We Don't Need No Stinkin Vote.....


Veteran Expediter
Yeap, it looks like nasty Nancy can't get even enough dems to vote for healthcare, the "spanish caucas and the black caucas and the moderates in the dem party and the anti abortion dems are all now telling her nope, SOOOOO....she is going to simply just "DEEM" it passed with a bunch of deletions and additions and give it to barry to sign....screw the vote, froget the Constitution and to Hell-o with the people... Nasty nancy and "jimmy carter barry" know whats best....

SOOO, hows that "Hope and Change" workin for all of you that voted for barry now!?!? Enjoyit while it last, the liberal dems are soooo toast come Nov...the conservatives will be back in power......

House Democrats looking at 'Slaughter Solution' to pass Obamacare without a vote on Senate bill

By: Mark Tapscott
House Democrats looking at 'Slaughter Solution' to pass Obamacare without a vote on Senate bill UPDATED! | Washington Examiner

Would House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow House Democratic leaders try to cram the Senate version of Obamacare through the House without actually having a recorded vote on the bill?

Not only is the answer yes, they would, they have figured out a way to do it, according to National Journal's Congress Daily:

"House Rules Chairwoman Louise Slaughter is prepping to help usher the healthcare overhaul through the House and potentially avoid a direct vote on the Senate overhaul bill, the chairwoman said Tuesday.

"Slaughter is weighing preparing a rule that would consider the Senate bill passed once the House approves a corrections bill that would make changes to the Senate version.

"Slaughter has not taken the plan to Speaker Pelosi as Democrats await CBO scores on the corrections bill. 'Once the CBO gives us the score, we'll spring right on it,' she said."

Each bill that comes before the House for a vote on final passage must be given a rule that determines things like whether the minority would be able to offer amendments to it from the floor.

In the Slaughter Solution, the rule would declare that the House "deems" the Senate version of Obamacare to have been passed by the House. House members would still have to vote on whether to accept the rule, but they would then be able to say they only voted for a rule, not for the bill itself.

Would that rationale fly with the public? Is it logical? Of course not. But remember, these folks have persuaded themselves that a majority of the American people really want Obamacare. A blog post on House Minority Leader John Boehner's blog described the approach as a "twisted scheme."
How much fun will it be for Democrats representing congressional districts carried by John McCain in 2008 to be constantly reminded about the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, the Slaughter Solution, the death panels, $500 billion in cuts to Medicare, individual mandates, etc.

UPDATE: Turner on Nancy's new rules

Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute offers another insight into the Democrats' desperate search for some way to pass a proposal that is clearly opposed by a majority of their constituents.

So now Democratic leaders say they'll package a two-for-one vote: Moving the original Senate bill simultaneously with a "reconciliation" bill -- thus, if the House votes for the bill of fixes, the main Senate bill will be deemed to also have passed. Then the reconciliation bill will go back to the Senate, where it only needs 50 votes (plus Vice President Joe Biden's) to pass.
Hmm. Nowhere in the US Constitution does it say that Congress can deem a bill to have passed. Pelosi & Co. aren't just making up policy as they go, but also procedure -- possibly unconstitutional procedure, at that. All to enact a bill remaking a sixth of the US economy over the 3-1 opposition of the American people.
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Veteran Expediter
It is interesting to see what's going to happen. I think that it won't come together but force a lot more divisions within the dems, especially the senate.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is NOT health care reform, this is a take over of the country. This bunch looks more and more like Soviet Russia everyday.


Veteran Expediter
Our government has beome a charade, they might as well just pass laws by "Decree's of the King...." :mad:

LOL, you know, a while back i was given a hard time about my "avatar" the one with a "screw" thru the flag and then the one i have up now.....I stand my them..this country has been so screwed over by the government and time is running out on the freedoms that the flag stands for......sad...but its what the "sheeple" voted for....
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Veteran Expediter
And Rep Ryan tells the rest of the story here:

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Ryan: Dems Ramming "Shell" HC Bill Through Committee Monday

Ryan: Dems Ramming "Shell" HC Bill Through Committee Monday

Rep. Paul Ryan says that Democrats are ready to ram a "shell" health care bill through the Budget Committee, on which he serves as ranking Republican member, to use as a vehicle to impose national health care.

In a phone interview with TAS Thursday afternoon, Ryan said that he expects Democrats to begin the complex process on Monday, under which they would have the Budget Committee approve a phantom bill by midnight, which they will then send over to the Rules Committee. At that point, the Rules Committee will strip out all of the language in the phantom bill, and insert the changes to the Senate bill that Democrats have negotiated.

"They don't have the votes right now, but they're creating the vehicle so that they can airdrop in whatever changes they want," Ryan said.

He said that Republicans are outnumbered 2-to-1 on his committee and don't have the votes to stop the bill there. Democrats will also be able to prevent Republicans from offering any amendments, but GOP members will be able to offer "motions to instruct" the Rules Committee, that Ryan said will be used highlight problems with the "unprecedented" step that Democrats are taking.

He said he expected Democrats to dust off last year's health care bills from the Education and Labor and Ways and Means Committees, to use as the vehicle for reconciliation changes.

Ryan said that the Senate parliamentarian's ruling that President Obama must sign a health care bill into law before the Senate can change it through reconciliation largely renders moot the attempt by Rep. Louise Slaughter to shield members from a direct vote on the Senate health care bill. He said the idea would also violate Obama's call for an up-or-down vote. "That's not an up-or-down vote, that's sweeping it under the rug and into law," Ryan said.

