediter
The fact is that dog nuts did absolutly zero for the veterans through both terms until the Democratic Congress passed the first legitimate Veterans bill last year. That is a fact. Those that servied and retuerned home wounded from bush's folly came home to **** ro ach invested,mold and mildewed conditons at Walter Reed not fit for man or beast. "Thanks guys and gals,now just to show our appreciation,try this on for size" was the attitude of the Military brass under cloudy eyes. Unfortunatly,after all the buck passing by w's minions,no real blame was placed for the untimate disrespect of our bravest and best. Just like the GOP to disregard all but the wealthiest amongest us.

Iraq vets and their familiesr have little regard for the idiots who brought this suffering on them.They will rise up against against this pathetic effort by the Republicans to try and patch up the dizzying inept last 8 years also known as the worst presidency ever.
That means EVER. You under estimate the intellengence and anger of the military families who have suffered on so many levels as a result of the the w and the Republican do nothing first Congress. They are not fools,and will not be hood winked again.
Your fantasies and assumptions are just that and will be flushed away in a few months when the Congressional and the Executive branches are once again in the hands of sane and thninking individuals,not the thieves,homophobes and gun brandishing senile actors and posers we have endured (Heston's already pushing daisy's).

The Michael Moore movie that will eventually come out and expose what we DON'T KNOW will be The Bush Tragidy told in all it's balzing and graphic realism. I'll buy the first ticket.


Veteran Expediter
The fact is that dog nuts did absolutly zero for the veterans through both terms until the Democratic Congress passed the first legitimate Veterans bill last year. That is a fact.

What do you call a legitimate Veterans Bill?

I surely didn’t want some of the stuff in this ‘legitimate’ bill that got passed, more like spending that had nothing to do with the vets. The thing is that even with all of the BS that you on the left throw, there is a lot to be said about not having a draft or conscription of any sort.

Those that servied and retuerned home wounded from bush's folly came home to **** ro ach invested,mold and mildewed conditons at Walter Reed not fit for man or beast. "Thanks guys and gals,now just to show our appreciation,try this on for size" was the attitude of the Military brass under cloudy eyes. Unfortunatly,after all the buck passing by w's minions,no real blame was placed for the untimate disrespect of our bravest and best. Just like the GOP to disregard all but the wealthiest amongest us.

So Pelosi's actions is better?

The truth is that reed was in sh*tty condition under Clinton so where does the blame really sit at. Reed is one of many, if you look at what has been done for care and what avenues have been open, maybe you see that if this was Clinton, we would be getting them back in body bags.

I asked my senator, Levin, what did he do to rectify the problem when he knew about it, like 10 years ago. His response was typical, “look what I did for the DC cabbies”.

Iraq vets and their familiesr have little regard for the idiots who brought this suffering on them.They will rise up against against this pathetic effort by the Republicans to try and patch up the dizzying inept last 8 years also known as the worst presidency ever.

Actually you say this, but the fact is most of the families are not mad at Bush but again according to many in your world, the war is still lost… by the way as of today, the PM of Iraq said “we want everyone out soon”, which means to me and may to the rest of the world that our work was successful in the truest sense. With the small loses we incurred, it really was.

Oh and the worst president is that pathetic old man Carter.

That means EVER. You under estimate the intellengence and anger of the military families who have suffered on so many levels as a result of the the w and the Republican do nothing first Congress. They are not fools,and will not be hood winked again.

Yea they are not fools, that’s why they should all know about Pelosi demanding that no one’s name sits on the walls of any office that she has control over. Kind of like ****ing on their graves as far as I am concern.

Your fantasies and assumptions are just that and will be flushed away in a few months when the Congressional and the Executive branches are once again in the hands of sane and thninking individuals,not the thieves,homophobes and gun brandishing senile actors and posers we have endured (Heston's already pushing daisy's).

Yes it is fantasy, sure…. Let me tell you of another I heard today and read more about it. It seems that many are thinking that Obama is the second coming of Christ, as disgusting as that sounds. One writer wrote an OP ED saying “Jesus was dark, so what’s the problem with Obama. But that’s not all, there are some who think that he can’t do no wrong, he is a fighter of the people, one of us working stiffs and will bring frre health care, free education, free everything to the people – kind of like the platform Lenin and Trotsky ran on.

