Watch when they claim they are Christian owners


Seasoned Expediter
I have posted a message like this before.Watch who you sign on with.I went to orientation 9-11-06,and was going to drive for an owner leased to one of the largest expedite companies.I don't put any blame on the expedite company,what so ever.I accepted the owner's 40 cents a loaded mile agreement,with his Sprinter.He paid for everything else,maintenance,tolls,and fuel,insurance,etc etc.I drove up until Saturday 11-11-06,when he decided,he would lie to me about getting a straight truck,but when it came down to it,he was going to drive the van,himself.This left me with NO JOB.AND HE CALLS HIMSELF A "CHRISTIAN"
In the beginning he,the owner told me he would make up an agreement/contract.It never happened ! He told me I would get settlement sheets.That never happened until I turned in the Sprinter,Saturday.He told me that he would leave me alone,like it was my own van.That didn't happen either.The expedite company he was leased to,came up with a locator thing,owners can track their equipment,from their home computer.I don't mind that to a certain point.I'm 44 yrs old,and don't need a 79 year old man telling me he is watching my every move.The red flag should have come up the first time,when I felt vibration in the front end.I took the Sprinter a Dodge dealership,after talking with the owner.The Dodge dealership told this owner,when he was driving the Sprinter,the tierod was loose,but not enough to cause any real harm.Hmm. Well, the owner didn't have the money to fix that even when he was driving.Well, while I was driving the Sprinter,and it was at the Dodge dealership that day,the owner told me that the transmission was overdue for servicing,although the dealer ship had put that on his invoice,when he was driving the Sprinter,and he had the oil changed that day,when ever that was.The owner did not have the funds to have the tierod fixed or the transmission serviced.The dealership this day said the wheel weights had fallen off.Now while I was on the road,I always heard on Fridays,"you aren't making me enough money,you sit too much,the dipatchers are not giving you enough loads,I don't like to share my money with anyone else,You cash advance too much,do you eat on the road in truckstops or what,I'm going to have to sell the Sprinter,or just drive it myself,or find another business to put the Sprinter on with,the expedite business is terrible for vans". If you think about that for awhile,it gets on your nerves.Well,one day I called and spoke with the owner,and told him,"I am 556 miles away from needing an oil change He told me "you didn't make enough in the last two weeks,I can't afford a $125.00 oil change,being the oil is synthetic,and he only wants it done at a Dodge dealership,because he doesn't trust Walmart.So no oil change,no tierod fixed,no transmission serviced.Being they he paid for fuel,he got the bonus miles.One Saturday,I wa hit with a load to Nebraska.Sitting in Omaha,Nebraska board,I moved to Council Bluffs Iowa.I was bonused Monday night to the Rockford board.470 MILE BONUS,I WAS GLAD TO GET UP AND MOVE. For 12 hours and 470 miles,I was never compensated for any of that time.I drove for free.That's just one move,I'm really unhappy about.Mr money,never would give me ant compensation for that.I shouldn't have moved I guess.Other tikes when the owner told me I need to speak with contractor relation because I wasn't getting the miles,and he was unhappy.I was thinking,if he owns the van he is unhappy he should called contractor relations.He is the owner that must know someone after being there 5 years?
So anyways, I was setting in Peoria,Illinois.The owner calls me and tells me,He was thinking about trading in the Sprinter for a straight truck.Well he askedme to drive it,although he wanted a team in it.Well, I ain't teaming with Joe smoe,who stinks doesn't bathe and smokes like a freight train,and I have my dog,I don't smoke.He told me to bring the van back on Monday.I didn't get a load back,so he told me I could deadback to Ohio.At this point the oil change interval was 6000 miles overdue,but he wasn't concerned.In the 7 weeks,I drove,I did 35 loads.Maybe not a good record,but I'm sure some money was put in this owners pocket,But not enough I guess for sevice to be completed.I was enroute to Ohio,he calls me,and wants the Sprinter back Saturday morning.I explained that it would be late Friday night,when I got back,and I had to clean out the van.So we agreed on taking the van back Saturday at 1 pm. We arrived at our meeting point.I turned in my key,and Comdata card,then we talked. I was polite,po'd,and dumbfounded.I could not understand why a man would offer a Sprinter to a driver if he knew in his heart,he didn't like to share his money,with another person.After talking about 45 minutes,he finally told me he was driving the van himself,NOT getting a straight truck.I was totally shocked.In the beginning,the owner told me,with his wife and my girlfriend present,as he shook my hand,"I hope this will be a long term partnership".Well, that sure went to hell in a hand basket ! This puts a bad taste in my mouth to drive for some one else. I'm to the point where maybe I wont drive and find another industry to go into.My advice: WATCH WHO YOU WANT TO DRIVE FOR !!! I'm glad not to drive for someone who is wishy washy,yet at the same time I'm JOBLESS,thanks to a selfcentered,selfish liar.I'm not sure how he considers himself as a Christian ! x(

As I read the Bible,it tells us to pray for those we are againest us,and that we are to forgive. This will take time for these wounds to heal !


