What are you thankful for?


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Preacher Rich, I could copy most of your post and be done lol.

I too am thankful that God loves and understands me.

I"m thankful that my wife loves and TRIES to understand me... thru 23 years of marriage.

I'm thankful for 2 wonderful kids who have grown up to be successful, productive members of society. My son is in banking, and my daughter is a school teacher and minister.

Im thankful for 2 little miracle grand-daughters. They were born 2 months early, spent 2 months in NICU and now 5 months later, are just fine... and I forget my problems every time I look in those lil eyes!

I'm thankful to live in a country where we are still free to be who we want to be.. a lot of changes make me sad, but theres still no place else Id rather be.

Im thankful that I have a job to complain about :)

Theres lots more .. but that'll do for now :)


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Expert Expediter
That life is good again when there was a time I never thought it would be; Mom, Jeff, his family...and those who are no longer here but made me who I am today: Dad, Mike, and Jim.

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Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter

And a wonderful drug called Flow Max!

Thankful that I will sooner or later give birth to Rocksanna, soon very soon..... Her brother was born two years ago- Rocky!
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