Nazi is a reasonable description of where the neocons are headed, the GOP having been taken over by neocons. So when one defends the party establishment, one defends neo-conservatism, and opens one's self up to charges of goose-stepping and such. It may be an exaggeration, though in some people, less than others. It comes pretty close in the Hannitized, worship-the-troops wing of the party.
Do you support aggressive foreign wars (Iraq & Afghanistan) with a desire to expand it to Iran and/or Syria? Do you favor repression at home i.e. free speech zones, the PATRIOT Act, NDAA, MCA, Santorum's "you don't get a lawyer!," extraordinary rendition to places that torture, indefinite detention or the assassination of American citizens, "enhanced interrogation," etc.? Then don't be shy! Embrace the goose-stepping label! You're 3/4 of the way to actual goose stepping! When troops are in the streets demanding "ze paperz," you'll feel right at home.
You know the problem with bad cops? They make the other 5% look bad.
AMonger... you bring discredit upon yourself when you make oblique references to Nazism and try to label other EO members with such language. Too often, Ron Paul supporters resort to over-the-top rhetoric when frustration gets the better of them. Ron Paul himself wouldn't use such tactics, but somehow many of his supporters feel they have a license to use extreme rhetoric. Directly or indirectly labeling nonsupporters of Ron Paul as being Nazi-like is foolish. This is why so many conservatives view Paul's followers as petty and nonserious. You hurt yourselves and your cause acting with such disregard. I am asking you to kindly stop these remarks.