Expert Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

As a warning to newbies and other drivers who are out of
work,publish this MORONS name and city that he lives in.
As a warning not to hire on with this Clown.

Whitewolf 53

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
:9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9


Veteran Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

Sorry to hear about your circumstances. Everything in your post shows this guy is less than desirable for an owner. But believe me, not all owners are that shifty. The part that torques my chain is him telling you to dh back to Ohio for one reason, then getting into his van himself. An owner like that has no concern for a driver's wellbeing and efforts.

You seem like a guy that puts forth a good effort. You tend to do things to improve your situation, like dh, even tho you know you won't get paid. There are a lot of owners, I mean GOOD owners, who would love to have someone who cares about the vehicle, and wants to make money. I only wish I had a vehicle you could drive! You will find someone worth driving for... don't give up hope.

And, as for the Christian thing... most of the time I think it's a ploy so drivers will think they're more honest cause of the tag. For me, I'd rather drive for an honest atheist than a dishonest Christian. Tho, you'd think a dishonest Christian isn't a Christian anyways. But I guess you can call a Dodge a Cadillac if you want.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Veteran Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

If you want to place all the blame on that admittedly terrible owner, you might want to consider your own negligence in the situation: not using common sense! Sorry to be so harsh, but when you take a total stranger at their word, you risk getting burned.
When I worked as a nurse, I hated the "if it wasn't documented, it wasn't done" doctrine, because I spent more time documenting than taking care of patients, but it makes sense - if it isn't in writing, it doesn't count!
Now, you can either learn from your mistakes, and look for someone who will put his/her promises in writing, or continue to believe that you can take strangers to be honest people, and let the dishonest ones take advantage of your trust. Good luck, whichever path you choose. And please keep looking in on EO - the wise people here would have kept you from leaping into such a precarious place, if you'd asked them, first.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

For me, I'd rather drive for an honest atheist
>than a dishonest Christian.



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

I would agree. I hate to see these stories about idiot owners. It gives the decent ones a bad name. Same issue with drivers. You first sign to run the other way is no contract when promised, and settlement statement. No truck maintenance would have been another flag. I would highly suggest getting references from current and past drivers prior to signing on with someone. If they don't have any, might be a reason not to drive for them. And....I mean actual references. Not imaginary phone numbers that belong to the local pizza joint.
I also agree with the others. Religion shouldn't play a part in this type of decision.
Good luck on your next venture. Take your time and find the right situation.

22 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

I left the Christian aspect out, because that was just adding insult to injury, (on the owner's part), and prevention of insults is more than even the wisdom here can claim, mostly - but Lawrence has a sig line that covers it: "Going to church makes you a Christian about as much as standing in a garage makes you a car". The term Christian is being used as a disguise, instead of a statement of principles, in too many cases. Like the bad owners & drivers, it makes the rest look bad, too.


Expert Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

You know, it's a crying shame that these owners do this to drivers and actually get away with it.

I know of a couple of owners that royally sc****d ...a good friend of mine and my SISTER!!

Then, to think one of these owners won a position on the driver council board...and speaks out on EO...really p***** me off.

What goes around........:p


Veteran Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

> I left the Christian aspect out, because that was just
>adding insult to injury, (on the owner's part), and
>prevention of insults is more than even the wisdom here can
>claim, mostly - but Lawrence has a sig line that covers it:
>"Going to church makes you a Christian about as much as
>standing in a garage makes you a car". The term Christian is
>being used as a disguise, instead of a statement of
>principles, in too many cases. Like the bad owners &
>drivers, it makes the rest look bad, too.


That is a great post!


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

I was going to put up the owners name,but just look for a white Sprinter,in BIG RED NUMBERS 009,this should give it away to what company he is leased on with.Put it this way,I sent this posting to Kevin Beasly and Lyn Drake,this should tell you more.I doubt they do anything about it,but at least some people know how he treats drivers.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

Thanks, Greg. I'm always leery of anyone who feels the need to proclaim their Christianity, because I think it's like saying "I'm (insert admirable quality here)" - if you really are, you don't need to say so, it will be obvious.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