He also warned against focusing too much on the reconciliation process in the Senate. "Reconciliation is a distraction," he said. "Once the House passes the Senate bill we have the massive new entitlement."

ryan was on the Mark Levin Show tonight and he didn't hold much back on this issue. He says nasty nancy started this today and they are going to do this MONDAY and said the slaughter deal is what they are going to do if nasty doesn't have the votes.

he said, that the Constitution does not matter to these people, they are pushing what he said was "A Leftist New World Order" where they will use the force of government in connection with other world governments to mandate equal rights and protection for us and the rest of the world's poor.

He said that this is it- and the plan is to pass the bs healthcare bill by either vote or by the slaughter decree - that once the senate bill passes the house and gets signed into law by barry then, the reconciliation garbage that no one has even seen (you know they have to pass it so we can see what they want to do for us, not tell us before they pass it), will be immediately voted on and stuffed into the law, stripping out those things that the house wants gone and putting in the things the WH and nasty nancy have been pushing for.

so much for our Constitution and government by the people for the people.......:rolleyes: But hey, its all about the "hope and change" and the sheeple that elected this idoit so that he could "transform" America, and destory her..........because we are not worthy.....
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
he said, that the Constitution does not matter to these people, they are pushing what he said was "A Leftist New World Order" where they will use the force of government in connection with other world governments to mandate equal rights and protection for us and the rest of the world's poor.

so much for our Constitution and government by the people for the people.......:rolleyes: But hey, its all about the "hope and change" and the sheeple that elected this idoit so that he could "transform" America, and destory her..........because we are not worthy.....

America, where are you now, don't you care about your sons and daughters? Don't you know we need you now, we can't fight alone against "The Monster"! - John Kay


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are some who suggest I'm a terrorist or something similar when I wonder at the fact there have been no assassination attempts on several different people who are the worst offenders for ignoring the Constitution. It's still a wonder to me that nothing has been tried yet. I'm not inciting it. I'm not planning it. I won't be doing it. I just am amazed at not seeing it. It's a wonder and I'm definitely wondering. This latest abuse of power suggests more wonderment.


Veteran Expediter
America, where are you now, don't you care about your sons and daughters? Don't you know we need you now, we can't fight alone against "The Monster"! - John Kay

"Why don't you tell your dreams to me. Fantasy will set you free." - John Kay


Veteran Expediter
There are some who suggest I'm a terrorist or something similar when I wonder at the fact there have been no assassination attempts on several different people who are the worst offenders for ignoring the Constitution. .

There have been a couple of attempts that didn't make it very far. Example: the two fellas from TN that had the trip planned.

I agree with you though. I'm surprised there have not been more attempts. Although maybe there have been and they have done a good job of keeping it quiet. I do not support such acts--the last thing that we need is for any of those clowns to be turned into martyrs.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There have been a couple of attempts that didn't make it very far. Example: the two fellas from TN that had the trip planned.

I agree with you though. I'm surprised there have not been more attempts. Although maybe there have been and they have done a good job of keeping it quiet. I do not support such acts--the last thing that we need is for any of those clowns to be turned into martyrs.

That is correct, I don't want them hurt, I just want them gone. They could all take up residence in Moscow or Havana, those vacation spots fit their thinking far better than here.


Expert Expediter
There are some who suggest I'm a terrorist or something similar when I wonder at the fact there have been no assassination attempts on several different people who are the worst offenders for ignoring the Constitution. It's still a wonder to me that nothing has been tried yet. I'm not inciting it. I'm not planning it. I won't be doing it. I just am amazed at not seeing it. It's a wonder and I'm definitely wondering. This latest abuse of power suggests more wonderment.

As Much as I Dislike the Current Occupant of the Whitehouse, I wouldn't want to have that Happen for the Reasons of : Joe Biden as President? And Or The Idiot Pelosi in that Office! Couldn't you Imagine the Damage that those Two Nit Wits Could/Would Do? Guess we'll Just Have to Wait for 2012 :(


Retired Expediter
I seen a guy doing his part and actually doing something...at the corner of 11 Mile Rd and Van :censoredsign: aka 696...he had an orange vest and only went on the road when the light was red handing out Anti Obama literature. Down with OBama and No Health Care....Most people took the pamphlets..I figured most of the UAW people would just keep their windows closed or give him the finger...Maybe the worm is turning?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We shall see, not that long until the November elections. Vote out ALL the scum!!

And vote we must! Too many don't! Get moving and pester, prod, and convince the importence of voting to all you know!

For all the BS that we have to put up with, the one thing we don't have to worry about is safety at the polls. Look around the world at what people endure while voting. Oh, sure, we may have an occasional glitch in the process, but the people are safe. No violence, revolts etc.


Retired Expediter
Pure laziness and social irresponsibility...one of the greatest rights afforded a free nation that is all too disrespected...disregarded.:(


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And vote we must! Too many don't! Get moving and pester, prod, and convince the importence of voting to all you know!

For all the BS that we have to put up with, the one thing we don't have to worry about is safety at the polls. Look around the world at what people endure while voting. Oh, sure, we may have an occasional glitch in the process, but the people are safe. No violence, revolts etc.

So far at least. We shall see what groups such as the "New Black Panthers" or some of the "white power" groups do in the future. Our government's attempts to fragment this country have worked all too well. There is a very good chance that this will all come back to haunt them and us in the near future.


Veteran Expediter
as i said in the other thread, i don't understand how those that still have faith in him and support him can't see how illegal this all is....we are looking at the start of true tyranny....where laws don't need to be voted on , just are just "deemed" to be......hows that "hope and change" workin for you all!?!?:confused: