War protesters and our modern Vietnam


Veteran Expediter
With the congress trying to pass a non-binding resolution to protest the Iraq war and the recent over the weekend protests with the usual bunch of moon bats coming out of from under the rocks, our country is now facing a new Vietnam.

This does not mean that the war in Iraq is actually another Vietnam, it does not approach the mess Kennedy and Johnson created but rather that the country is acting the same exact way we did 39 years ago and the outcome will be the same – we will be defeated.

• We are told that this is should be treated as a police action but it is a true military threat we face and has to be answered with military power, not the cop on the beat.

• We are winning, but are people say that we are not.

• We have a press in the country that for all intent and purpose sides with the enemy and is completely and openly antagonistic towards the administration to the point that they have fabricated stories and falsified documents.

• We don‘t hear the good stuff that has been happening in Iraq, all too often the stories of the success we have achieved is not only overlooked but intentionally ignored.

• The amount of soldiers who died in action with respect to the work we have done is the best we have ever had in any conflict we were involved with. We do indeed have the best troops in the world – no other country could do this job but the press makes it out like it is a blood bath every day throughout Iraq and the troops are dummies.

• The enemy has been clear in their manifesto, documents, speeches and commercials that they welcome the use of the media and protestors to divide the country to weaken our ability to fight by demoralizing the troops and the country. They are much smarter than the people in congress and the protesters because they watch carefully at what we do here and plan accordingly on how to leverage the discourse to their advantage.

I strongly feel that the real purpose of the protests is not to stop the war but rather aid the enemy and demoralize the troops to the point that they want to go home and abandon the job that they were sent there to do just to prove the point that they were rigth about the president and the action he took.

Reading the quotes of a 12 year old brainwashed brat at one protest, I realize that she will grow up not understanding what this is all about let alone have a clue how to support the country that she lives in. She echoes the 60‘s generation and the same words were used during that time to help the VC. It is rather sad that the media and her parents used her in the fashion that they did but again, history is repeating itself. With my generation, we were taught not to trust the government, not to trust the leaders in Washington and that it is alright to protest, hate and undermine anything we could to prevent the government meddling in other countries affairs even if it means that we are weak and unable to defend our interest or freedoms.

The resolution not only sends the signal to the world that we have a divided government that is the reflection of a minority of the people but it also sends a clear signal to the rest of the world that we can‘t be trusted to help or do what we say we are going to do. I think that the reason the world hates us in many ways is not because we invaded Iraq but rather we have been for many years inconsistent and divisiveness in our approach when it comes to our solutions to the world‘s problems. We have not been either consistent or united since before Vietnam and more worried about what the world thinks of us than the people we are trying to help.

Again many of the people, who say that this was an unjust war, say that this war is a war for oil, say that this war has too many causalities and say that protesting and resolutions from our out of touch congress is the proper thing to do don’t have a clue that the message is being heard by the enemy or have a clue what the fight is really all about or who the enemy really is.

It is really sad that the inmates finally got control of the asylum.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The inmates took over the media long ago. They've gradually taken over more and more areas since then until you are right, the inmates now control the asylum. Unlike the Dixie Chumps I am extremely proud to be a Texan and will not apologize for our president. I am however embarassed by the fact that I and others who know better haven't been able to defeat the liberal plague that is infecting and killing this nation.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
I saw a political cartoon this morning wherein a soldier reading a letter from home said to his comrade-in-arms, "Our congress sends their non-binding support"

A rather sad but true commentary!


Veteran Expediter
the sad thing about most of these people who will vote for this non-binding protest are most likely some of the ones who supported the war to begin with. hey even john kerry supported it in the begining.