Well, to tell you the truth,this owner told me that he was a "Christian"( some interpret it in different ways ),when we talked on the phone the first time.This is why I added this about being a Christian.Maybe I should not have added this,but you know Christians are "supposed" to be better people.Some are not,like in this whole posting.
I had an ad on Expeditersonline,and this owner responded to it,wanting a driver.Then he called me back and changed his mind,and said he didn't want a driver,that he could make more money driving himself,and he didn't have to share his money coming in.Then I found out he had an ad to sell his Sprinter.Then he calls me back to hire me as a driver.For reasons of age,being home with his wife,etc,etc.ALL THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BIG RED FLAG TO ME !! Do you see how wishy washy this owner is? He is never happy about anything.
He has a friend that is leased to the same company,and his friend,said this has been the best year yet,to run a van,while this owner complains all the time,whether he runs the van or I did.It ceases to amaze me how he crapped on me,and does not feel remorse,that he put me out of a job,with NO NOTICE,this my point for all to see.AND HE MADE NO MONEY FOR MAINTENANCE for his Sprinter.Would you send a driver in your Sprinter,knowing the dealership told you( documented now on an invoice)that your tierod was loose,you need the transmission serviced,all while you get an oil changed? If that tierod went,what could happen? Imagine the expense that owner would face if the driver rolled the Sprinter,got killed,killed someone else,or the freight got damaged.Betcha he never thought about that !Or due to the transmission NOT BEING SERVICED,you would lose loads,break with a 2000 pound load on the Sprinter,then what ? But I gaurentee the weekly/monthly maintenance records going to to the leased company was fixed up ok,and showed the Sprinter was in perfect shape.
I put another post on here,on the first forum.But I GUESS SOMEONE DIDN'T LIKE IT ! For all to know,his Sprinter has red letters on the rear,and in BIG RED NUMBERS 009.This should give you an idea who he is leased with.
This is all I am going to say.I wanted to let people know how someone can be so mean and not caring,especially for the new drivers getting into the business.This is how I feel! Anyone can add to this,however they feel.I'm done with it !


Expert Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

Real sorry about your deal. Please let me say, Just like 1 bad owner dosen't mean all owners are bad. And I should not have to tell you I'm a christian, That should be something that stands tall. You should be able to see that right away. Good luck to you!!!

Carry The Message, Not The Mess!!!


Expert Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

Why were you so worried about oil changes and transmission services?? Just notify the owner when they are due and let him take care of his business. Yes I know you are the one driving the van but as you stated you didnt want him telling you when and where to drive so why would you do the same with his end of the contract? All Im going to say is get it in writing!;) By the way Im a driver not a owner, although I was on the owner side once also.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

Team Bud, I believe everything you have said here.

Now with that said have you read any of my posts regarding when others highly rec. that newbees drive for someone else for a while?

YOU MADE MY POINT! Sure there are s o m e honest owners, but is the luck like going to Vegas maybee, maybee not.

With the expierence you now have, start over I am sure you know this business much better than before. Good Luck.


Expert Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

Been down that road too. What does panther charge a fleet owner for bring on a driver too orientation? Training during the 3 day orientation? Does this sound like a opportunity to fleece a fleet driver?


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

Well,for the person that thinks I shouldn't be responsible or care about when the oil changes are done,or transmission is serviced.Financially,IF I could,I would get my own cargo van.Some owners rely on their drivers to remind them when the equipment needs serviced,because they have other equipment,or they are running the road,themselves.The driver sometimes know more about the equipment than the owner themselves.
I am U.S. Navy Retired,15 year diesel mechanic.I do not like to see equipment to be abused.I know that there are times when owners may not be able to to get their equipment serviced.
I drove a cargo van,for an owner from Dec 2002 to April 2005,this Sprinter owner from Sept 2006 to Nov 2006,and I am driving for another owner starting this week.I wash and wax by hand,every van I drive.I treat the van,as if it was mine.I even clean under the hood.I TAKE PRIDE IN WHAT I DRIVE! I don't ask for reimbursements for truck washes.I believe the way the van looks,reflects on me,and the company,the van is leased with.That's my story,and I'm sticking to it !

The Only Easy Day,Was Yesterday - U.S. Navy Seals


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

I called this Sprinter owner Friday for my direct deposit.The bank said it wasn't there yet.I called this owner,and oh my gosh,he sounded worse than a Marine that hasn't gotten any in six months.His first words was "God da*****,I just home after driving all night,I'm trying to take a shower,get some sleep,I'll have your deposit in by 2:00 PM.You know I have to drive the Sprinter my self,now".I thought to myself,"Wow,did I really deserve all that"? And he wouldn't have to drive the Sprinter,himself,except he doesn't like to share his money,with anyone else.Thought was his choice,or business decision,either way you look at it.
See what I mean,some people are never happy !

The Only Easy Day,Was Yesterday - U.s. Navy Seals


Expert Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

As was quoted from another poster

Why were you so worried about oil changes and transmission services?? Just notify the owner when they are due and let him take care of his business. Yes I know you are the one driving the van but as you stated you didnt want him telling you when and where to drive so why would you do the same with his end of the contract? All Im going to say is get it in writing! By the way Im a driver not a owner, although I was on the owner side once also.

My comment would have to be:

I can see why you are no longer an owner, and now just "a driver"


Veteran Expediter
RE: Watch when they claim they are Christian owner

I'm also a driver, but I like the truck I drive to be in running order. With that, I need to get the truck in if something starts going, like a transmission and AN INJECTOR (ARE YOU LISTENING, BILL???). Things don't fix themselves. And I am the one who will be sitting on the side of the road, then in a hotel, waiting for the truck to be fixed. Preventive maintainence and servicing when a problem first appears is the best way to avoid waiting for a tow truck.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas