Well U will get Ur wish Most likely


Veteran Expediter
Well for the most part I see the majority on here wants Hillery Clinton for President.
Well the Demos realy dont have any comp from the Republicans
Mcaine is too old to be President so he outa Rominee is a self made
Millionaire so he is out.
Obamma well it dont apear its gona happen for him
so Sigh
Hillery will be Our Next President.
I just hope on thing she and the Rep and Demos alike in both the House and sen can get this enonomy turnd around and realy get us free Health care, Time will only tell.
No Chains allowed.


free health care are you kidding me she wants to garnishee peoples wages if they don't buy health insurance you think the government is running a deficit now you ain't seen nothing if that free health care gets implimented we will all go broke


Veteran Expediter
From what I understand the deal with the health care will involve the people who have a decent income to have to pay for the people who's income isn't that great. See what I mean? This country seems to be getting bad about punishing people for doing good for themselves.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
the House and sen can get this enonomy turnd around and realy get us free Health care

The government are the leaches who suck on the economy. They contribute nothing to it. The more they do the more the economy is harmed. Business produces. It's only business that will turn the economy around and the only way the government will help that is by letting business do it's thing.

Free healthcare? First, nothing is free and second even if something was you can bet the government isn't going to figure out how to provide it or provide it free even if they did figure out how.


Seasoned Expediter
My wife got all excited about the "free" healthcare that Hillary is pledging, but I have never heard Hillary say exactly how it will be paid for! I agree with Leo, nothing is free and us working class people will be paying for it, one way or the other!!!


Veteran Expediter
Free Health care?

Look how many truckers make about $250K gross?

or $150K?

Who do you think will pay for it? The rich of course and the rich will start where the middle class stops - at $150K.

Don't believe me?

If you read the rhetoric of many in congress, they think that rich starts somewhere around $200K, so they feel that many of the 'rich' need to pay their fair share.

So for the successful trucker, he/she will see the increase in their taxes to support a system that already has been determined to fail unless the income is greater than the actual cost.

The thing is, I look at things like this - this industry - trucking - is truly effected by the actions of the congress but it is the most passive when it comes to causes. I don't hear the complaints outside of some forums, I don't see the concern and I wonder how many actually make it home to vote or even registered to vote.

I also strongly feel that voter apathy and rational ignorance caused by the primary system we have that is used to select a candidate for only two parties has a lot to do with the problems we have with the system.Rational ignorance is "Ignorance about an issue is said to be "rational" when the cost of educating oneself about the issue sufficiently to make an informed decision can outweigh any potential benefit one could reasonably expect to gain from that decision, and so it would be irrational to waste time doing so."


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Under the current system, the tax would be on what you earned, not the 250k gross amount.
But.....that could always change:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Sorry Dave, think as they do, anything that generates a revenue is income. It is gross that they are talking about with a reduction in deductions (reform?).

The issue is that the average person is...well....rather ignorant of the facts behind taxes. They do not see what the difference with gross or net is because of withholding and they don't see the tangible result of their labor.

Hitting people with another tax won't be difficult but the people who count pennies and work as 1099's will be affected a lot by any thing like this.

All you have to do is look at the AMT and see what the sole purpose was when it was created and look what it has evolved into today. It started as a policy to target only 155 very rich people but now could include anyone who $100K or above and it has a completely different set of rules and deductions.

SO you are right that it can change but with the issue of Health Care for everyone, it has to be paid by someone.

Oh if you also want to see another mess that the government has created and is a near perfect example why not to have the government involved, look at Flood Insurance.

Right now I am getting raped with my insurance rates (tripled this month) and sat here for two days trying to get my mortgage company to listen to me that I am not in a high risk zone but a medium risk zone. FEMA has decided that I and most of my area needs to increase the amount of insurance to 'protect' us from flood damage above the replacement cost of the house, like twice as much as what the place is worth. Well unless I get a hurricane running through my neighborhood, I can't make a claim under my flood insurance policy. I already have been rejected by FEMA when I had a river on my street and flooded my basement, ruining most of everything we owned But my neighbor got not only $40K to gut and fix her house because she has kids and another $30K to put in more drainage to prevent the flooded basement which gave them more than just drainage.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Wow...Michigan is becoming like Florida. Many of the places in Florida got screwed with insurance companies just cancelling policies and leaving. They are now pushing for a state funded program. I think if they just decide to cancel everyone, they should reimburse everything you paid minus your claims.
Of course......not likely to happen.


Veteran Expediter
The sad thing is I think we are paying for New Orleans, the loses that the insurance companies incurred and the debacle of a government and people who would rather build parks than houses. So much money wasted there, I think we can learn not to dump money into corruption.