Van Tranny?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
One of the guys that works with me, drivers a van. It will down shift to third but will not up shift back to fourth. He has to pull off the road, and restart the van for it to go back into fourth. Tranny shop told him he needs to have tranny rebuilt. $2 grand is the estimate they gave him. Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do?


Expert Expediter
i have a 99 e350 ford that would start out in 3rd gear it would jump to overdrive after i hit 45mph and be fine till i started breaking below 40mph or so,it would do other stuff and the overdrive light on the shifter would blink.i took a chance and replaced the shift cellinoid,its about 150$ for the part if it did not work it was time to rebuild trans.120000 miles and so far so good,i have almost 300000 on the trans and havent had any trouble.