"The EPA has deemed co2 harmful to human life."
Well, it is. If you don't exhale CO2 you'll die.
Aristotle: The "mockery" is a line from George Carlin. If you read it carefully, you'll see why it's hilarious.
Since I am not Wealthy and not Religious
I am not a Republican
By that logic I should be a liberal Democrat, but I'm not.
Most of your arguments up there is cliché and myth. The Republican Party doesn't look out for the wealthy, but at the same time they don't pander to the poor. They don't want to redistribute wealth, which in your eyes is the same thing as looking out for the wealthy. Why should you be forced to give up a third of your revenue and give it to someone who earns less than you do, simply because you're got more than them? That's what you're advocating.
Republicans feel you should pay your fair share, but not your fair share and someone else's, too. If you earned it, you should be able to keep it. Democrats feel that those who are rich should redistribute that wealth to the poor and the working man. They equate rich with evil. It's jealousy more than anything. They want what someone else has, but they don't want to have to actually
earn it. The Democrats have the same attitude as children where they see someone with more than they have and see it as
that's not fair. Boo hoo, poor, poor, pitiful me.
They scream not fair!, but when you bring up the notion of a Fair Tax or a Flat Tax, they don't want anything to do with it, because those tax schemes don't
punish the evil rich enough. It leaves the rich with too much, it doesn't make them poor.
I just want to be able to work hard, make a living, and not have to give all my money to the government supporting entitlement programs for those who won't work hard to make a living. Democrats don't want me to be able to do that, Republicans do.
Here's one to ponder. When you give your money to the rich, in return you get things like clothes and cars and trucks and computers and housing and food. When you give your money to the poor, in return you get things like, well, nothing.