The Michael Moore movie that will eventually come out and expose what we DON'T KNOW will be The Bush Tragidy told in all it's balzing and graphic realism. I'll buy the first ticket.

If you buy the first ticket, than you deserve being lied to. Moore is nothing but a creative editor, nothing more. He is what some consider the Stephen King of Documentaries, somewhat of great illusionist of words.

By the way, you do know that we Iraq’s conditions are improving.



Veteran Expediter
If you mean Obama when you say thinking individual I think you are wrong. He and his wife are Communists. He!! bent on destoying our nation. Looking at history I would think that Carter, Hoover, or Lincoln did worse than W. Oh well. You are so blinded by hatred it doesn't matter. You talk about homophobes. You are against the average person with any moral compass. I been plenty of places in your home state to know there isn't any there. My grandmother also lived out there in the late 50s and early 60s and she told me of all the crazys out there. I guess it is bred into you, huh? If you think Obama is going to win you are badly mistaken. Hillary supporters, your fellow Dems, are lining up to vote for McCain instead of that clown. I guess you should have taken your prophecy to Denver. At least maybe someone there would buy that load of horse :censoredsign:.
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Veteran Expediter
Tallcal... I notice you manage to work "homophobia" into most of your writings, even on unrelated topics. Is railing against homophobia your pet cause? Your raison d'etre? Is nothing more worthy of your time and energy? What exactly do you want from the straight community? You smear half the country when you imply Repulicans are homophobes.


Veteran Expediter
Yes it is fantasy, sure…. Let me tell you of another I heard today and read more about it. It seems that many are thinking that Obama is the second coming of Christ, as disgusting as that sounds. One writer wrote an OP ED saying “Jesus was dark, so what’s the problem with Obama. But that’s not all, there are some who think that he can’t do no wrong, he is a fighter of the people, one of us working stiffs and will bring frre health care, free education, free everything to the people – kind of like the platform Lenin and Trotsky ran on.

I'm not for sure but I don't think TallCal thinks that. I just can't wait until a little kid runs up to Obama Bin Laden and say sir will you do a trick? He says sure. Then the kid says will you die and come back on the third day, pretty please? I'd love to see him perform that miracle. Another good one would be to see his body get pierced without breaking a bone. Or how will he prove he was born in Bethleham. These are all from the Messianic prophecies.


Veteran Expediter
What I mean is that the mindset of some of these people are just living in a fantasy world. When someone can write about Obama (a politician) and compare him to Jesus, they have no real grounding in life to begin with, it shows that they are going off in the deep end.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
The Michael Moore movie that will eventually come out and expose what we DON'T KNOW will be The Bush Tragidy told in all it's balzing and graphic realism. I'll buy the first ticket.[/QUOTE]

you EXPOSE your IGNORANCE when you pull cash out of your wallet-- then hand it over to a micheal moose bank account!!
What I do know is Russia moves south while Syria is buying up arms along with Iran...watching micheal moose propaganda, pelousy bank rolling the bear and the middle east loons with wacko green no drill NO SECURITY CASH--lib's BUSH sucks bullsh*t --! I'll spend my money on Russian lang. classes if I were you..
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Veteran Expediter
The Michael Moore movie that will eventually come out and expose what we DON'T KNOW will be The Bush Tragidy told in all it's balzing and graphic realism. I'll buy the first ticket.

you EXPOSE your IGNORANCE when you pull cash out of your wallet-- then hand it over to a micheal moose bank account!!
What I do know is Russia moves south while Syria is buying up arms along with Iran...watching micheal moose propaganda, pelousy bank rolling the bear and the middle east loons with wacko green no drill NO SECURITY CASH--lib's BUSH sucks bullsh*t --! I'll spend my money on Russian lang. classes if I were you..[/QUOTE]

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just once in a while I'd like to see a post from the left coast that's a little less shrill and whiney, with less juvenile name-calling, and more opinion based on substance. It's really starting to get old hearing these broken-record, hysterical diatribes about Bush and that all Republicans are neanderthals, hate-mongers, and of course - homophobes. This sort of discourse doesn't sound like it represents the typical caring, tolerant, compassionate, uber-intelligent liberal that every democrat is supposed to be. I remember listening to this same kind of tripe during the Viet Nam war coming from the rabble that spit on our soldiers in public and populated such notable groups as the weathermen and the SDS - however, LBJ (a Democrat) was president then and that war was a lot bigger mess than Iraq.

