Picked up a load last that reminded me of an old safety concern. It was 8 feet long and plenty heavy. It was a 2200 pound steel roller chain for food service. While driving I worried what would happen if I collided with something or someone. The force could send the chain forward through the 2X8 attached to the front of the floor etrack and through the 2X4 and plywood bunk then through the seat and then through my old bones. I thought about a steel bar across the front of the cargo area at mid height of the van but have not come up with a good method to secure it on the right side because of the side doors. Also considered a couple of vertical straps from ceiling to floor . When I got the van from Iron Mountain it had a metal cage dividing the cargo and driver sections but this was too cumbersome.
Anybody have a good method to prevent cargo from moving forward during a collision?
Anybody have a good method to prevent cargo from moving forward during a collision?