I sell these units and it doesn't matter if you are a plumber or and electrician or an expeditor....the warranty on a new unit is the same for everybody....
As someone else mentioned...upfitted means that you are adding to the truck...for your business...GM appreciates that so much that they give you $900 if you spend the same amount on the upfit...in other words it's free !!!!!!!!!!!
Be sure your dealer knows that.It's called GM Business Choice...
There are great rebates on these trucks righ now so it's a good time to buy....
You also need to know that you can buy an extended warranty for the powertrain and other items...for up to 1 year from date of purchase
However it's generally discounted by the dealer better at tim of purchase...(which is why they seel them that way).....
Lastly ( since I sell em ) you can get a quote from me....
Just E-mail me your specs......
Frank in Pa.
"The Beast in the East"