Kudos to Vladimir Putin for realizing that a petulant little narcissist can be a dangerous thing, and providing a way to avoid WWIII.
I wonder if it is possible to use something other than "Stink Baits" when baiting others?
Beat it kid.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with what Amonger posted. Didn't take you very long to take it off-topic and make it about the poster rather than about the post. One would have thought you had learned that lesson.Putin hates Obama and the gays, so he is A-Okay in monger's book.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with what Amonger posted. Didn't take you very long to take it off-topic and make it about the poster rather than about the post. One would have thought you had learned that lesson.
There is nothing whatsoever in the OP about Putin hating Obama.OK..................Putin Hating Obawa..........ON TOPIC.
One hundred percent off-topic.Putin Hating Gays..........A Little OFF TOPIC.
Wrong again. You're one hundred percent wrong.Little Difference...........So I am 1/2 right and 1/2 Wrong with my Comment above.
Just because something is defined as slang doesn't make it acceptable. Every vulgar word is slang for something. Slang is defined as speech and writing characterized by the use of vulgar and socially taboo vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Your use of your new favorite word du jour has already gotten you into trouble once.Still..............Vladimar Putin is what America NEEDS as a Leader Right Now.
NOT this "*****" - 5. Slang A man regarded as weak, timid, or unmanly." we have in Office Today.
I wonder if it is possible to use something other than "Stink Baits" when baiting others?
This entire "ploy" is a way to kick this can down the road until after the elections next year.
If you want to bait hooks, do the same.^ Off topic ^
You want to talk bait, take it to the Woods and Waters forum.
YOU CAN'T MAKE ME NA NA NEE BOO BOO!Go support a dictator or some other thing you like to do.
^ Off topic ^
You want to talk bait, take it to the Woods and Waters forum.
Yes, the ploy is to kick it down the road but elections have little to do with it. The ploy comes from Putin and Assad. It delays any attack indefinitely and allows the killings to continue with conventional warfare while Assad dances around how many chemical weapons there are and where they may be located.
Putin is playing America like a fine Russian violin and we are listening with abandon.![]()