Using the F word... fair warning

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I've been criticized for using the F word. People say it's wrong of me to use it in the EO forums. People complain when I use the F word when and where it's warranted and appropriate. I try to watch myself and use it sparingly and only when mandatory. Recent events have proven the F word is necessary and I will no longer refrain from using it when it's appropriate.


Not a Member
Sorry I am still laughing--If I read this thread right it basically says "Quit (sniff sniff) arguing your opinions or I will curse at you, then I'm telling mom WAHHHHH!"

Is that the jist?:p;):):D
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Veteran Expediter
Sorry I am still laughing--If I read this thread right it basically says "Quit (sniff sniff) arguing your opinions or I will curse at you, then I'm telling mom WAHHHHH!

Is that the jist?:p;):):D

Hilarious! Everyone knows the Republicans are the Daddy party. The Democrats are the Mommy party. This explains alot of the dysfunction going on in the White House currently.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Fools are just that. Critics either don't like accurate labeling of some folks/groups or perhaps they see themselves so closely aligned they don't like my using the term. Whatever the case, I am through biting my nails and will let them click out fools whenever/wherever appropriate. Should wholesale cleansing in D.C. miraculously occur the need would lessen. Should amnesty be revoked and 30 million or so illegal criminals no longer be "citizens" the need would lessen. As it is, we've got nothing but fools.

We've outdone ourselves really. We've upgraded from the prince of fools to the now reigning king of fools. Yes, Bush was a fool re: borders, amnesty, sovereignty issues. In other areas he was far superior to what we have now but certainly not perfect. At this point we can only hope the fools who've given us this latest disaster learn something before they're again allowed to vote.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Doug is the one I can't figure out, either he really belives this swill he spouts or his is the worlds best "master" baiter of those of us who love freedom, or a bit of both. Just pickin on ya Dougie, without those like you in here I could never feel as smart as I do. HEHEHE Layoutshooter


Not a Member
Doug is the one I can't figure out, either he really belives this swill he spouts or his is the worlds best "master" baiter of those of us who love freedom, or a bit of both. Just pickin on ya Dougie, without those like you in here I could never feel as smart as I do. HEHEHE Layoutshooter
It is a heavy workload, making you feel smart, glad to help!

I believe in freedom and I also believe in looking out for the working man. The Republican party does not look out for the working man period(if you say period, do you still need to type one?,ahh wtf here comes one).

The Republican Party looks out for one group and panders to another.

They look out for the Wealthy, and pander to the Christians (for votes).

If you're not Rich the Republican Party is not looking out for you.

I am not a big fan of everything the Dems do either, but we have a 2 party system and the Dems look out for me more than the Republicans do.

I am not Rich, nor do I believe that there is an invisible man in the sky, who loves me and will burn me in agony for eternity if I don't believe in him (but he loves me).

Since I am not Wealthy and not Religious

I am not a Republican
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Let's see, how is The Dumb-O-Crats looking out for this very hard working man.

a proposed $50 per tire excise tax
a proposed 24.9 cent per gallon increase on diesel
a proposed $12,000 "sin" tax on new heavy trucks
a proposed doubling of the heavy vehical tax
back pedeling on the Mexican trucks
Cap and trade taxes
Massive tax increases to insure "free medicine"

Curtailment of Free Speech under the "fairness doctrine" House bill 45, and on and on. Not to mention that we are in serious trouble as this PUTZ continues to gut our military.

And whatever you do, don't be a baby around this guy, you would be toast. Oh, and don't be Catholic either.
Yea, they look out for me ok. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
You are forgetting on of the best things; The EPA has deemed co2 harmful to human life. The effects of this will be massive, I can imagine people who use solvents, like cleaning solutions will get hit hard, not to mention the manufacturers and of course transportation. Kenworth, made by GE.

Oh but you can only imagine with the rhetoric of how they are going to limit co2, through regulations or legislation, how people are being fooled into thinking that the US is so bad while China and India both surpassed us in pollution output.

Either way kiss the trucking industry good bye because there will only two types of trucker, a company trucker and an unemployed trucker.

Did you know that some lefties are claiming that the trucking industry is as bad as child pron? It makes you wonder why is wrong with people in this industry.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah, we are really bad. You can be sure that these Dumb-O-Crats are looking our for use working guys. Not a Teamster? Too bad, no work. Belong to OOIDA? Most likely a "right wing" radical. AND NEVER NEVER NEVER own a gun!!



Veteran Expediter
It is a heavy workload, making you feel smart, glad to help!

I believe in freedom and I also believe in looking out for the working man. The Republican party does not look out for the working man period(if you say period, do you still need to type one?,ahh wtf here comes one).

The Republican Party looks out for one group and panders to another.

They look out for the Wealthy, and pander to the Christians (for votes).

If you're not Rich the Republican Party is not looking out for you.

I am not a big fan of everything the Dems do either, but we have a 2 party system and the Dems look out for me more than the Republicans do.

I am not Rich, nor do I believe that there is an invisible man in the sky, who loves me and will burn me in agony for eternity if I don't believe in him (but he loves me).