Veteran Expediter
Wow,Leo,I thought the VOTERS were responsible for the changes in our country.I thought the Constitution you so prodly tout gave us the right to peacfully protest.Man,I have it all wrong.You need to edit your little trailor as you obviosly don't agree with the right of Americans to bring an end to our collective insanity called murder in the name if lies and deception with peaceful protest.
Oh well,it's that libral press brain washing us all again.
Why not become part of the solution Leo,you have much to say.I believe you really do believe in the Consttituion,as long it's not the part that gives us the right to think and act differently then you.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I believe in all parts of the Constitution. I don't believe in the media and it's nearly exclusive liberal bias. There have been at least as many, and probably far more, successes in Iraq as the failures the media so quickly reports and repeats. Additionally, the chumpions of the liberals like Hilary, are not honest enough to say "I voted for this and was all for it in the beginning, just like the president, based on the information available to us at that time. I've changed my mind now...." The media refuses to point out that those most loudly protesting now were supporters initially. No, I am not against any portion of the Constitution. I am only against those who use it in such a slanted fashion.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Before all you war supporters (not to be confused with supporting the lives of the troops) go hawg wild again, just sit back and take a reality check. Only about a small minority in America support the war, and now we are going after Iran next. The people (as Bush himself declared two months ago) have spoken in November and gave the neo-cons a "thumpin". However, Bush didn't comprehend the message.
But no matter how many GOP'ers and Dems, despite their opposition to a "surge", will not cut off funding, so the carnage will continue in this mid-east war for OIL. That is the reality_ funny how you know about the protest, I didn't see any front page coverage or on the news about a rally in D.C. (for Dem candidates...). But I did hear that a number of former Iraq soldiers were there. Does that make them moon dogs?


Veteran Expediter
I have said time and again that I do not make exceptions for anyone who voted for this war.I'm not a Hilary fan or a Kerry fan or a fan of anyone who voted for this war to protect their backside,which most democrats did.I would charectorize myself as a "I told you so liberal".I told anyone that would listen to me that this was an unjust war,based on flimsy eveidence.The special force's could have taken Suddam out at anytime.
None of this has anything to do with a liberal press.That is an excuse,as todays 24 hour news comes from every side and every angle.
I repeat,people from every party and persuation voted their minds based on their convictions,not from being brain washed.I think it is disrepectful to our citizens and to our country to blame the media.
Freedom of the press is also part of the Constitution.Ever hear of Rupert Murdock?He owns and operates a media empire that is so slanted to the right as to be a joke.And he has the cajones to call it fair and balanced!!I think you far underestimate the intellegence of our fellow citizens.Ranting about the "media"being responsible for the liberal menace sweeping our nation is not a position that can be defended,in my opinion.
Like I said before,the eveidence was all their before W puilled the trigger.Who brought this things down?The right wing crooks who talked about family values and the "Lord" out of the right side of their mouths,then stole tax dollars and made deals with Happy Jack and his troops.They killed this adminsitration.More liers and crooks,same old Republicans we've known in the past.Paster Ted turned out to be Gay,and all the kings horses and all the kings men could not put it back together again.Now Scooter looks like he's going to bring the whole damned thing down once and for all.
And Osama chuckles.


Veteran Expediter

The problem is that many make this out as a republican v. democrat thing but it is not about politics, it is about hate for this country.

Truthfully everyone needs to get off their a** and start learning who we are really fighting and how Iraq fits into the picture. The freedoms that you hold so d*mn precious will be gone in an instant unless something is done. Most people don't know what this is all about and many get brainwashed into thinking that the minority (who actually want us to leave) are right.

It makes me sick to hear that the protesters have a right to protest, well where is my rights to continue to live free and without worry of dying from a terrorist? My rights are circumvented by the protestors falling into line with the terrorist. The frustration that I am showing is frustration of knowing who and what we are facing and frustration of how ignorant my fellow citizens truly are to the facts.

I am not happy with the president, his approach post declaration was not what I deem proper, too soft to be exact but I am also not happy with the press (if you couldn't tell) because of their lies and hatred and their need to be reported first and americans last. I am not happy with the congress with their backpedaling and lies about how they didn't know. The congress knew exactly what was going on and what was going to be done about it.

I keep hearing how the protesters are standing behind the troops, what a lie. I choose to stand behind the troops, the mission and the leadership to get the job done and get them home – this is the only way we get them home. By saying you only stand behind the troops but not the mission or the leadership does nothing.

The protesters are not Americans as far as I am concern; they want to see us lose - period. It doesn’t matter if they have the right to say or do something, which does not make it right. The people who were protesting are nothing more than an extension of the enemy, this is what the VC wanted n the late 60's and early 70's, this is what the terrorist want today and this is what they all got. Their goal was a divided country, because when you have a divide country, decisions are made not to win but to appease and more die that way - our modern Vietnam.