What about a rating?


Veteran Expediter
Not sure if this is doable or even desireable but I thought I would throw it out.

Would it be possible and or worhtwhile to put an area on here where carriers could be rated? Something set up that would allow folks to rate their carrier. Do it by handle and only one vote per handle per carrier.

This would allow those interested not only to read posts about these carriers, good and bad as we have always seen but then also be able to check the rating. It may really help folks make decisions and also to check to see if posts hold water according to bulk ratings.

Just an idea.



Expert Expediter
I also think that sounds like a good ideal!!

As long that it is sure that the rater is only doing the company that they are driving for.

Panther Art


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The problem I see is how to be sure each user only gets to vote one time each for companies they've actually driven for. Also, should/would there be a minimum time with the company to insure a more valid review (I'd vote yes) and if so what would that be? I like the idea if it can be set up in a way that provides useful results.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
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Veteran Expediter
I am sure it could be useful if it could be done truthfully and fairly. The problem is that the angry saboteurs will no doubt find a way to ruin it for everyone else.....


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
I think such a rating would serve little purpose given the anonymity this forum allows. A driver with a company for only a short period of time would likely not yet have the experience to render a useful opinion and that opinion would likely be negative. Persons like Rene' and me, who have been with one carrier for many years, would look rather foolish giving a bad rating to our carrier.

I think that with the exception of a few outliers, such as those that tend to excessively either belittle or oversell their carriers, the content of the typical EO threads gives a realistic picture of the popular and not so popular carriers. Some carriers change their modus operandi from time to time to keep pace with the industry needs and peculiarities. Any rating that would carry over during these changes would do a disservice to carriers trying to accommodate owner/operators, and owner/operators looking for a carrier.


Veteran Expediter
like I said, just and idea. I disagree it would do a disservice as it can be controlled by computer address etc, but it was just a post to get off all the bashing. Man Panther has a bashing thread of something like 121 responses, Trans Stewart getting pooped on, just trying to find a better way.



Veteran Expediter
TerryandRene have it right. I was thinking the same thing about situations change as the company or poster evolves. The way around this is to be able to retract or change your rating for a particular company.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Veteran Expediter
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Retired Expediter
US Army
I don't know that i'd call it expediter evolution exactly. But would certainly make arrangements for change, like use a chalk board or something. For most don't evolve much, just wake up in a different world everyday- kinda like the gooses.


Seasoned Expediter
why not a rating system for carriers wwe have a dac for drivers there should be something for carriers to were they can despute the drivers entry if false and have it removed:+


Veteran Expediter
If it were to be an actual rating system it really should be for one fixed moment in time.Having said that, just as the expediter's feelings change and evolve, so can the policies, procedures and quality of a carrier. Since this is the case I think the system as it exists now allows for this. If things change and you don't like what is happening or they change and you want to express your feelings, The system as it exists is probably as good as any other.


Veteran Expediter
I'm going to hijack this thread now, but y'all were pretty much done with it anyway, right? :p Letzrock's sigline is truly apropos on the Tristate tollway in Chicago: the man who put the (broken) white lines on that highway had either an equipment malf or a serious disorder goin on - not one segment of line is straight, lol. It really keeps your attention, watching to see if the lines ever look right, instead of curvy, squiggly, or angled one way or another. It's almost worth driving thru at 3 am, just to amuse yourself! :7


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Veteran Expediter
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if you go to ooida and ask they have a rating for most companies in trucking ind