Some do, I don't.Do any expediters out there keep a weapon with them?
I once had to pick up a trailer from Canadian customs.I you are crossing the border into Canada don't carry anything more sinister looking than a small pocket knife. I believe an E.O. member got hassled over a tire billy because it had a leather thong through the handle thus making it a weapon in the eyes of the Canadian official. The 16d nail in the business end didn't help the driver's case.
Be aware of your surroundings and keep your doors locked. If an area or situation doesn't feel right, leave. Don't park near cargo vans, especially white ones. These vehicles are the number one choice of serial killers, rapists, plumbers, pornographers, pedophiles, expediters and various other sociopaths.
I once had to pick up a trailer from Canadian customs.
The driver tried to take a gun into Canada. I remember thinking, what a idiot. Don't know what happened to the driver, but I got his load.
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Not me, never seen a need for it.
Do any expediters out there keep a weapon with them?
Not me, never seen a need for it.
Thank God! Not everyone has been lucky enough to say that and sadly lost their lives. Hopefully the armed criminals will pretend they don't know our carriers "No weapons Policy" and move on to the next unarmed sitting duck.
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Hey guys, new here, but jusr wanted to drop my 2 cents on this.
First off, yes, I am a 2a supporter. That said, I get companies not allowing drivers to carry. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. That being said, there are a LOT of "less lethal" alternatives to a firearm. Anything from a kubaton keychain to a small baseball bat to a can of wasp/bee spray to a can of bear repellant. A can of spray, whether wasp or bear spray has a good range and will drop almost anyone pretty darn quickly. (Meth/crack head reaction may vary) The flip side, (to me) is that they don't always end the scumballs "occupation". Wasp spray in the eyes will definitely put them out of work for a while though. plus you don't run into the 2nd guessing you will get from prosecutors, PD, "distraught family members" etc.
Your milage may vary, this is just my opinion.