What an idiot!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is very hard to imagine that the "manboy" Barry could get more ridiculous that he as been in the past, but he has.

We fly "intelligence missions" over Iran, using unmanned drones. Kinda like a top secret thing. Then we crash one.

Then, and this is beyond stupid, King Putz the 1st asks for it back!!! What an idiot!! Talk about making a total fool out of one's self! Holy Christmas tree, Batman, how dumb can he be? :confused:

This post has nothing to do with the program, whether you agree with it or not. It is only about the totally childish actions by our Commander in Chief.

"Gee President Mahmoud Ahmedinajad, can we please have our spy toy back? I promise we won't use it again!"

(giggle giggle, wink wink)

Obama: We asked Iran to give us our drone back​

President Obama has a message for Iran: He would like America's downed spy drone back.

Obama revealed the request for the return of the drone--which fell to earth in Iran recently, and has since been flaunted in video footage by the Iranian government--during a Monday White House news conference. The president shared the podium with Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki as both leaders discussed the future of American-Iraqi relations after the withdrawal of remaining U.S. forces from Iraq this month.

But Obama's comments on the seized drone at least temporarily upstaged the designated subject of the conference--and are all but certain to become instant fodder for late-night comedy and GOP primary campaign barbs.

"We've asked for it back," President Obama said of the spy plane, according to an Agence-France Press report. "We'll see how the Iranians respond."

"With respect to the drone inside of Iran, I'm not going to comment on intelligence matters that are classified," he added.

Iran released a video of downed U.S. stealth drone on December 8, 2011. (Yahoo News still …

Iran claimed to have brought down the RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone mostly intact eight days ago, after operators lost control of it on a classified CIA-Pentagon surveillance mission over the country. The very existence of the stealth reconnaissance plane-- dubbed the "Beast of Kandahar," and manufactured by Lockheed Martin--received no official acknowledgment from U.S. government circles until 2009. American officials more recently reportedly confirmed the RQ-170 was used for extended surveillance of Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, after the successful U.S. raid that killed the al-Qaida leader last May.

Iran--which has since lodged a formal diplomatic protest over the drone's apparent violation of Iranian air space--has given scant indication that it will leap to the Obama administration's request for the craft's return.

Already, partisan critics of the Obama White House could hardly contain their glee at news of the request. This was but one more request from a Western power, they've noted, that Tehran seems likely to flout.

"If you were Iran, and Pres O asked you to return our drone, what would you say??" Ari Fleischer, GOP public relations strategist and former spokesman for the George W. Bush White House, asked on Twitter.

"'O: I asked Iran 2 return drone & we'll see how they r[e]spond," Fleischer wrote in another Twitter post mocking the request. Ronald Reagan "didn't ask Iran 2 r[e]turn hostages. Iran feared him, so they were freed."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton--who herself has occasionally revealed private talking points publicly--tried to blunt any suggestion of naivete in the U.S. request.

"We submitted a formal request for return" of the drone, but "don't expect them to comply," Clinton said Monday, CBS News' Cami McCormick reported.

Obama: We asked Iran to give us our drone back | The Envoy - Yahoo! News


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
One can only imagine the conversations going on in some of the thinktanks and diplomatic circles of our allies and enemies after hearing that statement from our Dear Leader - Barack Hussein Obama. He's the laughingstock of the civilized world. Surely our military technology allowed us to know exactly where that drone was the minute it touched ground. We should have (and maybe did) sent another armed drone after it the minute we lost control to destroy it before it fell into enemy hands. Instead we have the Wimp-In-Chief asking in effect, if we can please have it back after the Iranians, the Chinese, the Russians, the South Koreans and the rest of our enemies are through cloning our technology. Hopefully the Republicans are making a campaign commercial out of this pitiful display.


Veteran Expediter
The real naivete in all of this is probably on the part of those that actually think that Obama made the request with any real expectation of compliance on the part of Tehran ....

Governments often make public requests or statements for purposes other than they seem to be on the face.

Of course, he could have just gone the Eisenhower route, denying and lying about the matter - so he could be caught and publicly humiliated like Ike was :rolleyes::

1960 U-2 Incident


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
He should have just popped it when it went down. Asking for it back. What a fool!

"I will trade you 2 peeries, a catseye and a chocolate chip cookie for it"!! DUH!!!!!!!!!!

What a blithering idiot.

Dwight screwed up. Didn't listen. Nothing new there. Presidents often don't listen. The U2 was not able to do it's job by that time. It was obsolete.


Veteran Expediter
He should have just popped it when it went down.
Yeah ... well easy enough to say without having any real info on what the scene actually was - the (potential) problem with that idea is that there may have been no available assets to do the job in a timely manner ..... and depending on whether there were any Iranians present in the area nearby, such an action could have resulted in actual loss of human life (either civilian, military, or both)

At that point you would have an (apparently) unprovoked attack on a sovereign state, resulting in death.

That's essentially an unprovoked act of war.

Whether that's good or bad depends entirely on one's viewpoint :rolleyes:

Asking for it back. What a fool!
Like I said, any assumption that that was done with an expectation of actually having it happen may be entirely naive.

What a blithering idiot.
Well, okey-dokey .... :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Well you know the idiots in the press and on blogs are the ones who seem to believe that Obama isn't following a protocol that was established a long time ago because of the U2 incident.

There is a huge difference between the two incidents, we are antagonize Iran in a way to make a move so we can pounce on them. Where the U2 incident was part of the norm, they spy on us, we spy on them. How many times did they try to shoot one of them down and failed while that one time they did and then the pilot didn't follow his instructions - destroy the plane and yourself.

