Watch out driving in VA


Seasoned Expediter
Virginia is for lovers, or so the state slogan has declared since 1969. Starting today, Virginia also will be the home of the $3,000 traffic ticket. In an effort to raise money for road projects, the state will start hitting residents who commit serious traffic offenses with huge civil penalties.

Man will watch there bad enough no radar dectectors there in private autos,


Expert Expediter
Rookie Error...!!!! :eek:

This information was posted just before you :7

You find some hot news.
Ya think, I'll share this on EO..

BUT, in your haste to post you forgt to read the
prior threads...

Don't worry about it... Keep posting.!!!

PLUS.. the you will not get ripped by the old forum rats
who used to attack every "error" posted here...

The EO Forum Police have been "keepin' it clean and nice"
(the "thin blue line" keeping the peace... GOOD JOB, MODS)



Seasoned Expediter
so don't worry there's a bunch of perfic expiditers/
but main thought about time for fines to go up again


Expert Expediter
I sure don't want them to. It's all fun and games until you get hit by a speed trap in some small town. Speed drop from 55 to 35 in an instant while the 35 sign just "happens" to be blocked by a tractor / trailer, only to find a state trooper behind it. Kablam! Now YOU must pay around 1500 bucks of YOUR money, or even take time off to fight it in court. All it's going to do is clog the legal system with stupid court cases. Finally, some high court will rule it unconstitutional and your state will have to go about finding another way to squeeze money out of its residents so public servants don't have to be responsible with tax money.

Drive Safe!


Driver for 15 years
O/O for 13 years
OOIDA #829119


Veteran Expediter
Also DO NOT PULL OFF ONTO EXIT/ENTRANCE RAMP, side of a Highway, they will ticket you. Following I.N. lead.

This is no longer a truck friendly state.

Place I picked up yesterday, you get your B.O.L. at guard shack two hundred feet from roadway, no where to pull off on customers property. So to orginize your paperwork, one would consider pulling over on side gravel. The local Authorities sit and wait for the opportunity. This was the warning from the guard to all.


Seasoned Expediter
just curious why worry if you drive legal you don,t worry about tickets as far as speed going from 55 to 35 any one with some common sense can usally tell by the area they are in that the speed limit may drop in those cases why not slow down till you see a sign i very much doubt that sll signs will be blocked my motto when in doubt slow down i have never gotton a ticket for slowing down to quick


Expert Expediter

Normally it is true that you know that the area will have a slow down. But (and that is a big but), if you ever happen to go thru Cottondale, Florida on US-231, you may find a surprise or two. Small towns use tickets from outsiders to pay for their police help. Nuff said.

Drive Safe!


Driver for 15 years
O/O for 13 years
OOIDA #829119


Seasoned Expediter
29 between Shreveport and Hope ar. is another one I was coming up on a small town and was slowing down from 55 went around the bend and saw a 35mph sign, continued to slow to 35, got thru town and got pulled over, the cop gave me a ticket for 50 in a 45 mph zone when I said I was doing less than 40 and slowing when i
I saw the 35 mph sign, he said he wasn't writing me on that one but for the one in the 45 mph zone before the 35 mph zone. well I said that I had seen no signs and he stated that there were 2 that I had past. I didn't believe him so turned around and looked for them sure enough if you looked hard enough there they were ther one bent at a 40 degree angle, both as far back as they could legally put them and both mostly covered with vegetation. I wrote a letter to the courts there with pictures and they appoligised for the condition of the signs and said they would repair them as soon as they had time, however the law was the law and I am still guilty and pay up.I don't even want to get into what the local lawyers had to say but I would lay odds that they are all related.


Veteran Expediter
Either Wagoner or Pryor, OK has those trailers on private property that say SPEED TRAP AHEAD! I love it when common sense and decency overrides the greed of local authority. :D

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Seasoned Expediter
The worst speed trap in USA is Waldo, FL, they even have a Billboard outside of town warning people, They have two officers on duty all the time running radar, and better not be 3-5 miles over. 4000 people 26 police cars, 38 officers. There is a flea market there on weekends and it is easy pickings, seen as high as 6 pulled over at one time and its only about 1.5 miles thru the town.60 Minutes did a show on it back in 2000.


Expert Expediter
silverdollar I am with you I live in VA. and they need to do this here and in every other state, if people had to pay 1000 to 3000 dollars for a ticket then maybe they would think before they speed or drive crazy. I also belive that radar detectors should be out lawed in all vehicles. Of course if you drive the speed limit and properly you don't have to worry about these tickets



Veteran Expediter
Chuck... seen it. Didn't they buy a small piece of land (35' or so on the interstate or highway) so they could designate it part of their town? Then they parked a cop car on their land to trap speeders. Mighta been a different town, but it was the same show.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
I believe it's actually Lawtey, FL that has the billboard ..... although Waldo may have one too ..... but I didn't see it when we passed thru on Saturday and Sunday this past week.

Running down on Saturday, sure enough the local gendarme had someone pulled over ..... coming back on Sunday I didn't notice anything (we were looking for someplace to eat at the time :))

Here's a link on Wikipedia:,_Florida