I had a no start issue show up on my C9. Codes pointed to a inlet temp sensor fault circuit which was the first sensor I changed, no help. She would start with a spit of ether every time and run like a champ.
Changed the engine speed sensors, fuel and H20 fil.s, fuel press. reg., fuel press. sensor, inj. actuator press. sensor. I even changed the fuel transer pump and this is where the fun of HEUI's begins.
(On topic part) I learned the hard way what the long bolt was for that came w/ the transfer pump kit (to hold the HEUI together while you pull the transfer pump, duh). Well, after removing the transfer pump, the HEUI fell into about 24 pieces. With the use of two pony tail ties and good spot light to see if all is in place, I was able to compress it all back together and cut the pony tails out while the 'sliders' stayed in place. After bolting it all back up with the new transfer pump, a good prime, filled the HEUI with clean oil, she once again would only fire up with a shot of ether.
A Cat dealer told me look for corrosion on ECM connections as they just had an M2 with a C9 with the same issue. Harnesses and pins on ECM, shiny clean. Checked every connection possible. Some slight green corrosion found on main harness firewall pass thru. Not it. A spit of ether and off we went.....to the house.
I got home and pulled the rocker cover and found injector 3 blowing oil out to beat the band while idling. Found the $6.00 top O-ring blown, replaced, now fires right up. Never suspected an injector problem due to how good it ran. The oil pressure would not build enough in the oil galley for the sensor to tell the ECM to fire the injectors. Live and learn. Maybe I can save someone else the headache. Case solved, that is, after about $600 in parts. The labor was on all in good fun, yeah right.