In this case, if Iran or say South Africa for that matter did this to us, we would consider it an act of war but we don't go after our "allies" for their spying.

You know it was discussed the other day that maybe we need to have a congressional hearing on why we paid Lockheed-Martin a large sum of money to build something that can be taken over by some kid with a RC remote control. If there is any one group or person that should be questioned, it should be the manufacturer first than the person who decided not to have manned flights over what many consider a "hostile" country.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"There is a huge difference between the two incidents, we are antagonize Iran in a way to make a move so we can pounce on them. Where the U2 incident was part of the norm, they spy on us, we spy on them. How many times did they try to shoot one of them down and failed while that one time they did and then the pilot didn't follow his instructions - destroy the plane and yourself."

There is no difference. Iran spies on us, and many other countries, all of the time.It is the norm. I have no idea what the "mission" of those drones are, I no longer play that game. There could be a number of possible "missions" that these toys are used for. If I had to hazard a"guess" I would say that this "mission" was a success, that if found exactly what it was looking for.

If Iran had the capability to build these systems and use them, they would.

Of course the U2 was shot at often, that was, after all, it's primary function. Photography was a secondary mission. That U2 was caught off guard that day. The Soviets advanced their systems faster than we thought.


Veteran Expediter
There is no difference. Iran spies on us, and many other countries, all of the time.It is the norm. I have no idea what the "mission" of those drones are, I no longer play that game. There could be a number of possible "missions" that these toys are used for. If I had to hazard a"guess" I would say that this "mission" was a success, that if found exactly what it was looking for.

OK here is the thing Layout, YOU have a bit more working knowledge of the Soviet Union then I do, AND you know this statement is true - Iran is not the Soviet Union and does not have the resources of the Soviet Union. Not yelling or trying to be confrontational.

my point is that the difference is made up in the fact that the Soviet Union was trying to dominate the world, Stalin's foreign policy was to conquer as much land as possible and control it. This was continued throughout the 50's and 60's. Iran on the other hand lacks most of the resources the Soviets had and in fact outside of a few spies (comparably speaking) has nothing more than a superficial capabilities to gather information and at best we know who all of them are. The Soviets operated a very complex intel gather system here and until the KGB opened their archives up, we didn't have a clue what much of it was.

IF Iran was a threat that needed to be fully contained, then others in the region would be acting to do so. BUT they are not.

If Iran had the capability to build these systems and use them, they would.

AND we will see. I bet that technology is going on the internet as we type to be shared with other countries that don't have it - China I have a feeling already has been building them for a while.

Of course the U2 was shot at often, that was, after all, it's primary function. Photography was a secondary mission. That U2 was caught off guard that day. The Soviets advanced their systems faster than we thought.

What to be shot down?

I know what you mean, it was a flying target. The Soviets, like the Chinese today with our modern aircraft most likely have had the information on the U2 and the SR-71 long before they ever had a test flight.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The Soviets have long been involved with the Iranian intelligence service. They are their "teachers" and they supply much of the "toys" that they use. The Iranian intelligence service is very good and very active both in theater and out, including a large operation in the U.S.

Every intelligence platform is designed to handle multiple missions. The U2 was, the SR71 was, as are most, if not all, of our space borne platforms.

Yes, the U2 and the SR71 were basically flying targets. That was the primary reason that they were built.

It does not take much study of "open source" information to understand the "missions" of the "low flying" platforms. such as these drones, the U2 or SR71. All you have to do is look up the "INT's".

For those who don't know what the "INT's" are, I list the primary one's below:


All one needs to do is look those up in Google and the "missions" of certain platforms will be obvious.

DISCLAIMER: Every thing I typed above is open source information.


Veteran Expediter
I don't think that we have anywhere near the Iranian operatives in this country than many think. But who knows, I just am pointing out that Iran is less of a threat than say the Mexican drug cartels are and we are not fighting the Soviets any more (maybe the Russians).


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Iran likely has far more in country than most believe. Unless they have cut down on their activity of late, which I doubt.

As to the Soviets, I would not be so sure if I were you.


Veteran Expediter
Well Russians - yes

Soviets - ah not so much.

I fear a soviet type government eventually forming in Russia but not with the Lenin/Stalin style expansion that was in the past.

but going back to your point of Obama being an idiot, does it make sense that the first steps in all of this (outside of not using the thing in the first place) would make a request to get it back?

Didn't Bush do that with the Chinese?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well Russians - yes

Soviets - ah not so much.

I fear a soviet type government eventually forming in Russia but not with the Lenin/Stalin style expansion that was in the past.

but going back to your point of Obama being an idiot, does it make sense that the first steps in all of this (outside of not using the thing in the first place) would make a request to get it back?

Didn't Bush do that with the Chinese?

Nope, I would have said NOTHING at all. That is the correct way of handling this type of problem.

The situation with Bush and the Chinese was vastly different. That involved human beings. It also involved the Chinese governments and it's actions. IE: their plane and ours came into contact, most likely as a result of poor judgement by the Chinese pilot. The contact took place over international waters where our aircraft had ever right to be.

I cannot say if using the "thing" was smart our not, I have no idea what it was doing. It could have been a very smart thing to do, or, really stupid. I have no idea. I already said what my best guess was, if correct, good move.


Seasoned Expediter
The Soviets operated a very complex intel gather system here and until the KGB opened their archives up, we didn't have a clue what much of it was.

How naive it is to make that statement yet think we know how all we need to know to say Iran is no threat!!