At any rate, I can't help but laugh when I read this stuff because it must be such unspeakable torture for liberals like this (who truly think Bush is the worst of the worst) when they wake up every day and realize that W beat them not once, but TWICE even with the mainstream media acting as their willing accomplice. I hope the Democrat party has spent plenty of money to retain psychiatric counselors on a nationwide basis come Nov. 5th, because they're going to lose AGAIN. They're going to nominate the least-qualified presidential candidate in American history to run against one of the weakest GOP nominees ever. First Gore, then Kerry, now Obama - all losers. I love it!!!


Not a Member
The fact is that dog nuts did absolutely zero for the veterans through both terms until the Democratic Congress passed the first legitimate Veterans bill last year. That is a fact. Those that served and returned home wounded from bush's folly came home to **** RI Arch invested,mold and mildewed conditions at Walter Reed not fit for man or beast. "Thanks guys and gals,now just to show our appreciation,try this on for size" was the attitude of the Military brass under cloudy eyes. Unfortunately,after all the buck passing by W's minions,no real blame was placed for the intimate disrespect of our bravest and best. Just like the GOP to disregard all but the wealthiest amongest us.

Iraq vets and their families have little regard for the idiots who brought this suffering on them.They will rise up against against this pathetic effort by the Republicans to try and patch up the dizzying inept last 8 years also known as the worst presidency ever.
That means EVER. You under estimate the intelligence and anger of the military families who have suffered on so many levels as a result of the the w and the Republican do nothing first Congress. They are not fools,and will not be hood winked again.
Your fantasies and assumptions are just that and will be flushed away in a few months when the Congressional and the Executive branches are once again in the hands of sane and thinking individuals,not the thieves,homophobes and gun brandishing senile actors and posers we have endured (Heston's already pushing daisy's).

The Michael Moore movie that will eventually come out and expose what we DON'T KNOW will be The Bush Tragedy told in all it's blazing and graphic realism. I'll buy the first ticket.

Wow better watch it brother or a big brave guy typing behind the screen will label you a anti semitic, conspiracy toting biggit...Warning you now Lol..And don't forget it says in this book here we are suppose to lay down and let the powers that be with dual citizenship (Isreal and American) who really don't have the US of As best interest at heart give us Goyim a good lie and screwing


Veteran Expediter
I didn't know TallCal had a dual citizenship. I know a while back he was saying he was so ashamed to be from America when he goes overseas he tells people he's from Canada. I've got five words for people with that attitude. LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.


Not a Member
I didn't know TallCal had a dual citizenship. I know a while back he was saying he was so ashamed to be from America when he goes overseas he tells people he's from Canada. I've got five words for people with that attitude. LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.


Thats the problem to many say love it or leave it..Why should I have to leave the country my forefathers founded and died for? All the way back to 1633. I put my hand todie for to. For what I ask anymore> Look how far down we as a nation have gone inthe last 50 years or so. Is everyone just a sheep anymore follow the leader.Who cares if they are right or wrong?


Veteran Expediter
If you aren't proud enough of this country to say yeah I'm an American then something's wrong! That's the point I'm trying to drive home. If you are telling people you are from Canada, like TallCal said he does, then you most likely don't give two farts about the Founding Fathers. You can love the country and what it stands for and be proud of being a citizen of this great nation, and not approve of some of the things going on in it. Like the illegal Mexican problem and to many liberals not letting our troops just bomb the he!! out of the Middle East. Those are main two complaints, but if you ask me if I am an American my response will always be the same. Dam straight I'm an American.