Having pondered the article and having read threads all over the place of "woe unto you" PM, transit, sprinter buyer.
I feel that NAFTA is the problem. Parts coming from everywhere. Quality indeterminate. Even assembled hither, thither & yon.
Almost seems a wonder they work at all.
Thus the "Microsoft mentality"; we can't get it right but get it out there. We'll fix it on the fly.
Or in older vernacular instead of setting the standard for excellence, just doing enough to get by.
Pointless to cite examples other than to say who ever heard of a Ford axle that wasn't forge tough? Or a Chrysler cam rubbing the lobes off like a pencil eraser? It's an every day thing now......... Gee thanks NAFTA!!!
(we know it ain't just NAFTA, it's an infectious malaise, the real STD of our times).
The new normal, mediocre in all things. Sigh!