We have a border problem?


Veteran Expediter
barry, big sis, and the libs all say the border is safer then at anytime in the past......I also heard Alan Colmes say so just the other night.....:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We should have a border like the East German border 40 years ago except where they shot anyone trying to leave we should shoot anyone trying to come in. Period.


Veteran Expediter
Come on now folks we all know the border agents were doing something to infringe on the bandits rights.


Expert Expediter
We agree with LDB!
I also think that the Sherriff in Arizona that makes the inmates sleep outside and wear pink ought to be in charge of keeping the "Displaced Travelors" out of our country. He would know how to deal with them!


Staff member
Retired Expediter


Veteran Expediter
jaminjim wrote:

I am not sure, but it is my understanding that the "bandits" are "citizens"......

Chef That is why I specifically said bandits because although it said the wounded one was from Mexico they did not say about the others.


Veteran Expediter
Mr Obama, tear down that wall.
Ronaldo Reagano

We shall come over
Dr. Martinez L. Rey Jr.
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Veteran Expediter

We are now going to do something because a bpa got killed?

Sorry if this is offensive but how about all the crime against the citizens of this country, isn't that just as important?

Isn't there something that can said when we have a large amounts of kidnappings of people in Arizona or the murders in odd places like Tennessee or North Carolina by invaders.

I think the media has selectively ignored the real news and focused on an event like this. It is sad that someone has died but it really should just be counted as part of the thousands who have already died by an inept political system we have and the laziness of the people to actually demand action instead of words of giving criminals a break.

a 1 mile buffer zone, from the shores of Texas to San Diego with a 300 foot deep and wide ditch with armed guards. NO 'hitech' crap, just people with loaded guns willing to shoot.


Expert Expediter
Fill that 300 foot wide ditch with water, Drain the swamps in Florida and Louisiana and Re-locate the gators to that ditch! Problem solved:D


Veteran Expediter
Nah, after a year, you would have dead gators all over the place.

A 300 wide and 300 foot ditch will work. It can be built, there isn't anything that can't be built.

It is absolutly amazing we can erect the Statue of Liberty in the 19th century, we can build the Panama Canal with steam shovels, we can build the world's tallest building during the start of the depression and with hand set rivets - the Empire State Building, we can build both the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate bridge, we can destroy Germany and Japan and then rebuild all of Europe and parts of Asia but we can't build a border to protect our country.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Wouldn't have to be nearly 300x300 if it was done correctly. Have about a 25 yard minefield then about a 50x50 moat with piranha and another 25 yard mine field all inside an electrified 12' fence topped with razor wire and with warning signs every 10 yards or so. At strategic points add machine gun mounts. Publicize it for a few days before going live.