Ford and General Motors plants all have higher standards and do not allow equipment older than 10 years old onto their plants. Any carriers who send in older equipment or trailers will be removed from the Ford and GM program and not allowed to bid on their freight. So, as long as it is not over 10 years old, you should be fine.
I know were talking about vans here, but I found it really funny when I used to run a 10-wheeler and I'd pull into the GM stamping plant on Chevrolet Blvd in Parma, Ohio, at the guard shack,They'd ask to see the registration, open the door, and check the door sticker as well for the model year of the vehicle.I asked them why theyre doing this, and they said, "Because too many towmotors are falling through the floors of these small trucks"......I sat there and laughed, and, of course, being the rent a cops they are, asking me why I was laughing, I told them, if they knew that the cargo box was removable and many people would transfer the box onto their newer vehicle...They were dumbfounded, of course...They should of been checking the box year instead, found on most, on the lower front left corner of the box...And, then, of course, there was a towmotor driver in Louisville that insisted I slide my tandems to the rear before she would go into my truck...which happened to be a 10- wheeler straight