
simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
NO- don't even think about it...see article archive about acceptable self-defense items...


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I was told once by the TN DOT that you can carry a gun in the truck but it must be unloaded. Best not to as with todays Road Rage you might be tempted..


Expert Expediter
Well can someone with a CDL also have a concealed handgun license, say for non work times? Going to the 7/11 or post office and such. Would applying for one cancel the other?


Veteran Expediter
Here is link for information covering 50 states


Seasoned Expediter
I'm sure that it depends on the state. I have a class A CDL and a concealed weapons permit, therefore, they do not cancel each other out. 2 years ago, I spoke to a Virginia DOT officer, who claimed that it was a federal offense to carry a gun in a truck. When asked if he could provide the code, he brought out a huge book and was unable to locate the law (or laws). More recently, i spoke to an Indiana DOT officer, who stated that there is no such federal legislation and that you can carry in Indiana in a commercial vehicle. The problem is that when you cross state lines, one state may recognize your permit and one may not.


Seasoned Expediter
The other problem with having a handgun in the truck is what to do with it if you enter an airport or other facility to pick-up or deliver freight. Border crossing-ALL handguns are prohibited in Canada. I see more of a hassle with it than its worth. Suggest everyone carry a "legal" weapon, example: tire thumper, BFH, etc.

late for dinner

Expert Expediter
Wasp and Hornet spray can be carried in you truck, and you can really reach out and touch someone if need be. Of course if the other guy has an AK47, just bend over and moon him, by the time he quits laughing you can be out of the county.


Veteran Expediter
Listen up guy (and gals).

Gun (or weapon) in truck big no no.

First problem is that many states do not allow carrying a weapon in a commercial vehicle. They are very clear about it and if caught results in loss of your license and charged with a felony- pretty much ending your career.

Second most states will look the other way but the reciprocating agreements that were in place before the Clinton administration are no longer there. This means that even if you have a permit in Michigan, it does not give you a right to go to Florida and carry legally. There are exceptions but these exceptions are up to the officer who finds the gun or pull you over. Also one thing that you have to think about the drug lanes, I75, I95, I10 for example, if you are caught with a gun interstate, you can be (look I said CAN) charged under federal laws if they find anything else in the truck like your Viagra with your doctors name on it instead of yours. Never underestimate LEO’s.

If you get caught in New Jersey, say good buy to your truck - I was warned by a friend who is an MSP trooper; I knew about the restrictions on weapons but never knew they can take your truck. New Jersey has a law on the books that will not allow even LEOs to enter the state armed. New York City is about the same, Liberalism at its best.

Third as hounddog1 said airports, refineries, power plants and a bunch of other places – not to mention military bases are restricted and most fall under federal laws, not state laws. It was clear to me when I went to a chemical processing plant and saw this 6 foot tall sign “this is a federally protected site.†and has a long list of what they consider weapons. The guards who inspected my van (they went through the entire van front to back 15 minute inspection) told me that if I disclose any weapons before the inspection, they will keep it for me until I leave otherwise it is forfeiture upon discovery. Also they said any firearms found I will be held and charged with a federal crime.

So I would suggest not listening to anyone who says it is alright to carry while in a commercial vehicle. There are alternatives.


Seasoned Expediter
Sounds like a bunch of opinions and second-hand information to me. And everybody knows a cop or is the friend of a friend of a cop who once said....
But I have yet to find anybody who can actually provide the federal code making it a felony to carry a gun in a truck. Not trying to be a jerk here, but prove it to me. I agree that carrying a firearm makes it difficult to cross the border or get into an airport. But ask 3 different truckers and 3 different cops and nobody is in agreement on this matter.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The points have been raised above: conflicting laws, various states rules, etc. I can carry a shotgun/rifle in my car and go anywhere (except Canada)- but a handgun? which state accepts your CCW, or even license to own? If I was a betting man, and I had a hunting type revolver in my car; probably o.k. A 2-4" 357, or auto, I doubt it. And that's in a car. Do you want to take the chance?

If you're that insecure about being in a truck on the road, I would find a different profession. Besides, more truck drivers would be shooting each other, before someone shot an actual armed thief or gangster. How many armed thieves has anyone run into? I think vigilance is the best preventative...


Seasoned Expediter
Actually, I have found a new profession. I am now a full-time cop and part time driver. My only point is that there is no clear answer to the question. Would/did I risk it? The answer is no. Do I blame people who do carry guns out there? No. I have slept in some of the less than desirable areas in a truck. I know what it is all about. Vigilance or not, truckers die or get mugged everyday who weren't looking for trouble. Wrong place,wrong time.

My point is that I challenge anybody to actually do the research instead of spreading the rumours because they have a friend of a friend who....


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Another point not yet mentioned is carrier rules that prohibit hand guns in trucks. I know of several carriers that prohibit guns of any kind in trucks but have not heard of even one that allows them.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
Earlier this month when I entered Canada, the customs agent asked me, "Do you have anything in your truck that would be considered a weapon?" It seems that this agent, at least, has gotten away from the "any guns or knives?" question previously asked.


Veteran Expediter
I believe that CCW, like logging, or scaling, is a matter for states to decide, so obviously, there isn't any federal legislation. What is legal in one state, is not in another. Because we never know what state we may be in later in the day, the risk of carrying concealed is far greater than the risk of needing a weapon. Especially since there are so many alternatives. I believe in the right to bear arms, but you won't find a gun in my vehicle - just a few innocous looking weapons. Or maybe a lot of them - who knows?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I ave had the honor and privlege to meet with MS Cherri, you do not want to mess with her.


Expert Expediter
> I believe that CCW, like logging, or scaling, is a matter
>for states to decide, so obviously, there isn't any federal

If you are talking about "logging" as in the duty status reporting that we, as CMV operators, are required to do by Federal law, you are mistaken.

If you are talking about "logging" as in timber harvesting, that can be covered under both Federal or state statutes depending on where the timber being harvested is located.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>Earlier this month when I entered Canada, the customs agent
>asked me, "Do you have anything in your truck that would be
>considered a weapon?" It seems that this agent, at least,
>has gotten away from the "any guns or knives?" question
>previously asked.

There are many items that are considered weapons under the Criminal Code of Canada. Mace is a prohibited weapon. I believe it is legal for Americans to carry Mace. Pepper Spray is in the same category.
I don't think anyone who has a "kitchen" area in their sleeper would have a problem with a steak or kitchen knife being found in the sleeper. They are not intended to be used a weapon.


Veteran Expediter
Even though I have a kitchen area in the truck, I did get in trouble for having steak knives in my utensil drawer when crossing into Canada, so therefore I do not go to Canada anymore for that reason.

outwardbound 2

Expert Expediter
I have no knowlage on the laws behind CCW. But, i can't think of any good reason to carry a gun in the truck. I have the image of that trucker that was pulled out of his truck and beat during the L.A. riots, and don't see how a gun could of helped him besides maybe getting shot with it.
We would more then likely shoot each other over that parking spot late at nite. I have no weapons of any kind in my truck when threatened i just puff up my chest and do my big bad biker impersonation.