Since I am not Wealthy and not Religious

I am not a Republican

It is fine to be nonreligious. But to make a public mockery of God and people of faith is just plain foolhardy. There are some really deep seated issues at work here. I hope you find peace.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
"The EPA has deemed co2 harmful to human life."

Well, it is. If you don't exhale CO2 you'll die.

Aristotle: The "mockery" is a line from George Carlin. If you read it carefully, you'll see why it's hilarious.

Since I am not Wealthy and not Religious

I am not a Republican
By that logic I should be a liberal Democrat, but I'm not.

Most of your arguments up there is cliché and myth. The Republican Party doesn't look out for the wealthy, but at the same time they don't pander to the poor. They don't want to redistribute wealth, which in your eyes is the same thing as looking out for the wealthy. Why should you be forced to give up a third of your revenue and give it to someone who earns less than you do, simply because you're got more than them? That's what you're advocating.

Republicans feel you should pay your fair share, but not your fair share and someone else's, too. If you earned it, you should be able to keep it. Democrats feel that those who are rich should redistribute that wealth to the poor and the working man. They equate rich with evil. It's jealousy more than anything. They want what someone else has, but they don't want to have to actually earn it. The Democrats have the same attitude as children where they see someone with more than they have and see it as that's not fair. Boo hoo, poor, poor, pitiful me.

They scream not fair!, but when you bring up the notion of a Fair Tax or a Flat Tax, they don't want anything to do with it, because those tax schemes don't punish the evil rich enough. It leaves the rich with too much, it doesn't make them poor.

I just want to be able to work hard, make a living, and not have to give all my money to the government supporting entitlement programs for those who won't work hard to make a living. Democrats don't want me to be able to do that, Republicans do.

Here's one to ponder. When you give your money to the rich, in return you get things like clothes and cars and trucks and computers and housing and food. When you give your money to the poor, in return you get things like, well, nothing.


Not a Member
It is fine to be nonreligious. But to make a public mockery of God and people of faith is just plain foolhardy. There are some really deep seated issues at work here. I hope you find peace.

I have found peace, I am not the angry one. As far as mocking people of faith and God.

I do not believe in the invisable man in the sky, how is that mocking you?

Most of the world's problems/wars have derived from people believing in their gods but not others. Israel/Palestine is a prime example.

I firmly believe that the world would be a much better/safer place without any religion at all!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are so right Doug. Soviet Russia believed that as well. They went on to exterminate over 20 MILLION people in the name of no religion. Red China, who knows how many they have extermintated in the name of no religion. They are still killing. Not to mention, Nazi Germany, North Korea, North VietNam, Cambodia and on and on and on. Over 100 MILLION last centruy NOT in the name of religion. I think your idea that religion has killed more than non-religion is just a bit not right. Geez, study a bit. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
You are so right Doug. Soviet Russia believed that as well. They went on to exterminate over 20 MILLION people in the name of no religion. Red China, who knows how many they have extermintated in the name of no religion. They are still killing. Not to mention, Nazi Germany, North Korea, North VietNam, Cambodia and on and on and on. Over 100 MILLION last centruy NOT in the name of religion. I think your idea that religion has killed more than non-religion is just a bit not right. Geez, study a bit. Layoutshooter

You just substantiated Doug's argument. Whether it's religion itself, or the attempt to eradicate it has caused the deaths you speak of and the deaths he speaks of...It is all about religion....


Veteran Expediter
The Republican Party looks out for one group and panders to another.

They look out for the Wealthy, and pander to the Christians (for votes).

And the Democratic Party looks out for themselves and panders to the blind. (for votes)

If you're not Rich the Republican Party is not looking out for you.

I don't consider myself rich. But I have benefited from Republican tax breaks. Especially George Bush's so called "SUV tax break" which allowed me to purchase a new van in 2004. I wonder who attached that label to it and created the spin that it was only to help the wealthy write off their Hummers and Escalades?

I am not a big fan of everything the Dems do either, but we have a 2 party system and the Dems look out for me more than the Republicans do.

I thought you were a small business owner/operator engaged in expediting.

Since I am not Wealthy and not Religious

I am not a Republican

Do you have any aspirations to financially better yourself in the futrue?


Not a Member
911 doesn't happen without religion:

So much bad happens because Muslims hate Jews and Jews Hate Muslims The USA helps Israel, Palestine doesn't want them there the land is Holy (LOL).

Imagine no religion-John Lennon

Imagine no 911


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Those exterminations were NOT all in an attempt to eleminate religion. They were an attempt to eleminate anyone that did not agree with any or all of thier government. They JUST killed and it was NOT in the name of ANY religion. Study the history of Soviet Russia, or the extreme left movements world wide and you will see that mass murder in the name of NO religion was a primary means of controlling the people. That is, if you can find a "non-revised" version these days. One of the very FIRST things the left does, to insure that the people could not fight back, was to either heavily control or out law all private firearms ownership. THEN they would outlaw religion, private land ownership etc etc etc. Sounds like what is going on here to me. Layoutshooter
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