Warranty Help


Expert Expediter
I have a FL70 with Automatic trans that I had rebuilt in Jan 06 at Freightliner in Memphis. New clutch and everything. I was told I had a 12 month warranty. Recently the engine rpms have been high and had the truck checked at another Freightliner dealer in South Carolina. I have been told that the clutch is bad. I contacted Freightliner in Memphis and they sent paperwork to South Carolina to verify work that had been done. Now I have been told that there is no warranty coverage. I know that the time period of 12 months is over but I thought I should be given some of discount since it is so close to the warranty period. Has anybody had similar problems and what suggestions would you offer to try and get this taken care of. Thanks for any suggestions.:)


Veteran Expediter
Clutch with an Automatic?

Plea your case with Memphis, the warranty is pretty specific. Sorry for your unfortunate situation.

Charlotte Kenworth went to bat for me with Cummins (Injectors kept failing) my bill was tiny compared to what it could have been. Out of warranty by 5K miles is all. But I began documenting everything prior to running out of warranty so proving that I had the problem before I ran out was easy to prove, but the warranty time is specific.

The new ULSD is causing me to treat the fuel or the engine tells me IMM. Smoke, Knocking. No rough idle or loss of performance but just annoying.